A library for .NET Core 2 WebApi methods caching
Current capabilities:
- Cache methods' output based on method's input parameters and user defined scope (e.g. per user, per tenant etc...)
- Supports Redis as caching backend, altough any backend can be used by implementing the
using Como.WebApi.Caching.Attributes;
public class MySomethingController : Controller
[Cached(MyCacheConstants.CacheGroupSomething, ScopeName = MyCacheConstants.CacheScopePerUser)]
// this method will be cached until another method invalidates the MyCacheConstants.CacheGroupSomething group
public IActionResult GetSomething(string id) { ... }
[InvalidatesCache(MyCacheConstants.CacheGroupSomething, MyCacheConstants.CacheGroupAnotherThing)]
// this method will invalidate all other methods in the MyCacheConstants.CacheGroupSomething and MyCacheConstants.CacheGroupAnotherThing groups
public IActionResult SaveSomething([FromBody] Something what) { ... }
ScopeName = MyCacheConstants.CacheScopePerUser,
ExpireAfter = "00:00:30",
SlidingExpiration = true)]
// this method will be cached until another method invalidates the MyCacheConstants.CacheGroupSomething group or until the method haven't been called for 30 seconds straight
public IActionResult GetSomethings() { ... }
ScopeName = MyCacheConstants.CacheScopePerUser,
ExpireAfter = "00:00:30",
SlidingExpiration = false)]
// this method will be cached until another method invalidates the MyCacheConstants.CacheGroupSomething group or after 30 seconds since cached
public IActionResult GetSomethings() { ... }
ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) {
services.AddMvc(options => {
// ^ note to call this method only after the authorization and authentication filters (if any) were registered,
// otherwise, non-authenticated/non-authorized users might get sensitive data from cache since they skipped the required authorization and/or authentication processes.
public class MyCacheParametersResolver : ICacheParametersResolver
private readonly ISomeDependencyInectedInterface _somethingNeeded;
public MyCacheParametersResolver(ISomeDependencyInectedInterface somethingNeeded)
_somethingNeeded = somethingNeeded;
public string ResolveScopeValue(string scopeName, ActionExecutingContext context)
switch (scopeName)
case (MyCacheConstants.CacheScopePerUser):
return _somethingNeeded.ResolveUserId(context) ?? string.Empty;
return string.Empty;
// default expiration of an item if attribute does not specify another value:
public TimeSpan? DefaultExpiration => TimeSpan.FromDays(1);
// return the controllers in your WebApi assembly
public ICollection<Type> GetWebApiControllers()
var controllerBaseType = typeof(Controller);
return typeof(MyCacheParametersResolver).Assembly.GetTypes()
.Where(t => controllerBaseType.IsAssignableFrom(t)).ToList();