A library that you can use for generic, clickable and bold string localization with Markdown parsing.
- Kotlin
You can add the library to your project using jitpack.io.
Add the code below to your project's settings.gradle file.
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
Add the code below to your app's gradle file.
implementation 'com.github.emirhanemmez:localizationmanager:$latest_version'
val localizationManager = LocalizationManager(context)
Getting string
localizationManager.getString(R.string.my_string) // My String
Getting string with generic id
localizationManager.getStringByGenericId("generic_id_string", R.string::class.java) // My String with generic id
Getting bold string as Spannable
localizationManager.getSpannable(R.string.bold_string) // My **String**
Getting generic string (key-value)
resId = R.string.generic_string_with_multiple_parameter,
"number" to "0123456789",
"name" to "Emirhan"
) // {number] {name}
Getting generic string as Spannable
resId = R.string.generic_string_with_multiple_parameter,
"number" to "0123456789",
"name" to "Emirhan"
) // {number] **{name}**
Getting clickable string as Spannable
resId = R.string.linked_string,
clickableTextColor = android.R.color.holo_red_dark,
textView = this,
"number" to {
Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, "Number text clicked!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)
"name" to {
Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, "Name text clicked!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)
} // Some clickable string: [012345](number) [Emirhan](name)