diff --git a/autotest/test_gwf_libmf6_rch01.py b/autotest/test_gwf_libmf6_rch01.py
index bb8252e8cff..76b54f3cdce 100644
--- a/autotest/test_gwf_libmf6_rch01.py
+++ b/autotest/test_gwf_libmf6_rch01.py
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ def api_func(exe, idx, model_ws=None):
max_iter = mf6.get_value(mxit_tag)
# get copy of recharge array
- rch_tag = mf6.get_var_address("BOUND", name, rch_pname)
+ rch_tag = mf6.get_var_address("RECHARGE", name, rch_pname)
new_recharge = mf6.get_value(rch_tag)
# model time loop
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ def api_func(exe, idx, model_ws=None):
# update recharge
- new_recharge[:, 0] = rch_spd[idx] * area
+ new_recharge[:] = rch_spd[idx]
mf6.set_value(rch_tag, new_recharge)
while kiter < max_iter:
diff --git a/autotest/test_gwf_libmf6_rch02.py b/autotest/test_gwf_libmf6_rch02.py
index 1e7a5797a3e..6c644d5f8f3 100644
--- a/autotest/test_gwf_libmf6_rch02.py
+++ b/autotest/test_gwf_libmf6_rch02.py
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ def run_perturbation(mf6, max_iter, recharge, tag, rch):
kiter = 0
while kiter < max_iter:
# update recharge
- recharge[:, 0] = rch * area
+ recharge[:] = rch
mf6.set_value(tag, recharge)
# solve with updated well rate
has_converged = mf6.solve()
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ def api_func(exe, idx, model_ws=None):
max_iter = mf6.get_value(mxit_tag)
# get copy of recharge array
- rch_tag = mf6.get_var_address("BOUND", name, rch_pname)
+ rch_tag = mf6.get_var_address("RECHARGE", name, rch_pname)
new_recharge = mf6.get_value(rch_tag).copy()
# determine initial recharge value
diff --git a/doc/mf6io/mf6ivar/dfn/gwf-rch.dfn b/doc/mf6io/mf6ivar/dfn/gwf-rch.dfn
index 0a36ae078be..dbb47422bc0 100644
--- a/doc/mf6io/mf6ivar/dfn/gwf-rch.dfn
+++ b/doc/mf6io/mf6ivar/dfn/gwf-rch.dfn
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# --------------------- gwf rch options ---------------------
# flopy multi-package
+# modflow6 aux-sfac-param recharge
block options
name fixed_cell
@@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ reader urword
optional true
longname print input to listing file
description REPLACE print_input {'{#1}': 'recharge'}
+mf6internal iprpak
block options
name print_flows
@@ -52,6 +54,7 @@ reader urword
optional true
longname print recharge rates to listing file
description REPLACE print_flows {'{#1}': 'recharge'}
+mf6internal iprflow
block options
name save_flows
@@ -60,6 +63,7 @@ reader urword
optional true
longname save recharge to budget file
description REPLACE save_flows {'{#1}': 'recharge'}
+mf6internal ipakcb
block options
name ts_filerecord
@@ -169,6 +173,7 @@ shape (maxbound)
reader urword
+mf6internal spd
block period
name cellid
@@ -202,6 +207,7 @@ optional true
time_series true
longname auxiliary variables
description REPLACE aux {'{#1}': 'recharge'}
+mf6internal auxvar
block period
name boundname
diff --git a/doc/mf6io/mf6ivar/dfn/gwf-rcha.dfn b/doc/mf6io/mf6ivar/dfn/gwf-rcha.dfn
index bc5874ef599..e8598e47da1 100644
--- a/doc/mf6io/mf6ivar/dfn/gwf-rcha.dfn
+++ b/doc/mf6io/mf6ivar/dfn/gwf-rcha.dfn
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# --------------------- gwf rcha options ---------------------
# flopy multi-package
+# modflow6 aux-sfac-param recharge
block options
name readasarrays
@@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ reader urword
optional true
longname print input to listing file
description REPLACE print_input {'{#1}': 'recharge'}
+mf6internal iprpak
block options
name print_flows
@@ -53,6 +55,7 @@ reader urword
optional true
longname print recharge rates to listing file
description REPLACE print_flows {'{#1}': 'recharge'}
+mf6internal iprflow
block options
name save_flows
@@ -61,6 +64,7 @@ reader urword
optional true
longname save CHD flows to budget file
description REPLACE save_flows {'{#1}': 'recharge'}
+mf6internal ipakcb
block options
name tas_filerecord
@@ -168,6 +172,7 @@ name recharge
type double precision
shape (ncol*nrow; ncpl)
reader readarray
+time_series true
longname recharge rate
description is the recharge flux rate ($LT^{-1}$). This rate is multiplied inside the program by the surface area of the cell to calculate the volumetric recharge rate. The recharge array may be defined by a time-array series (see the "Using Time-Array Series in a Package" section).
default_value 1.e-3
@@ -177,6 +182,8 @@ name aux
type double precision
shape (ncol*nrow; ncpl)
reader readarray
+time_series true
optional true
longname auxiliary variable iaux
description is an array of values for auxiliary variable aux(iaux), where iaux is a value from 1 to naux, and aux(iaux) must be listed as part of the auxiliary variables. A separate array can be specified for each auxiliary variable. If an array is not specified for an auxiliary variable, then a value of zero is assigned. If the value specified here for the auxiliary variable is the same as auxmultname, then the recharge array will be multiplied by this array.
+mf6internal auxvar
diff --git a/make/makefile b/make/makefile
index 97658431f17..17e860d7f56 100644
--- a/make/makefile
+++ b/make/makefile
@@ -104,6 +104,8 @@ $(OBJDIR)/gwt1disu1idm.o \
$(OBJDIR)/gwt1dis1idm.o \
$(OBJDIR)/gwf3wel8idm.o \
$(OBJDIR)/gwf3riv8idm.o \
+$(OBJDIR)/gwf3rch8idm.o \
+$(OBJDIR)/gwf3rcha8idm.o \
$(OBJDIR)/gwf3npf8idm.o \
$(OBJDIR)/gwf3idm.o \
$(OBJDIR)/gwf3ghb8idm.o \
diff --git a/msvs/mf6core.vfproj b/msvs/mf6core.vfproj
index 09cc9fa9b92..c7d0fdaa754 100644
--- a/msvs/mf6core.vfproj
+++ b/msvs/mf6core.vfproj
@@ -146,6 +146,8 @@
diff --git a/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3.f90 b/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3.f90
index 90df71a9f31..8000150e376 100644
--- a/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3.f90
+++ b/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3.f90
@@ -1305,7 +1305,8 @@ subroutine package_create(this, filtyp, ipakid, ipaknum, pakname, mempath, &
call ghb_create(packobj, ipakid, ipaknum, inunit, iout, this%name, &
pakname, mempath)
case ('RCH6')
- call rch_create(packobj, ipakid, ipaknum, inunit, iout, this%name, pakname)
+ call rch_create(packobj, ipakid, ipaknum, inunit, iout, this%name, &
+ pakname, mempath)
case ('EVT6')
call evt_create(packobj, ipakid, ipaknum, inunit, iout, this%name, pakname)
case ('MAW6')
diff --git a/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3dis8.f90 b/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3dis8.f90
index 1380a9503b5..c734751439f 100644
--- a/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3dis8.f90
+++ b/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3dis8.f90
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ module GwfDisModule
procedure, public :: read_layer_array
procedure, public :: record_srcdst_list_header
procedure, public :: nlarray_to_nodelist
+ procedure, public :: nlarray_to_nodelist2
! -- helper functions
procedure :: get_nodenumber_idx1
procedure :: get_nodenumber_idx3
@@ -1747,4 +1748,91 @@ subroutine nlarray_to_nodelist(this, nodelist, maxbnd, nbound, aname, &
! -- return
end subroutine nlarray_to_nodelist
+ subroutine nlarray_to_nodelist2(this, darray, nodelist, maxbnd, nbound, aname)
+! ******************************************************************************
+! nlarray_to_nodelist -- Read an integer array into nodelist. For structured
+! model, integer array is layer number; for unstructured
+! model, integer array is node number.
+! ******************************************************************************
+! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! -- modules
+ use InputOutputModule, only: get_node
+ use ConstantsModule, only: LINELENGTH
+ ! -- dummy
+ class(GwfDisType) :: this
+ integer(I4B), intent(in) :: maxbnd
+ integer(I4B), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: darray
+ integer(I4B), dimension(maxbnd), intent(inout) :: nodelist
+ integer(I4B), intent(inout) :: nbound
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: aname
+ ! -- local
+ integer(I4B) :: il, ir, ic, ncol, nrow, nlay, nval, nodeu, noder, ipos, ierr
+! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! -- set variables
+ nlay = this%mshape(1)
+ nrow = this%mshape(2)
+ ncol = this%mshape(3)
+ !
+ if (this%ndim > 1) then
+ !
+ nval = ncol * nrow
+ !
+ ! -- Copy array into nodelist
+ ipos = 1
+ ierr = 0
+ do ir = 1, nrow
+ do ic = 1, ncol
+ nodeu = get_node(1, ir, ic, nlay, nrow, ncol)
+ il = darray(nodeu)
+ if (il < 1 .or. il > nlay) then
+ write (errmsg, '(a,1x,i0)') 'Invalid layer number:', il
+ call store_error(errmsg, terminate=.TRUE.)
+ end if
+ nodeu = get_node(il, ir, ic, nlay, nrow, ncol)
+ noder = this%get_nodenumber(nodeu, 0)
+ if (ipos > maxbnd) then
+ ierr = ipos
+ else
+ nodelist(ipos) = noder
+ end if
+ ipos = ipos + 1
+ end do
+ end do
+ !
+ ! -- Check for errors
+ nbound = ipos - 1
+ if (ierr > 0) then
+ write (errmsg, '(a,1x,i0)') &
+ 'MAXBOUND dimension is too small.'// &
+ call store_error(errmsg, terminate=.TRUE.)
+ end if
+ !
+ ! -- If nbound < maxbnd, then initialize nodelist to zero in this range
+ if (nbound < maxbnd) then
+ do ipos = nbound + 1, maxbnd
+ nodelist(ipos) = 0
+ end do
+ end if
+ !
+ else
+ !
+ ! -- For unstructured, read nodelist directly, then check node numbers
+ nodelist = darray
+ do noder = 1, maxbnd
+ if (noder < 1 .or. noder > this%nodes) then
+ write (errmsg, '(a,1x,i0)') 'Invalid node number:', noder
+ call store_error(errmsg, terminate=.TRUE.)
+ end if
+ end do
+ nbound = maxbnd
+ !
+ end if
+ !
+ ! -- return
+ end subroutine nlarray_to_nodelist2
end module GwfDisModule
diff --git a/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3disv8.f90 b/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3disv8.f90
index 06d07c8d78f..a62bb66b3de 100644
--- a/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3disv8.f90
+++ b/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3disv8.f90
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ module GwfDisvModule
procedure, public :: read_layer_array
procedure, public :: record_srcdst_list_header
procedure, public :: nlarray_to_nodelist
+ procedure, public :: nlarray_to_nodelist2
! -- helper functions
procedure :: get_nodenumber_idx1
procedure :: get_nodenumber_idx2
@@ -1981,4 +1982,74 @@ subroutine nlarray_to_nodelist(this, nodelist, maxbnd, nbound, aname, &
! -- return
end subroutine nlarray_to_nodelist
+ subroutine nlarray_to_nodelist2(this, darray, nodelist, maxbnd, nbound, aname)
+! ******************************************************************************
+! nlarray_to_nodelist -- Read an integer array into nodelist. For structured
+! model, integer array is layer number; for unstructured
+! model, integer array is node number.
+! ******************************************************************************
+! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! -- modules
+ use InputOutputModule, only: get_node
+ ! -- dummy
+ class(GwfDisvType) :: this
+ integer(I4B), intent(in) :: maxbnd
+ integer(I4B), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: darray
+ integer(I4B), dimension(maxbnd), intent(inout) :: nodelist
+ integer(I4B), intent(inout) :: nbound
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: aname
+ ! -- local
+ integer(I4B) :: il, ir, ic, ncol, nrow, nlay, nval, nodeu, noder, ipos, ierr
+! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! -- set variables
+ nlay = this%mshape(1)
+ nrow = 1
+ ncol = this%mshape(2)
+ !
+ nval = ncol * nrow
+ !
+ ! -- Copy array into nodelist
+ ipos = 1
+ ierr = 0
+ do ir = 1, nrow
+ do ic = 1, ncol
+ nodeu = get_node(1, ir, ic, nlay, nrow, ncol)
+ il = darray(nodeu)
+ if (il < 1 .or. il > nlay) then
+ write (errmsg, '(a,i0,a)') &
+ 'Invalid layer number (', il, ').'
+ call store_error(errmsg, terminate=.TRUE.)
+ end if
+ nodeu = get_node(il, ir, ic, nlay, nrow, ncol)
+ noder = this%get_nodenumber(nodeu, 0)
+ if (ipos > maxbnd) then
+ ierr = ipos
+ else
+ nodelist(ipos) = noder
+ end if
+ ipos = ipos + 1
+ end do
+ end do
+ !
+ ! -- Check for errors
+ nbound = ipos - 1
+ if (ierr > 0) then
+ write (errmsg, '(a,i0,a)') &
+ 'MAXBOUND dimension is too small. Increase MAXBOUND to ', ierr, '.'
+ call store_error(errmsg, terminate=.TRUE.)
+ end if
+ !
+ ! -- If nbound < maxbnd, then initialize nodelist to zero in this range
+ if (nbound < maxbnd) then
+ do ipos = nbound + 1, maxbnd
+ nodelist(ipos) = 0
+ end do
+ end if
+ !
+ ! -- return
+ end subroutine nlarray_to_nodelist2
end module GwfDisvModule
diff --git a/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3rch8.f90 b/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3rch8.f90
index d0add5b9f79..539ba60b092 100644
--- a/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3rch8.f90
+++ b/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3rch8.f90
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
module RchModule
- use KindModule, only: DP, I4B
+ use KindModule, only: DP, I4B, LGP
use MemoryHelperModule, only: create_mem_path
use BndModule, only: BndType
- use SimModule, only: store_error, store_error_unit
+ use BndExtModule, only: BndExtType
+ use SimModule, only: store_error, store_error_filename
use SimVariablesModule, only: errmsg
use ObsModule, only: DefaultObsIdProcessor
use TimeArraySeriesLinkModule, only: TimeArraySeriesLinkType
- use TimeSeriesLinkModule, only: TimeSeriesLinkType, &
- GetTimeSeriesLinkFromList
use BlockParserModule, only: BlockParserType
+ use CharacterStringModule, only: CharacterStringType
use MatrixBaseModule
implicit none
@@ -23,25 +23,25 @@ module RchModule
character(len=LENPACKAGENAME) :: text = ' RCH'
character(len=LENPACKAGENAME) :: texta = ' RCHA'
- type, extends(BndType) :: RchType
- integer(I4B), pointer :: inirch => NULL()
+ type, extends(BndExtType) :: RchType
+ real(DP), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: recharge => null() !< boundary recharge array
integer(I4B), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: nodesontop => NULL() ! User provided cell numbers; nodelist is cells where recharge is applied)
- logical, private :: fixed_cell = .false.
- logical, private :: read_as_arrays = .false.
+ logical, pointer, private :: fixed_cell
+ logical, pointer, private :: read_as_arrays
procedure :: rch_allocate_scalars
- procedure :: bnd_options => rch_options
- procedure :: read_dimensions => rch_read_dimensions
+ procedure :: allocate_arrays => rch_allocate_arrays
+ procedure :: source_options => rch_source_options
+ procedure :: source_dimensions => rch_source_dimensions
+ procedure :: log_rch_options
procedure :: read_initial_attr => rch_read_initial_attr
procedure :: bnd_rp => rch_rp
- procedure :: set_nodesontop
procedure :: bnd_cf => rch_cf
procedure :: bnd_fc => rch_fc
procedure :: bnd_da => rch_da
+ procedure :: set_nodesontop
procedure :: define_listlabel => rch_define_listlabel
- procedure, public :: bnd_rp_ts => rch_rp_ts
- procedure, private :: rch_rp_array
- procedure, private :: rch_rp_list
+ procedure :: bound_value => rch_bound_value
procedure, private :: default_nodelist
! -- for observations
procedure, public :: bnd_obs_supported => rch_obs_supported
@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ module RchModule
- subroutine rch_create(packobj, id, ibcnum, inunit, iout, namemodel, pakname)
+ subroutine rch_create(packobj, id, ibcnum, inunit, iout, namemodel, pakname, &
+ mempath)
! ******************************************************************************
! rch_create -- Create a New Recharge Package
! Subroutine: (1) create new-style package
@@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ subroutine rch_create(packobj, id, ibcnum, inunit, iout, namemodel, pakname)
integer(I4B), intent(in) :: iout
character(len=*), intent(in) :: namemodel
character(len=*), intent(in) :: pakname
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: mempath
! -- local
type(rchtype), pointer :: rchobj
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -76,7 +78,7 @@ subroutine rch_create(packobj, id, ibcnum, inunit, iout, namemodel, pakname)
packobj => rchobj
! -- create name and memory path
- call packobj%set_names(ibcnum, namemodel, pakname, ftype)
+ call packobj%set_names(ibcnum, namemodel, pakname, ftype, mempath)
packobj%text = text
! -- allocate scalars
@@ -92,10 +94,6 @@ subroutine rch_create(packobj, id, ibcnum, inunit, iout, namemodel, pakname)
packobj%ncolbnd = 1
packobj%iscloc = 1 ! sfac applies to recharge rate
packobj%ictMemPath = create_mem_path(namemodel, 'NPF')
- ! indxconvertflux is Column index of bound that will be multiplied by
- ! cell area to convert flux rates to flow rates
- packobj%indxconvertflux = 1
- packobj%AllowTimeArraySeries = .true.
! -- return
@@ -103,104 +101,154 @@ end subroutine rch_create
subroutine rch_allocate_scalars(this)
! ******************************************************************************
-! allocate_scalars -- allocate scalar members
+! rch_allocate_scalars -- allocate scalar members
! ******************************************************************************
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! -- modules
- use MemoryManagerModule, only: mem_allocate
! -- dummy
class(RchType), intent(inout) :: this
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! -- call standard BndType allocate scalars
- call this%BndType%allocate_scalars()
+ ! -- allocate base scalars
+ call this%BndExtType%allocate_scalars()
- ! -- allocate the object and assign values to object variables
- call mem_allocate(this%inirch, 'INIRCH', this%memoryPath)
+ ! -- allocate internal members
+ allocate (this%fixed_cell)
+ allocate (this%read_as_arrays)
! -- Set values
- this%inirch = 0
this%fixed_cell = .false.
+ this%read_as_arrays = .false.
! -- return
end subroutine rch_allocate_scalars
- subroutine rch_options(this, option, found)
+ subroutine rch_allocate_arrays(this, nodelist, auxvar)
+! ******************************************************************************
+! rch_allocate_arrays -- allocate arrays
! ******************************************************************************
-! rch_options -- set options specific to RchType
-! rch_options overrides BndType%bnd_options
+! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! -- modules
+ use MemoryManagerModule, only: mem_setptr, mem_checkin
+ ! -- dummy
+ class(RchType) :: this
+ integer(I4B), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous, optional :: nodelist
+ real(DP), dimension(:, :), pointer, contiguous, optional :: auxvar
+ ! -- local
+! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! -- allocate base arrays
+ call this%BndExtType%allocate_arrays(nodelist, auxvar)
+ !
+ ! -- set recharge input context pointer
+ call mem_setptr(this%recharge, 'RECHARGE', this%input_mempath)
+ !
+ ! -- checkin recharge input context pointer
+ call mem_checkin(this%recharge, 'RECHARGE', this%memoryPath, &
+ 'RECHARGE', this%input_mempath)
+ !
+ ! -- return
+ return
+ end subroutine rch_allocate_arrays
+ subroutine rch_source_options(this)
+! ******************************************************************************
+! rch_source_options -- source options specific to RchType
! ******************************************************************************
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- use ConstantsModule, only: DZERO
- use SimModule, only: store_error
+ use MemoryManagerExtModule, only: mem_set_value
+ use IdmGwfDfnSelectorModule, only: GwfParamFoundType
+ implicit none
+ ! -- dummy
+ class(RchType), intent(inout) :: this
+ ! -- local
+ type(GwfParamFoundType) :: found
+! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! -- source common bound options
+ call this%BndExtType%source_options()
+ !
+ ! -- update defaults with idm sourced values
+ call mem_set_value(this%fixed_cell, 'FIXED_CELL', this%input_mempath, &
+ found%fixed_cell)
+ call mem_set_value(this%read_as_arrays, 'READASARRAYS', this%input_mempath, &
+ found%readasarrays)
+ !
+ if (found%readasarrays) then
+ if (this%dis%supports_layers()) then
+ this%text = texta
+ else
+ errmsg = 'READASARRAYS option is not compatible with selected'// &
+ ' discretization type.'
+ call store_error(errmsg)
+ call store_error_filename(this%input_fname)
+ end if
+ end if
+ !
+ ! -- log rch params
+ call this%log_rch_options(found)
+ !
+ ! -- return
+ return
+ end subroutine rch_source_options
+ subroutine log_rch_options(this, found)
+! ******************************************************************************
+! log_rch_options -- log options specific to RchType
+! ******************************************************************************
+! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ use IdmGwfDfnSelectorModule, only: GwfParamFoundType
implicit none
! -- dummy
class(RchType), intent(inout) :: this
- character(len=*), intent(inout) :: option
- logical, intent(inout) :: found
+ type(GwfParamFoundType), intent(in) :: found
! -- local
- character(len=MAXCHARLEN) :: ermsg
! -- formats
- character(len=*), parameter :: fmtihact = &
character(len=*), parameter :: fmtfixedcell = &
character(len=*), parameter :: fmtreadasarrays = &
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! -- Check for FIXED_CELL and READASARRAYS
- select case (option)
- case ('FIXED_CELL')
- this%fixed_cell = .true.
+ ! -- log found options
+ write (this%iout, '(/1x,a)') 'PROCESSING '//trim(adjustl(this%text)) &
+ //' OPTIONS'
+ !
+ if (found%fixed_cell) then
write (this%iout, fmtfixedcell)
- found = .true.
- if (this%dis%supports_layers()) then
- this%read_as_arrays = .true.
- this%text = texta
- else
- ermsg = 'READASARRAYS option is not compatible with selected'// &
- ' discretization type.'
- call store_error(ermsg)
- call this%parser%StoreErrorUnit()
- end if
- !
- ! -- Write option
+ end if
+ !
+ if (found%readasarrays) then
write (this%iout, fmtreadasarrays)
- !
- found = .true.
- case default
- !
- ! -- No options found
- found = .false.
- end select
+ end if
+ !
+ ! -- close logging block
+ write (this%iout, '(1x,a)') &
+ 'END OF '//trim(adjustl(this%text))//' OPTIONS'
! -- return
- end subroutine rch_options
+ end subroutine log_rch_options
- subroutine rch_read_dimensions(this)
+ subroutine rch_source_dimensions(this)
! ******************************************************************************
-! bnd_read_dimensions -- Read the dimensions for this package
+! rch_source_dimensions -- Source the dimensions for this package
! ******************************************************************************
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- use ConstantsModule, only: LINELENGTH
- use SimModule, only: store_error, store_error_unit
! -- dummy
class(RchType), intent(inout) :: this
! -- local
- character(len=LINELENGTH) :: keyword
- integer(I4B) :: ierr
- logical :: isfound, endOfBlock
! -- format
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -209,45 +257,19 @@ subroutine rch_read_dimensions(this)
! (2) READASARRAYS option has been specified.
if (this%read_as_arrays) then
this%maxbound = this%dis%get_ncpl()
- else
- ! -- get dimensions block
- call this%parser%GetBlock('DIMENSIONS', isfound, ierr, &
- supportOpenClose=.true.)
- ! -- parse dimensions block if detected
- if (isfound) then
- write (this%iout, '(/1x,a)') 'PROCESSING '//trim(adjustl(this%text))// &
- do
- call this%parser%GetNextLine(endOfBlock)
- if (endOfBlock) exit
- call this%parser%GetStringCaps(keyword)
- select case (keyword)
- case ('MAXBOUND')
- this%maxbound = this%parser%GetInteger()
- write (this%iout, '(4x,a,i7)') 'MAXBOUND = ', this%maxbound
- case default
- write (errmsg, '(a,a)') &
- 'Unknown '//trim(this%text)//' DIMENSION: ', trim(keyword)
- call store_error(errmsg)
- call this%parser%StoreErrorUnit()
- end select
- end do
- !
- write (this%iout, '(1x,a)') &
- 'END OF '//trim(adjustl(this%text))//' DIMENSIONS'
- else
- call store_error('Required DIMENSIONS block not found.')
- call this%parser%StoreErrorUnit()
+ ! -- verify dimensions were set
+ if (this%maxbound <= 0) then
+ write (errmsg, '(a)') &
+ 'MAXBOUND must be an integer greater than zero.'
+ call store_error(errmsg)
+ call store_error_filename(this%input_fname)
end if
- end if
- !
- ! -- verify dimensions were set
- if (this%maxbound <= 0) then
- write (errmsg, '(a)') &
- 'MAXBOUND must be an integer greater than zero.'
- call store_error(errmsg)
- call this%parser%StoreErrorUnit()
+ !
+ else
+ !
+ ! -- source maxbound
+ call this%BndExtType%source_dimensions()
end if
! -- Call define_listlabel to construct the list label that is written
@@ -256,12 +278,11 @@ subroutine rch_read_dimensions(this)
! -- return
- end subroutine rch_read_dimensions
+ end subroutine rch_source_dimensions
subroutine rch_read_initial_attr(this)
! ******************************************************************************
! rch_read_initial_attr -- Part of allocate and read
-! If READASARRAYS has been specified, assign default IRCH = 1
! ******************************************************************************
@@ -286,334 +307,38 @@ subroutine rch_rp(this)
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- use ConstantsModule, only: LINELENGTH
- use TdisModule, only: kper, nper
- use SimModule, only: store_error
+ use TdisModule, only: kper
implicit none
! -- dummy
class(RchType), intent(inout) :: this
! -- local
- integer(I4B) :: ierr
- integer(I4B) :: node, n
- integer(I4B) :: inirch, inrech
- logical :: isfound
- logical :: supportopenclose
- character(len=LINELENGTH) :: line
- ! -- formats
- character(len=*), parameter :: fmtblkerr = &
- &"('Looking for BEGIN PERIOD iper. Found ', a, ' instead.')"
- character(len=*), parameter :: fmtlsp = &
- character(len=*), parameter :: fmtnbd = &
- "(1X,/1X,'THE NUMBER OF ACTIVE ',A,'S (',I6, &
- character(len=*), parameter :: fmtdimlayered = &
- "('When READASARRAYS is specified for the selected discretization &
- &package, DIMENSIONS block must be omitted.')"
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (this%inunit == 0) return
+ if (this%iper /= kper) return
- ! -- Set ionper to the stress period number for which a new block of data
- ! will be read.
- if (this%ionper < kper) then
- !
- ! -- get period block
- supportopenclose = .not. this%read_as_arrays
- ! When reading a list, OPEN/CLOSE is handled by list reader,
- ! so supportOpenClose needs to be false in call the GetBlock.
- ! When reading as arrays, set supportOpenClose as desired.
- call this%parser%GetBlock('PERIOD', isfound, ierr, &
- blockRequired=.false.)
- if (isfound) then
- !
- ! -- read ionper and check for increasing period numbers
- call this%read_check_ionper()
- else
- !
- ! -- PERIOD block not found
- if (ierr < 0) then
- ! -- End of file found; data applies for remainder of simulation.
- this%ionper = nper + 1
- else
- ! -- Found invalid block
- call this%parser%GetCurrentLine(line)
- write (errmsg, fmtblkerr) adjustl(trim(line))
- call store_error(errmsg)
- if (this%read_as_arrays) then
- write (errmsg, fmtdimlayered)
- call store_error(errmsg)
- end if
- call this%parser%StoreErrorUnit()
- end if
- end if
- end if
- !
- ! -- Read data if ionper == kper
- inrech = 0
- inirch = 0
- if (this%ionper == kper) then
+ if (this%read_as_arrays) then
- ! -- Remove all time-series links associated with this package
- call this%TsManager%Reset(this%packName)
- call this%TasManager%Reset(this%packName)
- !
- if (.not. this%read_as_arrays) then
- ! -- Read RECHARGE and other input as a list
- call this%rch_rp_list(inrech)
- call this%bnd_rp_ts()
- else
- ! -- Read RECHARGE, IRCH, and AUX variables as arrays
- call this%rch_rp_array(line, inrech)
- end if
+ ! -- update nodelist based on IRCH input
+ call nodelist_update(this%nodelist, this%nbound, this%maxbound, &
+ this%dis, this%input_mempath)
- write (this%iout, fmtlsp) trim(this%filtyp)
- end if
- !
- ! -- If recharge was read, then multiply by cell area. If inrech = 2, then
- ! recharge is begin managed as a time series, and the time series object
- ! will multiply the recharge rate by the cell area.
- if (inrech == 1) then
- do n = 1, this%nbound
- node = this%nodelist(n)
- if (node > 0) then
- this%bound(1, n) = this%bound(1, n) * this%dis%get_area(node)
- end if
- end do
- end if
- !
- ! -- return
- return
- end subroutine rch_rp
- subroutine rch_rp_array(this, line, inrech)
-! ******************************************************************************
-! rch_rp_array -- Read and Prepare Recharge as arrays
-! ******************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- use ConstantsModule, only: LENTIMESERIESNAME, LINELENGTH
- use SimModule, only: store_error
- use ArrayHandlersModule, only: ifind
- implicit none
- ! -- dummy
- class(RchType), intent(inout) :: this
- character(len=LINELENGTH), intent(inout) :: line
- integer(I4B), intent(inout) :: inrech
- ! -- local
- integer(I4B) :: n
- integer(I4B) :: ipos
- integer(I4B) :: jcol, jauxcol, lpos, ivarsread
- character(len=LENTIMESERIESNAME) :: tasName
- character(len=24), dimension(2) :: aname
- character(len=LINELENGTH) :: keyword, atemp
- logical :: found, endOfBlock
- logical :: convertFlux
- !
- ! -- these time array series pointers need to be non-contiguous
- ! beacuse a slice of bound is passed
- real(DP), dimension(:), pointer :: bndArrayPtr => null()
- real(DP), dimension(:), pointer :: auxArrayPtr => null()
- real(DP), dimension(:), pointer :: auxMultArray => null()
- type(TimeArraySeriesLinkType), pointer :: tasLink => null()
- ! -- formats
- character(len=*), parameter :: fmtrchauxmult = &
- &THE NAME: ', A)"
- ! -- data
- data aname(1)/' LAYER OR NODE INDEX'/
- data aname(2)/' RECHARGE'/
- !
-! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- !
- ! -- Initialize
- jauxcol = 0
- ivarsread = 0
- !
- ! -- Read RECHARGE, IRCH, and AUX variables as arrays
- do
- call this%parser%GetNextLine(endOfBlock)
- if (endOfBlock) exit
- call this%parser%GetStringCaps(keyword)
- !
- ! -- Parse the keywords
- select case (keyword)
- case ('RECHARGE')
- !
- ! -- Look for keyword TIMEARRAYSERIES and time-array series
- ! name on line, following RECHARGE
- call this%parser%GetStringCaps(keyword)
- if (keyword == 'TIMEARRAYSERIES') then
- ! -- Get time-array series name
- call this%parser%GetStringCaps(tasName)
- jcol = 1 ! for recharge rate
- bndArrayPtr => this%bound(jcol, :)
- ! Make a time-array-series link and add it to the list of links
- ! contained in the TimeArraySeriesManagerType object.
- convertflux = .true.
- call this%TasManager%MakeTasLink(this%packName, bndArrayPtr, &
- this%iprpak, tasName, 'RECHARGE', &
- convertFlux, this%nodelist, &
- this%parser%iuactive)
- lpos = this%TasManager%CountLinks()
- tasLink => this%TasManager%GetLink(lpos)
- inrech = 2
- else
- !
- ! -- Read the recharge array, then indicate
- ! that recharge was read by setting inrech
- call this%dis%read_layer_array(this%nodelist, this%bound, &
- this%ncolbnd, this%maxbound, 1, &
- aname(2), this%parser%iuactive, &
- this%iout)
- inrech = 1
- end if
- !
- case ('IRCH')
- !
- ! -- Check to see if other variables have already been read. If so,
- ! then terminate with an error that IRCH must be read first.
- if (ivarsread > 0) then
- call store_error('IRCH IS NOT FIRST VARIABLE IN &
- call this%parser%StoreErrorUnit()
- end if
- !
- ! -- Read the IRCH array
- call this%dis%nlarray_to_nodelist(this%nodelist, this%maxbound, &
- this%nbound, aname(1), &
- this%parser%iuactive, this%iout)
- !
- ! -- set flag to indicate that irch array has been read
- this%inirch = 1
- !
- ! -- if fixed_cell option not set, then need to store nodelist
- ! in the nodesontop array
- if (.not. this%fixed_cell) call this%set_nodesontop()
- !
- case default
- !
- ! -- Check for auxname, and if found, then read into auxvar array
- found = .false.
- ipos = ifind(this%auxname, keyword)
- if (ipos > 0) then
- found = .true.
- atemp = keyword
- !
- ! -- Look for keyword TIMEARRAYSERIES and time-array series
- ! name on line, following auxname
- call this%parser%GetStringCaps(keyword)
- if (keyword == 'TIMEARRAYSERIES') then
- ! -- Get time-array series name
- call this%parser%GetStringCaps(tasName)
- jauxcol = jauxcol + 1
- auxArrayPtr => this%auxvar(jauxcol, :)
- ! Make a time-array-series link and add it to the list of links
- ! contained in the TimeArraySeriesManagerType object.
- convertflux = .false.
- call this%TasManager%MakeTasLink(this%packName, auxArrayPtr, &
- this%iprpak, tasName, &
- this%auxname(ipos), convertFlux, &
- this%nodelist, &
- this%parser%iuactive)
- else
- !
- ! -- Read the aux variable array
- call this%dis%read_layer_array(this%nodelist, this%auxvar, &
- this%naux, this%maxbound, ipos, &
- atemp, this%parser%iuactive, this%iout)
- end if
- end if
- !
- ! -- Nothing found
- if (.not. found) then
- call this%parser%GetCurrentLine(line)
- errmsg = 'LOOKING FOR VALID VARIABLE NAME. FOUND: '//trim(line)
- call store_error(errmsg)
- call this%parser%StoreErrorUnit()
- end if
- !
- ! -- If this aux variable has been designated as a multiplier array
- ! by presence of AUXMULTNAME, set local pointer appropriately.
- if (this%iauxmultcol > 0 .and. this%iauxmultcol == ipos) then
- auxMultArray => this%auxvar(this%iauxmultcol, :)
- end if
- end select
- ! -- Increment the number of variables read
- ivarsread = ivarsread + 1
+ call this%BndExtType%bnd_rp()
- end do
- !
- ! -- If the multiplier-array pointer has been assigned and
- ! stress is controlled by a time-array series, assign
- ! multiplier-array pointer in time-array series link.
- if (associated(auxMultArray)) then
- if (associated(tasLink)) then
- tasLink%RMultArray => auxMultArray
- end if
end if
- ! -- If recharge was read and auxmultcol was specified, then multiply
- ! the recharge rate by the multplier column
- if (inrech == 1 .and. this%iauxmultcol > 0) then
- write (this%iout, fmtrchauxmult) this%auxname(this%iauxmultcol)
- do n = 1, this%nbound
- this%bound(this%iscloc, n) = this%bound(this%iscloc, n) * &
- this%auxvar(this%iauxmultcol, n)
- end do
- end if
- !
- return
- end subroutine rch_rp_array
- subroutine rch_rp_list(this, inrech)
-! ******************************************************************************
-! rch_rp_list -- Read and Prepare Recharge as a list
-! ******************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- implicit none
- ! -- dummy
- class(RchType), intent(inout) :: this
- integer(I4B), intent(inout) :: inrech
- ! -- local
- integer(I4B) :: maxboundorig, nlist
- !
-! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- !
- ! -- initialize
- nlist = -1
- maxboundorig = this%maxbound
- !
- ! -- read the list of recharge values; scale the recharge by auxmultcol
- ! if it is specified.
- call this%dis%read_list(this%parser%line_reader, &
- this%parser%iuactive, this%iout, this%iprpak, &
- nlist, this%inamedbound, this%iauxmultcol, &
- this%nodelist, this%bound, this%auxvar, &
- this%auxname, this%boundname, this%listlabel, &
- this%packName, this%tsManager, this%iscloc, &
- this%indxconvertflux)
- this%nbound = nlist
- if (this%maxbound > maxboundorig) then
- ! -- The arrays that belong to BndType have been extended.
- ! Now, RCH array nodesontop needs to be recreated.
- if (associated(this%nodesontop)) then
- deallocate (this%nodesontop)
- end if
- end if
+ ! -- copy nodelist to nodesontop if not fixed cell
if (.not. this%fixed_cell) call this%set_nodesontop()
- inrech = 1
- ! -- terminate the period block
- call this%parser%terminateblock()
+ ! -- Write the list to iout if requested
+ if (this%iprpak /= 0) then
+ call this%write_list()
+ end if
+ ! -- return
- end subroutine rch_rp_list
+ end subroutine rch_rp
subroutine set_nodesontop(this)
! ******************************************************************************
@@ -689,7 +414,12 @@ subroutine rch_cf(this, reset_mover)
! -- Set rhs and hcof
this%hcof(i) = DZERO
- this%rhs(i) = -this%bound(1, i)
+ if (this%iauxmultcol > 0) then
+ this%rhs(i) = -this%recharge(i) * this%dis%get_area(node) * &
+ this%auxvar(this%iauxmultcol, i)
+ else
+ this%rhs(i) = -this%recharge(i) * this%dis%get_area(node)
+ end if
if (this%ibound(node) <= 0) then
this%rhs(i) = DZERO
@@ -754,13 +484,15 @@ subroutine rch_da(this)
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! -- Deallocate parent package
- call this%BndType%bnd_da()
+ call this%BndExtType%bnd_da()
! -- scalars
- call mem_deallocate(this%inirch)
+ deallocate (this%fixed_cell)
+ deallocate (this%read_as_arrays)
! -- arrays
if (associated(this%nodesontop)) deallocate (this%nodesontop)
+ call mem_deallocate(this%recharge, 'RECHARGE', this%memoryPath)
! -- return
@@ -810,8 +542,6 @@ subroutine default_nodelist(this)
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! -- modules
use InputOutputModule, only: get_node
- use SimModule, only: store_error
- use ConstantsModule, only: LINELENGTH
! -- dummy
class(RchType) :: this
! -- local
@@ -841,8 +571,7 @@ subroutine default_nodelist(this)
end do
end do
- ! Set flag that indicates IRCH has been assigned, and assign nbound.
- this%inirch = 1
+ ! -- Assign nbound
this%nbound = ipos - 1
! -- if fixed_cell option not set, then need to store nodelist
@@ -893,32 +622,86 @@ subroutine rch_df_obs(this)
end subroutine rch_df_obs
- !
- ! -- Procedure related to time series
- subroutine rch_rp_ts(this)
- ! -- Assign tsLink%Text appropriately for
- ! all time series in use by package.
- ! In RCH package only the RECHARGE variable
- ! can be controlled by time series.
+! ******************************************************************************
+! rch_bound_value -- return requested boundary value
+! ******************************************************************************
+! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function rch_bound_value(this, col, row) result(bndval)
+ ! -- modules
+ use ConstantsModule, only: DZERO
+ ! -- dummy variables
+ class(RchType), intent(inout) :: this !< BndExtType object
+ integer(I4B), intent(in) :: col
+ integer(I4B), intent(in) :: row
+ ! -- result
+ real(DP) :: bndval
+ !
+ select case (col)
+ case (1)
+ if (this%iauxmultcol > 0) then
+ bndval = this%recharge(row) * this%auxvar(this%iauxmultcol, row)
+ else
+ bndval = this%recharge(row)
+ end if
+ case default
+ errmsg = 'Programming error. RCH bound value requested column '&
+ &'outside range of ncolbnd (1).'
+ call store_error(errmsg)
+ call store_error_filename(this%input_fname)
+ end select
+ !
+ ! -- return
+ return
+ end function rch_bound_value
+ !> @brief Update the nodelist based on IRCH input
+ !!
+ !! This is a module scoped routine to check for IRCH
+ !! input. If array input was provided, INIRCH and IRCH
+ !! will be allocated in the input context. If the read
+ !! state variable INIRCH is set to 1 during this period
+ !! update, IRCH input was read and is used here to update
+ !! the nodelist.
+ !!
+ !<
+ subroutine nodelist_update(nodelist, nbound, maxbound, &
+ dis, input_mempath)
+ ! -- modules
+ use MemoryManagerModule, only: mem_setptr
+ use BaseDisModule, only: DisBaseType
! -- dummy
- class(RchType), intent(inout) :: this
+ integer(I4B), dimension(:), contiguous, &
+ pointer, intent(inout) :: nodelist
+ class(DisBaseType), pointer, intent(in) :: dis
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: input_mempath
+ integer(I4B), intent(inout) :: nbound
+ integer(I4B), intent(in) :: maxbound
+ character(len=24) :: aname = ' LAYER OR NODE INDEX'
! -- local
- integer(I4B) :: i, nlinks
- type(TimeSeriesLinkType), pointer :: tslink => null()
- !
- nlinks = this%TsManager%boundtslinks%Count()
- do i = 1, nlinks
- tslink => GetTimeSeriesLinkFromList(this%TsManager%boundtslinks, i)
- if (associated(tslink)) then
- select case (tslink%JCol)
- case (1)
- tslink%Text = 'RECHARGE'
- end select
- end if
- end do
+ integer(I4B), dimension(:), contiguous, &
+ pointer :: irch => null()
+ integer(I4B), pointer :: inirch => NULL()
+ ! -- set pointer to input context INIRCH
+ call mem_setptr(inirch, 'INIRCH', input_mempath)
+ !
+ ! -- check INIRCH read state
+ if (inirch == 1) then
+ ! -- irch was read this period
+ !
+ ! -- set pointer to input context IRCH
+ call mem_setptr(irch, 'IRCH', input_mempath)
+ !
+ ! -- update nodelist
+ call dis%nlarray_to_nodelist2(irch, nodelist, &
+ maxbound, nbound, aname)
+ end if
+ !
+ ! -- return
- end subroutine rch_rp_ts
+ end subroutine nodelist_update
end module RchModule
diff --git a/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3rch8idm.f90 b/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3rch8idm.f90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..89b0d51869e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3rch8idm.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+! ** Do Not Modify! MODFLOW 6 system generated file. **
+module GwfRchInputModule
+ use ConstantsModule, only: LENVARNAME
+ use InputDefinitionModule, only: InputParamDefinitionType, &
+ InputBlockDefinitionType
+ private
+ public gwf_rch_param_definitions
+ public gwf_rch_aggregate_definitions
+ public gwf_rch_block_definitions
+ public GwfRchParamFoundType
+ public gwf_rch_multi_package
+ public gwf_rch_aux_sfac_param
+ type GwfRchParamFoundType
+ logical :: fixed_cell = .false.
+ logical :: auxiliary = .false.
+ logical :: auxmultname = .false.
+ logical :: boundnames = .false.
+ logical :: iprpak = .false.
+ logical :: iprflow = .false.
+ logical :: ipakcb = .false.
+ logical :: ts_filerecord = .false.
+ logical :: ts6 = .false.
+ logical :: filein = .false.
+ logical :: ts6_filename = .false.
+ logical :: obs_filerecord = .false.
+ logical :: obs6 = .false.
+ logical :: obs6_filename = .false.
+ logical :: maxbound = .false.
+ logical :: cellid = .false.
+ logical :: recharge = .false.
+ logical :: auxvar = .false.
+ logical :: boundname = .false.
+ end type GwfRchParamFoundType
+ logical :: gwf_rch_multi_package = .true.
+ character(len=LENVARNAME) :: gwf_rch_aux_sfac_param = 'RECHARGE'
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrch_fixed_cell = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCH', & ! subcomponent
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! block
+ 'FIXED_CELL', & ! tag name
+ 'FIXED_CELL', & ! fortran variable
+ 'KEYWORD', & ! type
+ '', & ! shape
+ .false., & ! required
+ .false., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrch_auxiliary = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCH', & ! subcomponent
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! block
+ 'AUXILIARY', & ! tag name
+ 'AUXILIARY', & ! fortran variable
+ 'STRING', & ! type
+ 'NAUX', & ! shape
+ .false., & ! required
+ .false., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrch_auxmultname = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCH', & ! subcomponent
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! block
+ 'AUXMULTNAME', & ! tag name
+ 'AUXMULTNAME', & ! fortran variable
+ 'STRING', & ! type
+ '', & ! shape
+ .false., & ! required
+ .false., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrch_boundnames = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCH', & ! subcomponent
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! block
+ 'BOUNDNAMES', & ! tag name
+ 'BOUNDNAMES', & ! fortran variable
+ 'KEYWORD', & ! type
+ '', & ! shape
+ .false., & ! required
+ .false., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrch_iprpak = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCH', & ! subcomponent
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! block
+ 'PRINT_INPUT', & ! tag name
+ 'IPRPAK', & ! fortran variable
+ 'KEYWORD', & ! type
+ '', & ! shape
+ .false., & ! required
+ .false., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrch_iprflow = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCH', & ! subcomponent
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! block
+ 'PRINT_FLOWS', & ! tag name
+ 'IPRFLOW', & ! fortran variable
+ 'KEYWORD', & ! type
+ '', & ! shape
+ .false., & ! required
+ .false., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrch_ipakcb = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCH', & ! subcomponent
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! block
+ 'SAVE_FLOWS', & ! tag name
+ 'IPAKCB', & ! fortran variable
+ 'KEYWORD', & ! type
+ '', & ! shape
+ .false., & ! required
+ .false., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrch_ts_filerecord = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCH', & ! subcomponent
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! block
+ 'TS_FILERECORD', & ! tag name
+ 'TS_FILERECORD', & ! fortran variable
+ '', & ! shape
+ .false., & ! required
+ .false., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrch_ts6 = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCH', & ! subcomponent
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! block
+ 'TS6', & ! tag name
+ 'TS6', & ! fortran variable
+ 'KEYWORD', & ! type
+ '', & ! shape
+ .true., & ! required
+ .true., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrch_filein = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCH', & ! subcomponent
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! block
+ 'FILEIN', & ! tag name
+ 'FILEIN', & ! fortran variable
+ 'KEYWORD', & ! type
+ '', & ! shape
+ .true., & ! required
+ .true., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrch_ts6_filename = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCH', & ! subcomponent
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! block
+ 'TS6_FILENAME', & ! tag name
+ 'TS6_FILENAME', & ! fortran variable
+ 'STRING', & ! type
+ '', & ! shape
+ .true., & ! required
+ .true., & ! multi-record
+ .true., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrch_obs_filerecord = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCH', & ! subcomponent
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! block
+ 'OBS_FILERECORD', & ! tag name
+ 'OBS_FILERECORD', & ! fortran variable
+ '', & ! shape
+ .false., & ! required
+ .false., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrch_obs6 = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCH', & ! subcomponent
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! block
+ 'OBS6', & ! tag name
+ 'OBS6', & ! fortran variable
+ 'KEYWORD', & ! type
+ '', & ! shape
+ .true., & ! required
+ .true., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrch_obs6_filename = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCH', & ! subcomponent
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! block
+ 'OBS6_FILENAME', & ! tag name
+ 'OBS6_FILENAME', & ! fortran variable
+ 'STRING', & ! type
+ '', & ! shape
+ .true., & ! required
+ .true., & ! multi-record
+ .true., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrch_maxbound = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCH', & ! subcomponent
+ 'DIMENSIONS', & ! block
+ 'MAXBOUND', & ! tag name
+ 'MAXBOUND', & ! fortran variable
+ 'INTEGER', & ! type
+ '', & ! shape
+ .true., & ! required
+ .false., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrch_cellid = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCH', & ! subcomponent
+ 'PERIOD', & ! block
+ 'CELLID', & ! tag name
+ 'CELLID', & ! fortran variable
+ 'INTEGER1D', & ! type
+ 'NCELLDIM', & ! shape
+ .true., & ! required
+ .true., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrch_recharge = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCH', & ! subcomponent
+ 'PERIOD', & ! block
+ 'RECHARGE', & ! tag name
+ 'RECHARGE', & ! fortran variable
+ 'DOUBLE', & ! type
+ '', & ! shape
+ .true., & ! required
+ .true., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .true. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrch_auxvar = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCH', & ! subcomponent
+ 'PERIOD', & ! block
+ 'AUX', & ! tag name
+ 'AUXVAR', & ! fortran variable
+ 'DOUBLE1D', & ! type
+ 'NAUX', & ! shape
+ .false., & ! required
+ .true., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .true. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrch_boundname = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCH', & ! subcomponent
+ 'PERIOD', & ! block
+ 'BOUNDNAME', & ! tag name
+ 'BOUNDNAME', & ! fortran variable
+ 'STRING', & ! type
+ '', & ! shape
+ .false., & ! required
+ .true., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwf_rch_param_definitions(*) = &
+ [ &
+ gwfrch_fixed_cell, &
+ gwfrch_auxiliary, &
+ gwfrch_auxmultname, &
+ gwfrch_boundnames, &
+ gwfrch_iprpak, &
+ gwfrch_iprflow, &
+ gwfrch_ipakcb, &
+ gwfrch_ts_filerecord, &
+ gwfrch_ts6, &
+ gwfrch_filein, &
+ gwfrch_ts6_filename, &
+ gwfrch_obs_filerecord, &
+ gwfrch_obs6, &
+ gwfrch_obs6_filename, &
+ gwfrch_maxbound, &
+ gwfrch_cellid, &
+ gwfrch_recharge, &
+ gwfrch_auxvar, &
+ gwfrch_boundname &
+ ]
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrch_spd = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCH', & ! subcomponent
+ 'PERIOD', & ! block
+ 'STRESS_PERIOD_DATA', & ! tag name
+ 'SPD', & ! fortran variable
+ 'MAXBOUND', & ! shape
+ .true., & ! required
+ .false., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwf_rch_aggregate_definitions(*) = &
+ [ &
+ gwfrch_spd &
+ ]
+ type(InputBlockDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwf_rch_block_definitions(*) = &
+ [ &
+ InputBlockDefinitionType( &
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! blockname
+ .false., & ! required
+ .false., & ! aggregate
+ .false. & ! block_variable
+ ), &
+ InputBlockDefinitionType( &
+ 'DIMENSIONS', & ! blockname
+ .true., & ! required
+ .false., & ! aggregate
+ .false. & ! block_variable
+ ), &
+ InputBlockDefinitionType( &
+ 'PERIOD', & ! blockname
+ .true., & ! required
+ .true., & ! aggregate
+ .true. & ! block_variable
+ ) &
+ ]
+end module GwfRchInputModule
diff --git a/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3rcha8idm.f90 b/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3rcha8idm.f90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ee044f0fcc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3rcha8idm.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+! ** Do Not Modify! MODFLOW 6 system generated file. **
+module GwfRchaInputModule
+ use ConstantsModule, only: LENVARNAME
+ use InputDefinitionModule, only: InputParamDefinitionType, &
+ InputBlockDefinitionType
+ private
+ public gwf_rcha_param_definitions
+ public gwf_rcha_aggregate_definitions
+ public gwf_rcha_block_definitions
+ public GwfRchaParamFoundType
+ public gwf_rcha_multi_package
+ public gwf_rcha_aux_sfac_param
+ type GwfRchaParamFoundType
+ logical :: readasarrays = .false.
+ logical :: fixed_cell = .false.
+ logical :: auxiliary = .false.
+ logical :: auxmultname = .false.
+ logical :: iprpak = .false.
+ logical :: iprflow = .false.
+ logical :: ipakcb = .false.
+ logical :: tas_filerecord = .false.
+ logical :: tas6 = .false.
+ logical :: filein = .false.
+ logical :: tas6_filename = .false.
+ logical :: obs_filerecord = .false.
+ logical :: obs6 = .false.
+ logical :: obs6_filename = .false.
+ logical :: irch = .false.
+ logical :: recharge = .false.
+ logical :: auxvar = .false.
+ end type GwfRchaParamFoundType
+ logical :: gwf_rcha_multi_package = .true.
+ character(len=LENVARNAME) :: gwf_rcha_aux_sfac_param = 'RECHARGE'
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrcha_readasarrays = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCHA', & ! subcomponent
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! block
+ 'READASARRAYS', & ! tag name
+ 'READASARRAYS', & ! fortran variable
+ 'KEYWORD', & ! type
+ '', & ! shape
+ .true., & ! required
+ .false., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrcha_fixed_cell = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCHA', & ! subcomponent
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! block
+ 'FIXED_CELL', & ! tag name
+ 'FIXED_CELL', & ! fortran variable
+ 'KEYWORD', & ! type
+ '', & ! shape
+ .false., & ! required
+ .false., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrcha_auxiliary = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCHA', & ! subcomponent
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! block
+ 'AUXILIARY', & ! tag name
+ 'AUXILIARY', & ! fortran variable
+ 'STRING', & ! type
+ 'NAUX', & ! shape
+ .false., & ! required
+ .false., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrcha_auxmultname = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCHA', & ! subcomponent
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! block
+ 'AUXMULTNAME', & ! tag name
+ 'AUXMULTNAME', & ! fortran variable
+ 'STRING', & ! type
+ '', & ! shape
+ .false., & ! required
+ .false., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrcha_iprpak = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCHA', & ! subcomponent
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! block
+ 'PRINT_INPUT', & ! tag name
+ 'IPRPAK', & ! fortran variable
+ 'KEYWORD', & ! type
+ '', & ! shape
+ .false., & ! required
+ .false., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrcha_iprflow = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCHA', & ! subcomponent
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! block
+ 'PRINT_FLOWS', & ! tag name
+ 'IPRFLOW', & ! fortran variable
+ 'KEYWORD', & ! type
+ '', & ! shape
+ .false., & ! required
+ .false., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrcha_ipakcb = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCHA', & ! subcomponent
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! block
+ 'SAVE_FLOWS', & ! tag name
+ 'IPAKCB', & ! fortran variable
+ 'KEYWORD', & ! type
+ '', & ! shape
+ .false., & ! required
+ .false., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrcha_tas_filerecord = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCHA', & ! subcomponent
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! block
+ 'TAS_FILERECORD', & ! tag name
+ 'TAS_FILERECORD', & ! fortran variable
+ '', & ! shape
+ .false., & ! required
+ .false., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrcha_tas6 = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCHA', & ! subcomponent
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! block
+ 'TAS6', & ! tag name
+ 'TAS6', & ! fortran variable
+ 'KEYWORD', & ! type
+ '', & ! shape
+ .true., & ! required
+ .true., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrcha_filein = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCHA', & ! subcomponent
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! block
+ 'FILEIN', & ! tag name
+ 'FILEIN', & ! fortran variable
+ 'KEYWORD', & ! type
+ '', & ! shape
+ .true., & ! required
+ .true., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrcha_tas6_filename = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCHA', & ! subcomponent
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! block
+ 'TAS6_FILENAME', & ! tag name
+ 'TAS6_FILENAME', & ! fortran variable
+ 'STRING', & ! type
+ '', & ! shape
+ .true., & ! required
+ .true., & ! multi-record
+ .true., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrcha_obs_filerecord = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCHA', & ! subcomponent
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! block
+ 'OBS_FILERECORD', & ! tag name
+ 'OBS_FILERECORD', & ! fortran variable
+ '', & ! shape
+ .false., & ! required
+ .false., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrcha_obs6 = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCHA', & ! subcomponent
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! block
+ 'OBS6', & ! tag name
+ 'OBS6', & ! fortran variable
+ 'KEYWORD', & ! type
+ '', & ! shape
+ .true., & ! required
+ .true., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrcha_obs6_filename = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCHA', & ! subcomponent
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! block
+ 'OBS6_FILENAME', & ! tag name
+ 'OBS6_FILENAME', & ! fortran variable
+ 'STRING', & ! type
+ '', & ! shape
+ .true., & ! required
+ .true., & ! multi-record
+ .true., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrcha_irch = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCHA', & ! subcomponent
+ 'PERIOD', & ! block
+ 'IRCH', & ! tag name
+ 'IRCH', & ! fortran variable
+ 'INTEGER1D', & ! type
+ 'NCPL', & ! shape
+ .false., & ! required
+ .false., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrcha_recharge = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCHA', & ! subcomponent
+ 'PERIOD', & ! block
+ 'RECHARGE', & ! tag name
+ 'RECHARGE', & ! fortran variable
+ 'DOUBLE1D', & ! type
+ 'NCPL', & ! shape
+ .true., & ! required
+ .false., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .true. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwfrcha_auxvar = InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ 'GWF', & ! component
+ 'RCHA', & ! subcomponent
+ 'PERIOD', & ! block
+ 'AUX', & ! tag name
+ 'AUXVAR', & ! fortran variable
+ 'DOUBLE2D', & ! type
+ 'NAUX NCPL', & ! shape
+ .false., & ! required
+ .false., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .true. & ! timeseries
+ )
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwf_rcha_param_definitions(*) = &
+ [ &
+ gwfrcha_readasarrays, &
+ gwfrcha_fixed_cell, &
+ gwfrcha_auxiliary, &
+ gwfrcha_auxmultname, &
+ gwfrcha_iprpak, &
+ gwfrcha_iprflow, &
+ gwfrcha_ipakcb, &
+ gwfrcha_tas_filerecord, &
+ gwfrcha_tas6, &
+ gwfrcha_filein, &
+ gwfrcha_tas6_filename, &
+ gwfrcha_obs_filerecord, &
+ gwfrcha_obs6, &
+ gwfrcha_obs6_filename, &
+ gwfrcha_irch, &
+ gwfrcha_recharge, &
+ gwfrcha_auxvar &
+ ]
+ type(InputParamDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwf_rcha_aggregate_definitions(*) = &
+ [ &
+ InputParamDefinitionType &
+ ( &
+ '', & ! component
+ '', & ! subcomponent
+ '', & ! block
+ '', & ! tag name
+ '', & ! fortran variable
+ '', & ! type
+ '', & ! shape
+ .false., & ! required
+ .false., & ! multi-record
+ .false., & ! preserve case
+ .false., & ! layered
+ .false. & ! timeseries
+ ) &
+ ]
+ type(InputBlockDefinitionType), parameter :: &
+ gwf_rcha_block_definitions(*) = &
+ [ &
+ InputBlockDefinitionType( &
+ 'OPTIONS', & ! blockname
+ .true., & ! required
+ .false., & ! aggregate
+ .false. & ! block_variable
+ ), &
+ InputBlockDefinitionType( &
+ 'PERIOD', & ! blockname
+ .true., & ! required
+ .false., & ! aggregate
+ .true. & ! block_variable
+ ) &
+ ]
+end module GwfRchaInputModule
diff --git a/src/Model/ModelUtilities/DiscretizationBase.f90 b/src/Model/ModelUtilities/DiscretizationBase.f90
index ab19fd6afe5..78bea23b746 100644
--- a/src/Model/ModelUtilities/DiscretizationBase.f90
+++ b/src/Model/ModelUtilities/DiscretizationBase.f90
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ module BaseDisModule
procedure, private :: record_srcdst_list_entry
generic, public :: record_mf6_list_entry => record_srcdst_list_entry
procedure, public :: nlarray_to_nodelist
+ procedure, public :: nlarray_to_nodelist2
procedure, public :: highest_active
procedure, public :: get_area
procedure, public :: get_area_factor
@@ -1443,6 +1444,35 @@ subroutine nlarray_to_nodelist(this, nodelist, maxbnd, nbound, aname, &
end subroutine nlarray_to_nodelist
+ subroutine nlarray_to_nodelist2(this, darray, nodelist, maxbnd, nbound, aname)
+! ******************************************************************************
+! nlarray_to_nodelist -- Read an integer array into nodelist. For structured
+! model, integer array is layer number; for unstructured
+! model, integer array is node number.
+! ******************************************************************************
+! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! -- modules
+ use SimModule, only: store_error
+ use ConstantsModule, only: LINELENGTH
+ ! -- dummy
+ class(DisBaseType) :: this
+ integer(I4B), intent(in) :: maxbnd
+ integer(I4B), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: darray
+ integer(I4B), dimension(maxbnd), intent(inout) :: nodelist
+ integer(I4B), intent(inout) :: nbound
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: aname
+ !
+ ! --
+ errmsg = 'Programmer error: nlarray_to_nodelist needs to be &
+ &overridden in any DIS type that extends DisBaseType'
+ call store_error(errmsg, terminate=.TRUE.)
+ !
+ ! -- return
+ return
+ end subroutine nlarray_to_nodelist2
subroutine highest_active(this, n, ibound)
! ******************************************************************************
! highest_active -- Find the first highest active cell beneath cell n
diff --git a/src/Utilities/Idm/selector/IdmGwfDfnSelector.f90 b/src/Utilities/Idm/selector/IdmGwfDfnSelector.f90
index 386ca2b8726..5bac4554e36 100644
--- a/src/Utilities/Idm/selector/IdmGwfDfnSelector.f90
+++ b/src/Utilities/Idm/selector/IdmGwfDfnSelector.f90
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ module IdmGwfDfnSelectorModule
use GwfDrnInputModule
use GwfGhbInputModule
use GwfNpfInputModule
+ use GwfRchInputModule
+ use GwfRchaInputModule
use GwfRivInputModule
use GwfWelInputModule
use GwfNamInputModule
@@ -119,6 +121,13 @@ module IdmGwfDfnSelectorModule
logical :: angle2 = .false.
logical :: angle3 = .false.
logical :: wetdry = .false.
+ logical :: fixed_cell = .false.
+ logical :: recharge = .false.
+ logical :: readasarrays = .false.
+ logical :: tas_filerecord = .false.
+ logical :: tas6 = .false.
+ logical :: tas6_filename = .false.
+ logical :: irch = .false.
logical :: stage = .false.
logical :: rbot = .false.
logical :: flowred = .false.
@@ -172,6 +181,10 @@ function gwf_param_definitions(subcomponent) result(input_definition)
call set_param_pointer(input_definition, gwf_ghb_param_definitions)
case ('NPF')
call set_param_pointer(input_definition, gwf_npf_param_definitions)
+ case ('RCH')
+ call set_param_pointer(input_definition, gwf_rch_param_definitions)
+ case ('RCHA')
+ call set_param_pointer(input_definition, gwf_rcha_param_definitions)
case ('RIV')
call set_param_pointer(input_definition, gwf_riv_param_definitions)
case ('WEL')
@@ -202,6 +215,10 @@ function gwf_aggregate_definitions(subcomponent) result(input_definition)
call set_param_pointer(input_definition, gwf_ghb_aggregate_definitions)
case ('NPF')
call set_param_pointer(input_definition, gwf_npf_aggregate_definitions)
+ case ('RCH')
+ call set_param_pointer(input_definition, gwf_rch_aggregate_definitions)
+ case ('RCHA')
+ call set_param_pointer(input_definition, gwf_rcha_aggregate_definitions)
case ('RIV')
call set_param_pointer(input_definition, gwf_riv_aggregate_definitions)
case ('WEL')
@@ -232,6 +249,10 @@ function gwf_block_definitions(subcomponent) result(input_definition)
call set_block_pointer(input_definition, gwf_ghb_block_definitions)
case ('NPF')
call set_block_pointer(input_definition, gwf_npf_block_definitions)
+ case ('RCH')
+ call set_block_pointer(input_definition, gwf_rch_block_definitions)
+ case ('RCHA')
+ call set_block_pointer(input_definition, gwf_rcha_block_definitions)
case ('RIV')
call set_block_pointer(input_definition, gwf_riv_block_definitions)
case ('WEL')
@@ -261,6 +282,10 @@ function gwf_idm_multi_package(subcomponent) result(multi_package)
multi_package = gwf_ghb_multi_package
case ('NPF')
multi_package = gwf_npf_multi_package
+ case ('RCH')
+ multi_package = gwf_rch_multi_package
+ case ('RCHA')
+ multi_package = gwf_rcha_multi_package
case ('RIV')
multi_package = gwf_riv_multi_package
case ('WEL')
@@ -293,6 +318,10 @@ function gwf_idm_sfac_param(subcomponent) result(sfac_param)
sfac_param = gwf_ghb_aux_sfac_param
case ('NPF')
sfac_param = gwf_npf_aux_sfac_param
+ case ('RCH')
+ sfac_param = gwf_rch_aux_sfac_param
+ case ('RCHA')
+ sfac_param = gwf_rcha_aux_sfac_param
case ('RIV')
sfac_param = gwf_riv_aux_sfac_param
case ('WEL')
@@ -326,6 +355,10 @@ function gwf_idm_integrated(subcomponent) result(integrated)
integrated = .true.
case ('NPF')
integrated = .true.
+ case ('RCH')
+ integrated = .true.
+ case ('RCHA')
+ integrated = .true.
case ('RIV')
integrated = .true.
case ('WEL')
diff --git a/src/meson.build b/src/meson.build
index c3533a7e600..731b30ad3fe 100644
--- a/src/meson.build
+++ b/src/meson.build
@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ modflow_sources = files(
'Model' / 'GroundWaterFlow' / 'gwf3obs8.f90',
'Model' / 'GroundWaterFlow' / 'gwf3oc8.f90',
'Model' / 'GroundWaterFlow' / 'gwf3rch8.f90',
+ 'Model' / 'GroundWaterFlow' / 'gwf3rch8idm.f90',
+ 'Model' / 'GroundWaterFlow' / 'gwf3rcha8idm.f90',
'Model' / 'GroundWaterFlow' / 'gwf3riv8.f90',
'Model' / 'GroundWaterFlow' / 'gwf3riv8idm.f90',
'Model' / 'GroundWaterFlow' / 'gwf3sfr8.f90',
diff --git a/utils/idmloader/scripts/dfn2f90.py b/utils/idmloader/scripts/dfn2f90.py
index fefe869e865..cc27bf78010 100644
--- a/utils/idmloader/scripts/dfn2f90.py
+++ b/utils/idmloader/scripts/dfn2f90.py
@@ -996,6 +996,14 @@ def _write_master_component(self, fh=None):
Path("../../../doc/mf6io/mf6ivar/dfn", "gwf-npf.dfn"),
Path("../../../src/Model/GroundWaterFlow", "gwf3npf8idm.f90"),
+ [
+ Path("../../../doc/mf6io/mf6ivar/dfn", "gwf-rch.dfn"),
+ Path("../../../src/Model/GroundWaterFlow", "gwf3rch8idm.f90"),
+ ],
+ [
+ Path("../../../doc/mf6io/mf6ivar/dfn", "gwf-rcha.dfn"),
+ Path("../../../src/Model/GroundWaterFlow", "gwf3rcha8idm.f90"),
+ ],
Path("../../../doc/mf6io/mf6ivar/dfn", "gwf-riv.dfn"),
Path("../../../src/Model/GroundWaterFlow", "gwf3riv8idm.f90"),