Assuming you followed the installation guide, all the necessary backend apps should be installed and on PATH. Make an environment variable for the encoins-tools folder:
export ENCOINS_TOOLS_PATH=~/encoins-tools
IMPORTANT: Make sure to open port 3000 on your relayer machine. You will not be able to receive user requests otherwise.
Move to the encoins-tools folder and execute
. -
Wait until cardano-wallet is fully synchronized.
Press enter.
- In the terminal, move to the
cd $ENCOINS_TOOLS_PATH/testnet-preprod/scripts
- Start a new tmux session:
tmux new-session -d -s "encoins-relay"
- Press
ctrl + b + %
to split window vertically and run cardano-node:
- Press
ctrl + b + "
to split window horizontally and run Kupo:
- Press
ctrl + b + "
to split window horizontally and run cardano-wallet:
- After running cardano-wallet split window again, move to the
directory and load your wallet:
cd ../wallets
- Close this pan with
ctrl + b x
when you see message like this:
{"address_pool_gap":20,"assets":{"available":[],"total":[]},"balance":{"available":{"quantity":0,"unit":"lovelace"},"reward":{"quantity":0,"unit":"lovelace"} ...
Wait until cardano-wallet is fully synchronized.
Now select your first pan with
ctrl + b q 0
, go to../apps/encoins
directory and run encoins-relay:
cd ../apps/encoins
encoins run
- To properly shut down, use
ctrl + c
to close the individual apps. Then usectrl + b + d
to detach tmux. Finally, kill the tmux session with
tmux kill-session -t encoins-relay
When you see message like this:
[cardano-wallet.wallet-engine:Notice:42] [current-time]: In sync! Applied n blocks...