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260 lines (191 loc) · 25 KB

archived because samp is dead :(

The project is built using an old version of visual studio, building with the new version did not work as intended, but in the future updates the project will be recreated with the latest version of visual studio. helps developers to do SAMP scripting in their favourite programming language. wraps all the SAMP functions and encodes them into a DLL file which can be then imported to source files in various programming language and can be used for SAMP scripting.

Supported Languages can be used in all programming language which support .DLL file importing which are made in .NET For example:

  • C
  • C++
  • C#
  • Visual Basic .NET
  • AutoHotKey
  • Java
  • Python
  • Delphi
  • Perl
  • Powershell
  • Perl
  • Ruby
  • Swift
  • GO
  • Rust
  • PHP (DLL importing has been removed in PHP 7 or later)
  • Lua

and more if it supports .NET DLL importing


Installation is simple, all you have to do is to download DLL file and include the file in your code but you can also find some pre-made wrappers in the wrappers folder for various languages


All functions are same as functions in SAMP scripting, but here is some information, you can use the same names of the functions while importing the DLL in any programming language.

SAMP Functions:

 - IsSAMPAvailable()                         Check if SA:MP is loaded.                                                  
 - IsInChat()                                Check if the player's chatbox or dialog is open.                            
 - GetPlayerName()                           Get the player's name.                                                     
 - GetPlayerId()                             Get the player's ID.                                                       
 - SendChat(wText)                           Send a message or command to the server.                                    
 - AddChatMessage(wText)                     Add a line to the chat (only visible to the player).                        
 - ShowGameText(wText, dwTime, dwTextstyle)  Display text in the middle of the screen.                                   
 - PlayAudioStream(wUrl)                     Play music from a URL (not currently functioning).                          
 - StopAudioStream()                         Stop the music stream (not currently functioning).                          
 - GetChatLine(Line, ByRef Output)           Read a string from the line (integer).                                      
                                             Optional parameters (timestamp=0, color=0).                                 
 - BlockChatInput()                          Block messages from being sent to the server.                               
 - UnBlockChatInput()                        Unblock messages from being sent to the server.                             

 - GetServerName()                           Read the server's name.                                                    
 - GetServerIp()                             Read the server's IP.                                                      
 - GetServerPort()                           Read the server's port.                                                    
 - CountOnlinePlayers()                      Read the number of players currently online.                               

 - GetWeatherId()                            Return the weather ID.                                                     
 - GetWeatherName()                          Return the name of the current weather.                                    

 - PatchRadio()                              (internal function)                                                        
 - UnPatchRadio()                            (internal function)                                                        

SAMP Dialog Functions (v0.3.7 R4-2):

 - IsDialogOpen()                            Check if a dialog is currently displayed (returns true or false).           
 - GetDialogStyle()                          Read the type of the (last) displayed dialog (0-5).                         
 - GetDialogId()                             Read the ID of the (last) displayed dialog (also from the server).          
 - SetDialogId(id)                           Set the ID of the (last) displayed dialog.                                  
 - GetDialogIndex()                          Read the (last) selected line of the dialog.                                
 - GetDialogCaption()                        Read the title of the (last) displayed dialog.                              
 - GetDialogText()                           Read the text of the (last) displayed dialog (also for lists).              
 - GetDialogLineCount()                      Read the number of lines/items of the (last) displayed dialog.              
 - GetDialogLine(index)                      Read the line at the position [index] using GetDialogText.                  
 - GetDialogLines__()                        Read the lines using GetDialogText (returns an array).                      
 - IsDialogButton1Selected()                 Check if Button1 of the dialog is selected.                                 
 - GetDialogStructPtr()                      Read the base pointer to the dialog structure (used internally).            
 - ShowDialog(style, caption, text, button1, button2, id)          Display a dialog (local only).                                              

Extra Player Functions:

 - GetTargetPed(dwPED)                       Return the ped ID of the player you are targeting.                          
 - GetPedById(dwId)                          Return the ped ID of the SA:MP player ID provided.                          
 - GetIdByPed(dwId)                          Return the SA:MP player ID of the ped ID provided.                          
 - GetStreamedInPlayersInfo()                Display information about streamed players.                                 
 - CallFuncForAllStreamedInPlayers()         Perform certain functions for all streamed players.                         
 - GetDist(pos1,pos2)                        Calculate the distance between two positions.                               
 - GetClosestPlayerPed()                     Return the ped ID of the player closest to you.                             
 - GetClosestPlayerId()                      Return the SA:MP player ID of the player closest to you.                    
 - GetPedCoordinates(dwPED)                  Return the coordinates of the provided PED ID.                              
 - GetTargetPosById(dwId)                    Return the coordinates of the provided SA:MP player ID.                     
 - GetTargetPlayerSkinIdByPed(dwPED)         Return the skin ID for the provided ped ID.                                 
 - GetTargetPlayerSkinIdById(dwId)           Return the skin ID for the provided SA:MP player ID.                        
 - CalcScreenCoords(fX, fY, fZ)              WorldToScreen Function.                                                    

Extra Player Vehicle functions (ensure the player is in a vehicle first before calling, can lead to crashes):

 - GetVehiclePointerByPed(dwPED)             Return the vehicle pointer of the provided ped ID.                          
 - GetVehiclePointerById(dwId)               Return the vehicle pointer of the provided SA:MP player ID.                 
 - IsTargetInAnyVehicleByPed(dwPED)          Check if the provided ped ID is in any vehicle.                             
 - IsTargetInAnyVehicleById(dwId)            Check if the provided SA:MP player ID is in any vehicle.                    
 - GetTargetVehicleHealthByPed(dwPED)        Return the vehicle health value of the provided ped ID.                     
 - GetTargetVehicleHealthById(dwId)          Return the vehicle health value of the provided SA:MP player ID.            
 - GetTargetVehicleTypeByPed(dwPED)          Return the vehicle type (car, truck, etc.) of the provided ped ID.          
 - GetTargetVehicleTypeById(dwId)            Return the vehicle type (car, truck, etc.) of the provided SA:MP player ID. 
 - GetTargetVehicleModelIdByPed(dwPED)       Return the vehicle model ID of the provided ped ID.                         
 - GetTargetVehicleModelIdById(dwId)         Return the vehicle model ID of the provided SA:MP player ID.               

 - GetTargetVehicleModelNameByPed(dwPED)     Return the vehicle name of the provided ped ID.                             
 - GetTargetVehicleModelNameById(dwId)       Return the vehicle name of the provided SA:MP player ID.                    
 - GetTargetVehicleLightStateByPed(dwPED)    Return the light status of the vehicle (ped ID).                            
 - GetTargetVehicleLightStateById(dwId)      Return the light status of the vehicle (SA:MP player ID).                   
 - GetTargetVehicleLockStateByPed(dwPED)     Return the lock status of the vehicle (ped ID).                             
 - GetTargetVehicleLockStateById(dwId)       Return the lock status of the vehicle (SA:MP player ID).                    
 - GetTargetVehicleColor1ByPed(dwPED)        Return the 1st color ID (ped ID).                                           
 - GetTargetVehicleColor1ById(dwId)          Return the 1st color ID (SA:MP player ID).                                  
 - GetTargetVehicleColor2ByPed(dwPED)        Return the 2nd color ID (ped ID).                                           
 - GetTargetVehicleColor2ById(dwId)          Return the 2nd color ID (SA:MP player ID).                                  
 - GetTargetVehicleSpeedByPed(dwPED)         Return the vehicle speed of the vehicle (ped ID).                           
 - GetTargetVehicleSpeedById(dwId)           Return the vehicle speed of the vehicle (SA:MP player ID).                  

Scoreboard Functions :

 - GetPlayerScoreById(dwId)                  Get the score of the provided SA:MP player ID.                              
 - GetPlayerPingById(dwId)                   Get the ping of the provided SA:MP player ID.                               
 - GetPlayerNameById(dwId)                   Get the name of the provided SA:MP player ID.                               
 - GetPlayerIdByName(wName)                  Get the SA:MP player ID of the provided name.                               
 - UpdateScoreboardDataEx()                  Update scoreboard content (called implicitly).                              
 - UpdateOScoreboardData()                   Update scoreboard content (called implicitly).                              
 - IsNPCById(dwId)                           Check if the provided ID is an NPC.                                         

Player Functions:

 - GetPlayerHealth()                         Return the player's health value.                                          
 - GetPlayerArmor()                          Return the player's armor value.                                           
 - GetPlayerInteriorId()                     Return the player's interior ID.                                           
 - GetPlayerSkinId()                         Return the player's skin ID.                                               
 - GetPlayerMoney()                          Return the player's money value.                                           
 - GetPlayerWanteds()                        Return the wanted level of the player (up to 6).                             
 - GetPlayerWeaponId()                       Return the weapon ID of the currently held weapon.                           
 - GetPlayerWeaponName()                     Return the name of the currently held weapon.                                
 - GetPlayerState()                          Return the player's state (in a vehicle, walking, dead).                     
 - GetPlayerMapPosX()                        Return the X position on the map in the menu.                               
 - GetPlayerMapPosY()                        Return the Y position on the map in the menu.                               
 - GetPlayerMapZoom()                        Return the zoom value on the map in the menu.                               
 - IsPlayerFreezed()                         Return true or false if the player is frozen.                               

Vehicle functions:

 - IsPlayerInAnyVehicle()                    Check if the player is in any vehicle.                                      
 - GetVehicleHealth()                        Return the vehicle's health value.                                          
 - IsPlayerDriver()                          Check if the player is the driver.                                          
 - GetVehicleType()                          Return the vehicle type (car, truck, etc.).                                 
 - GetVehicleModelId()                       Return the vehicle model ID.                                                
 - GetVehicleModelName()                     Return the vehicle name.                                                    
 - GetVehicleLightState()                    Return the vehicle's light state.                                           
 - GetVehicleEngineState()                   Return the vehicle's engine state.                                          
 - GetVehicleLockState()                     Return the vehicle's lock state.                                            
 - GetVehicleColor1()                        Return the vehicle's 1st color ID.                                          
 - GetVehicleColor2()                        Return the vehicle's 2nd color ID.                                          
 - GetVehicleSpeed()                         Return the vehicle's current speed.                                         
 - GetPlayerRadiostationId()                 Return the player's radio state ID.                                         
 - GetPlayerRadiostationName()               Return the player's radio state name.                                       
 - GetVehicleNumberPlate()                   Return the vehicle's license plate.                                         

Location related functions:

 - GetPlayerCoordinates()                    Return the current player's position (coordinates).                         
 - GetPlayerPos(X, Y, Z)                     Same as above.                                                             

 - InitZonesAndCities()                      Initialize a list of all default areas.                                     
                                             (Prerequisite for the following functions in this category).                
 - CalculateZone(X, Y, Z)                    Return the zone (or district) from the provided coordinates.                
 - CalculateCity(X, Y, Z)                    Return the city from the provided coordinates.                              
 - GetCurrentZonecode()                      Get the current zone in short form (not currently functioning).             
 - AddZone(Name, X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2)     Add a zone to the index.                                                    
 - AddCity(Name, X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2)     Add a city to the index.                                                    
 - IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(X, Y, Z, Radius)   Check if the player is in the area and radius provided.                      
 - IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint2D(X, Y, Radius)    Check if the player is in the area and radius provided (without height).     
 - GetPlayerZone()                           Return the player's current zone.                                           
 - GetPlayerCity()                           Return the player's current city.                                           

Special functions:

 - getServerStatus(INADDR, PORT)             Display the status of the server.                                           
 - getAttacker(bReset := false)              Return the last attacker.                                                  
 - UnlockFPS()                               Unlock FPS.                                                                
 - FormatNumber(number)                      Format a number.                                                           
 - PlayerInput(text)                         Open a player input in chat.                                               
 - DownloadToString(url, encoding = "utf-8") Download a text file as a string.                                           
 - stringMath(string)                        Calculate a math problem from a string.                                     
 - getPageSize()                             Return the current page size (from /pagesize).                             
 - SetPercentageHealthAndArmor(toggle)       Show player health and armor percentage.                                   
 - SetChatLine(line, string)                 Change the content of a specific line.                                     
 - UrlDownloadToVar(URL, ByRef Result, UserAgent = "", Proxy = "", ProxyBypass = "") URL as a variable.                 


 - AntiCrash()                               Help against crashing with warning codes (potentially not functioning).      

Memory functions (used internally):

 - checkHandles()                                                                                                        
 - refreshGTA()                                                                                                          
 - refreshSAMP()                                                                                                         
 - refreshMemory()                                                                                                       
 - getPID(szWindow)                                                                                                      
 - openProcess(dwPID, dwRights)                                                                                          
 - closeProcess(hProcess)                                                                                                
 - getModuleBaseAddress(sModule, dwPID)                                                                                  
 - readString(hProcess, dwAddress, dwLen)                                                                                
 - readFloat(hProcess, dwAddress)                                                                                        
 - readDWORD(hProcess, dwAddress)                                                                                        
 - readMem(hProcess, dwAddress, dwLen=4, type="UInt")                                                                    
 - writeString(hProcess, dwAddress, wString)                                                                             
 - writeRaw(hProcess, dwAddress, data, dwLen)                                                                            
 - Memory_ReadByte(process_handle, address)                                                                              
 - callWithParams(hProcess, dwFunc, aParams, bCleanupStack = true)                                                       
 - virtualAllocEx(hProcess, dwSize, flAllocationType, flProtect)                                                         
 - virtualFreeEx(hProcess, lpAddress, dwSize, dwFreeType)                                                                
 - createRemoteThread(hProcess, lpThreadAttributes, dwStackSize, lpStartAddress, lpParameter, dwCreationFlags, lpThreadId)        
 - __ansiToUnicode(sString, nLen = 0)                                                                                    
 - __unicodeToAnsi(wString, nLen = 0)