[Mechiron] (http://mceranlevy.wixsite.com/shkifut-real) has been developed in order to unify the products information, its prices and other relevant metadata being published by the largest grocery stores in Israel on a daily basis and visualize into beautiful dashboards. Now that its all unified into one place, anyone can navigate through the data, slice & dice and drill down into specific product's information easily.The information published by law and being updated frequently during the day (2~ hours).
It is a non-profit initiative and the goal is to give the power to the public! So anyone can navigate through the prices, manufacturers' details and other interesting information to spot trends and see in a bird's eye-view market information. Whats the price of a specific product over time? Who are the main manufacturers that compete on the money that we spend as consumers? What are the pricing trends for a specific products category? and much more!
Ah, hmmm, Its also an opensource project! You can use it and I will be more than happy if you could contribute to it...
The Mechiron project has been seperated into 2 opensource GitHub repositories:
- Mechiron (this GitHub repository) - is responsible to gather the information published from the configured FTP sources and export into a unified CSV format. Written in Python and can be extended easily. For more information see the GitHub repository README.
- [MechironAnalyzer] (https://github.com/eran-levy/MechironAnalyzer) - which is reponsible for the data processing - see more information in the repository itself.
Its an experimental project and has been seperated into units:
- pricesgzextractor - extract the downloaded XML information from all sources that are located in the download folder into a CSV per store file, i.e. RamiLevi_YYYY-MM-dd_HH_mm_SS.csv
- storesextractor - extract the download stores XML file per store and unify all of them into a single stores CSV file
- rundataflow - download data from all the configured stores located in mechiron-config.cfg
Python 2.7.11
- Clone this repository into your local projects folder
- Configure the relevant properties under the mechiron/mechron-conf.cfg file
- Project can be opened using PyCharm or one of your favorite IDEs
- Run the rundataflow.py file for the complete process
For comments or further details, please don't hesitate to mail me anytime: mceranlevy@gmail.com I will continue to maintain the project - new features, unit tests, better error handling, etc. Stay tuned, Eran Levy