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2019, 2020
block storage, CLI, block storage volume, volume, IOPS

{:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:important: .important} {:screen: .screen} {:pre: .pre} {:tip: .tip} {:table: .aria-labeledby="caption"}

Creating block storage volumes by using the CLI

{: #creating-block-storage-cli}

You can create {{}} volumes by using the command line interface (CLI). {:shortdesc}

Before you begin

{: #before-creating-block-storage-cli}

  1. Make sure that you downloaded, installed, and initialized the following CLI plug-ins:

    • {{}} CLI
    • The infrastructure-service plug-in

    For more information, see the CLI Reference.

    After you install the vpc-infrastructure plug-in, set the target to generation 2 by running the command ibmcloud is target --gen 2. {:important}

  2. Make sure that you created an {{}}.

Create a block storage volume by using the CLI

{: #create-vol-cli}

Run the following command to create a block storage volume. Provide a volume name, profile name, and the name of the availability zone in your region. For information about block storage profiles, see Profiles. Optional parameters are shown in brackets.

ibmcloud is volume-create VOLUME_NAME PROFILE_NAME ZONE_NAME [--capacity CAPACITY] [--iops IOPS] [--resource-group-id RESOURCE_GROUP_ID | --resource-group-name RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME] [--json]


$ ibmcloud is volume-create demovolume1 custom us-south-1 --iops 1000
Creating volume demovolume1 in resource group Default under account VPC 01 as user
ID                                      584ab34a-6d25-4226-a5a4-4c6c8aa9186d
Name                                    demovolume1
Capacity                                100
IOPS                                    1000
Profile                                 custom
Encryption Key                          -
Encryption                              provider_managed
Status                                  pending
Resource Group                          Default(dbb12715c2a22f2bb60df4ffd4a543f2)
Created                                 2019-11-15 10:09:28
Zone                                    us-south-1
Volume Attachment Instance Reference    none


Capacity, indicated in megabytes, can range 10 - 2,000 GBs. If not specified, the default capacity is 100 GBs. IOPS values can be 1,000 - 20,000 IOPS, depending on volume size. If not specified, the IOPS value defaults to the valid configuration per volume profile. For more information, see the table of IOPS ranges based on volume size.

The volume name can be up to 63 lowercase alpha-numeric characters and include the hyphen (-), and must begin with a lowercase letter.

Note the volume ID. You need to specify the ID when you attach block storage to a virtual server instance, view block storage volume details, or delete volumes.

Do you prefer to create block storage volumes from the {{}} console? For information, see Creating block storage volumes. {: tip}

Next steps

{: #next-step-creating-block-storage-cli}

Attach a block storage volume by using the CLI.