- under the DirectedGraphPathFinder/ directory, run
java -cp DirectedGraphPathFinder.jar pathfinder.PathFinder <path to file>
- in the input file, you can specify any graph format similar to
"AB9, BC7, CD7, DC5, DE5, AD7, CE3, EB5, AE8"
in the file; but please use'A','B'..'E'..
etc as graph node, as those are used in the main class
- Directed graph: it is using a data structure similar to adjacent list for storing graph node and edges; nodes are represented by single character; edges are weighted.
- Graph search algorithm: it is mainly using DFS to find all paths from source node to destination; it is also using DFS to find all cycles in the graph; paths containing cycles are computed by combing acyclic path with cycles; certain case where a node are contained in multiples cycles could fail to find certain paths, as in output #10.
- More info: please refer to the code and documentations.