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ESPRESSIF IDF Extension for Visual Studio Code

Table Of Contents (TOC)

  1. Self-Configuration
  2. Setup Wizard
  3. Extension Manual Configuration Using Preferences: Open Settings (JSON)
  4. Extension Manual Configuration Using Preferences: Open Settings (UI)
  5. Extension Configuration Example

NOTE: Make sure to install the extension prerequisites and, if using WSL2, the required packages specified in WSL Documentation.

Extension Activation Self Configuration

When you start ESP-IDF extension, it will try to self-configure by looking for existing ESP-IDF directory in IDF_PATH environment variable, $HOME/esp/esp-idf on MacOS/Linux and %USERPROFILE%\esp\esp-idf or %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\esp-idf in Windows. It will look for ESP-IDF Tools and ESP-IDF Python Virtual Environment in IDF_TOOLS_PATH environment variable, $HOME\.espressif on MacOS/Linux and %USERPROFILE%\.espressif on Windows.

If ESP-IDF and corresponding ESP-IDF Tools are found, these paths will be saved as Visual Studio Code Configuration settings, which are located in Command Palette (F1 or View Menu -> Command Palette) and type Preferences: Open Settings (UI) or Command Palette (F1 or View Menu -> Command Palette) and type Preferences: Open Settings (JSON).

These settings, as described in ESP-IDF Specific Settings, are:

  • idf.espIdfPath for IDF_PATH,
  • idf.toolsPath for IDF_TOOLS_PATH
  • idf.customExtraVars for additional user defined environment variables.

NOTE: Visual Studio Code has many places where to set configuration settings. This extension uses the idf.saveScope configuration setting to determine where to save settings, Global (User Settings), Workspace and WorkspaceFolder. Please review the Visual Studio Code Settings Precedence.

If ESP-IDF and ESP-IDF Tools are not available, you can use the Setup Wizard to download them and configure the extension for you or manually configure the extension as explained in JSON Manual Configuration or Settings UI Manual Configuration .

Setup Wizard

With Visual Studio Code Command Palette (F1 or View Menu -> Command Palette) and type ESP-IDF: Configure ESP-IDF Extension.

Setup wizard provides 3 choices:

  • Express Install: Fastest option.
    1. Choose to either download selected ESP-IDF version or find ESP-IDF in your system.
    2. Choose directory, Download and install ESP-IDF Tools. This step will use the existing value in idf.toolsPath or idf.toolsPathWin as ESP-IDF Tools directory.
    3. Create Python virtual environment with required packages on existing ESP-IDF Tools directory.
  • Advanced Install: Configurable option.
    1. Choose to either download selected ESP-IDF version or find ESP-IDF in your system.
    2. Download or use existing ESP-IDF Tools:
      • Choose directory for ESP-IDF Tools and install ESP-IDF Tools. This step will update the existing value in idf.toolsPath or idf.toolsPathWin.
      • Specify directory than contains executable for each required ESP-IDF tool with matching version.
    3. Create Python virtual environment with required packages in chosen ESP-IDF Tools directory.
  • Use Existing Setup: This option will show previous setup used in the extension and existing setup if:
    1. esp-idf.json is found in the current idf.toolsPath (MacOS/Linux users) or idf.toolsPathWin (Windows users). This file is generated when you install ESP-IDF with the IDF Windows Installer or using IDF-ENV or this extension.

NOTE: When running any of these choices, the setup wizard will install ESP-IDF Python packages and ESP-IDF debug adapter (EXTENSION_PATH/esp_debug_adapter/requirements.txt) Python packages where EXTENSION_PATH is located in:

  • Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions\espressif.esp-idf-extension-VERSION
  • MacOS/Linux: $HOME/.vscode/extensions/espressif.esp-idf-extension-VERSION

so make sure that if using an existing Python virtual environment that installing these packages doesn't affect your virtual environment.

NOTE: Currently the Python package pygdbmi used by the debug adapter still depends on some Python 2.7 libraries ( so make sure that the Python executable in ESP-IDF Virtual environment Python path you use contains these libraries. This will be dropped in later versions of ESP-IDF.

NOTE: If you want to use an ESP-IDF version < 5.0, make sure that IDF_PATH and IDF_TOOLS_PATH don't have any spaces since they were no suported in previous versions.

After choosing any of the previous options, a status page is displayed showing ESP-IDF, tools and Python environment setup progress status. When the setup is finished, a message is shown that "All settings have been configured. You can close this window."

NOTE: Check the Troubleshooting section if you have any issue.

JSON Manual Configuration

You can manually configure the extension by setting the following configuration settings with corresponding values. Please take a look at Configuration Settings for more information.

  1. With Visual Studio Code Command Palette (F1 or View Menu -> Command Palette) and type Preferences: Open Settings (JSON). This will open you global settings for Visual Studio Code.

    NOTE: You could choose to modify its workspace settings.json for a workspace limited configuration or a project limited configuration in the project's .vscode/settings.json. Please take a look at Working with multiple projects.

  2. Your settings.json should look like:


  "idf.espIdfPath": "path/to/esp-idf",
  "idf.toolsPath": "path/to/.espressif",
  "idf.openOcdConfigs": [
  "idf.port": "DEVICE_PORT"


  "idf.espIdfPathWin": "path/to/esp-idf",
  "idf.toolsPath": "path/to/.espressif",
  "idf.openOcdConfigs": [
  "idf.portWin": "DEVICE_PORT"


  • UPDATED_PATH is the "Updated PATH variable" generated by $IDF_PATH/,
  • PYTHON_INTERPRETER is the "Using Python interpreter in" value generated by $IDF_PATH/,
  • DEVICE_PORT is your device serial port (i.e. COM1, /dev/cu.usbserial-1433401 or /dev/ttyUSB1)
  • idf.openOcdConfigs are the config files used for OpenOCD for your device (relative paths to OPENOCD_SCRIPTS directory of OpenOCD-ESP32 tool).


Make sure to install the extension and extension debug adapter Python requirements by running the following commands in your terminal:

PYTHON_INTERPRETER -m pip install --upgrade -r EXTENSION_PATH/esp_debug_adapter/requirements.txt --extra-index-url


  • %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions\espressif.esp-idf-extension-VERSION on Windows
  • $HOME/.vscode/extensions/espressif.esp-idf-extension-VERSION on Linux/MacOS

UI Manual Configuration

This is the same as JSON Manual Configuration but the name of each configuration setting is the description given in the ESP-IDF Settings. This method also need to install extension and debug adapter requirements.txt as shown in the previous section.

Example Configuration Setting Values

An example ESP-IDF path is to set idf.espIdfPath to /home/myUser/esp/esp-idf (MacOS/Linux) or set idf.espIdfPathWin to C:\Users\myUser\esp\esp-idf (Windows)

ESP-IDF Tools path is to set idf.toolsPath to /home/myUser/.espressif (MacOS/Linux) or set idf.toolsPathWin to C:\Users\myUser\.espressif (Windows)

idf.customExtraVars is an JSON object saved in Visual Studio Code's settings.json (Make sure to replace ${TOOL_PATH} with the existing tool directory path):

"idf.customExtraVars": {

The list of required ESP-IDF Tools and environment variables can be found in $IDF_PATH/tools/tools.json.

idf.openOcdConfigs use OpenOCD Configuration files depending on your board and chip target. More information here.