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The solution prepares special application packs (releases) for running TON OS Startup Edition without Docker for different Operational Systems. The main idea for the solution is creating standardized application packs.
The major version of the TON OS Startup Edition without Docker can use only the major version of binaries release. This approach allows us to ensure compatibility between TON OS Startup Edition without Docker and binary files.
So if TON OS Startup Edition releases a new version that contains Postgres(for example), we will publish the next major version of binary files. And then we will publish a new major version of the TON OS Startup Edition without Docker tool, which will be compatible only with the same major version of binary application packs.
To make the process of building fast and easy, we use Github Actions and GitHub Workflow for building all necessary binary application packs in ton-actions/tonos-se-binaries repository. TonOS SE application pack is a tar.gz archive that contains applications (Nginx, ArangoDB, Q Server, Ton Node) and configuration files to quick start. The full list of application packs could be found here.
Almost all GitHub Jobs in build-and-release.yml Workflow file use build matrix. This approach allows us to build each possible version of application pack for each Operating System, easy and clean delivery to the clients. Below is described general information about building each application in binary packs.
Each night a special workflow file checks a new verion of TON OS Startup Edition. If detects a new verision, node-release-detection.yml initiation a process of building and publishing a new release of application pack.
Matrix | Ton Node | Nginx | Arango DB | Q Server |
OS: [ ubuntu-18.04, macos-10.15, windows-2019 ] | x | x | x | x |
Ton Node SE versions: [ 0.24.12, 0.24.13, 0.25.0 ] | x | - | - | - |
Version of each application can be changed by settings ENV variables in build-and-release.yml.
- Checkout tonos-se
- Cache cargo
- Build
- Pack result and publish artifact
- Download necessary version using NPM Package
- Pack result and publish artifact
- Download necessary version using config.arango.js
- Unpack archive and create right structure
- Pack result and publish artifact
- Checkout tonlabs/ton-q-server
- NPM install
- Pack result and publish artifact
- Checkout tonlabs/tonos-se
- Copy necessary files from tonos-se repo
- Pack result and publish artifact
- Download all workflow run artifacts
- Merge tar files
- Upload Release Artifact