Learnbefore is a platform designed to help you discover unfamiliar words, allowing you to learn them in advance, before encountering them in films, books, blogs, etc.
🚧 Beta Stage: Base Functionality Ready
The learnbefore.com has progressed to the beta stage of development. The website is now deployed and supports authentication and persistence. While development remains active, the core functionality is available and ready to use.
You can login to the website and see the chat page. Entering the text and clicking Send will give you a list of likely unfamiliar words that you can learn in advance.
Follow us on Twitter and Instagram to stay updated on our progress, exciting features, and language learning tips!
- Website: learnbefore.com
- Twitter: @learnbeforecom
- Instagram: @learnbeforecom
- Threads @learnbeforecom
- YouTube @LearnBefore
Feel free to reach out, share your thoughts, and join the community as we embark on this language learning journey together! 🌐✨