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EvoDoc / Desktop client for macOS, linux, windows

Build Status Library Dependencies

A desktop client for macOS, linux and windows. Based on Electron. Webpack is used as an app bundler. A stylesheet language is SCSS, template engine – PugJS.

Getting Started

Requirements & Dependencies

  • NodeJS >=8.0.0
  • Yarn >=1.9.0

Install project dependencies:


+ install all peer dependencies from package.json


Development: An app bundle with source maps, watching files and without css extraction.

yarn build:dev
yarn start:dev # background

Production: A production bundle. All source codes are minified, css files are extracted, etc.

yarn build:prod
yarn start:prod # background

Packager: Bundle the whole app into 1 execution file (.app, .exe, etc.).

yarn packager:mac # macOS application
yarn packager:lin # linux application
yarn packager:win # windows application


Universal clean task:

yarn clean

Other tasks:

yarn clean:build     # clean build folder
yarn clean:release   # clean releases
yarn clean:logs      # clean logs

Code style


Project uses eslint utility. Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide is used as a basic style guide, other styles are defined in .eslintrc.json. Please don't use olded syntax of ajax requests (XMLHttpRequest), prototype declarations etc.


├── bin           # binary files
├── build         # bundled application
├── electron      # electron configuration
├── logs          # developmetn logs
├── release       # bundled releases
├── src              #sources
│   ├── config          # app configuration files
│   ├── kernel          # app functionality core
│   │   └── modules        # modules
│   └── local           # app content
│       ├── components     # repeatable parts of code
│       ├── localization   # json files with translations
│       │   └── xx.json
│       ├── resources      # global resources (may be used everywhere)
│       ├── routes
│       │   └── page          # route name (usually a part between ../xxx/.. in URL)
│       │       ├── js           # page secondary js
│       │       ├── pug          # page secondary markup
│       │       ├── scss         # page secondary scss
│       │       ├── index.js     # controller
│       │       ├── index.pug    # view
│       │       └── index.scss   # styles
│       ├── styles         # global styles
│       │   ├── ui            # ui elements
│       │   └── **            # other style groups
│       ├── components.js  # requires components
│       ├── localizations.js  # requires localizations
│       └── routes.js      # defines routes
├── test          # tests
└── tmp           # temporary user folder (ignored by git)


The application supports multilanguage interfaces.

./src/config/localization.config.json  # settings (default language, etc.)
./src/kernel/Localization.class.js     # main localization class
./src/local/localization/??.json       # all language data files
./src/local/localizations.js           # requires language data files

Each language should have its own .json file, which is automatically required in the localization module (localizations.js). Each phrase has a namespace and a key. This pairs should be unique per language file.


All routes (pages) are accepted by patterns, which are formed with paths and params. Paths are static, params are variable and not empty. E.g. a pattern /package/:id could accept routes /package/e564wi or /package/3245rtfde454e, but not /package/.

A pattern may look like /path/path/:param/path/:param/path. It means if we request /path/path/2/path/4/path, the router finds our pattern, gets all parameters [2, 4] and sends them to the page renderer process.

To prevent an unexpected redirects always type a full path begins with a slash /, e.g.:

<a href="/route/page">Link</a>

New route

Let's create a new route with a path /element/:element-type/:element-name/view.

└── element
   └── element-type
      └── element-name
         └── view
            ├── js         # secondary js (optional) - additional js files for the controller
            ├── pug        # secondary pug (optional) - additional pug files for the markup
            ├── scss       # secondary scss (optional) - additional mixins, etc.
            ├── index.js   # controller (required)
            ├── index.pug  # markup (optional) - required in the controller
            └── index.scss # styles (optional) - required in the controller

Then you need to declare a new route in ./src/local/routes.js. A key is used as a regular expression to match a requested page, a value is a page controller's exported function which runs immediately.

module.exports = {
   '/element/:element-type/:element-name/view': require('Routes/element/element-type/element-name/view')(),

The controller is a class extends the Page template (./src/kernel/Page.class.js) wrapped into an object structure with its configuration (see other page as examples). A minimal controller code is:

const Page = require('Kernel/Page.class');

class Index extends Page {
   constructor(args, config) {
      super(args, config);

module.exports = (config = {}) => ({
   Page: Index,

To add a stylesheet require it explicitly:


To define a template (instead of the default one) you need to create a index.pug file and redefine the __render() method:

const Page = require('Kernel/Page.class');
const template = require('./index.pug');

class Index extends Page {
   constructor(args, config) {
      super(args, config);
      this._template = template;

   __render() {
      this._getRenderParent().innerHTML = this._template();

module.exports = (config = {}) => ({
   Page: Index,

The __render() method is one of the auto run methods which are called in the specific order during a process of page loading.

class Index extends Page {
   async __ajaxData() {
      // Purpose: load all initial data from the server

   async __render() {
      // Purpose: render a markup

   __handlers() {
      // Purpose: add some js events


Within pages may exist elements (components) that are used more than once, but with different texts etc., e.g. buttons, tiles, even whole templates (e.g. error pages). They are defined in ./src/local/components/** and auto-loaded into all page classes.

components.js assumes the existence of index.pug file(s), the path of their parent folders joined with . will be used as a unique id of the component.

All index.scss files are required recursively.

Example of newComponent component:

└── groupOfComponents
   └── newComponent
      ├── images           # images, required in scss files (optional)
      ├── scss             # styles, required in index.scss (optional)
      ├── index.pug        # template file (required)
      └── index.scss       # scss file (optional)

Pages may use this component in their renderer process:

const partOfHTML = this.getComponent()['groupOfComponents.newComponent']({
   _lang: this._getLocalization(),
   _data: {
      optionalVariable: 'value',

The result may be send as a variable to some template.


Modules (./src/kernel/modules) are classes or interfaces that can be required within the whole app.

const module = require('Modules/name.module');


Library: Noty.

const Noty = require('Modules/notifications.module');

// Types: [alert, error, warning, info (information), success]
new Noty({
   type: 'error',
   text: 'Notification example!',
   timeout: 1000,

Application logger

Library: winston, winston-daily-rotate-file

const log = require('Modules/');

log.error('Error message.');
log.warn('Warning message.');'Info message.');
log.trace('Trace message.');
log.debug('Debug message.');


Full description and examples you can find in ./src/kernel/modules/**.js.


Mocha is used as an environment and chai as an assertion library. Tests have their own folder (./test) and are divided into 2 groups: api test (aren't connected with the current implementation) and application test (unit tests, etc.).

yarn mocha:all          # run all tests
yarn mocha:api          # run only API tests
yarn mocha:application  # run only app tests

API requests

There are 3 main places from which we can call an API request - Router, Page rendering process and Page itself.

The default structure of handling responses from the server is (CALL)─(API-MODULE)─(CONNECT) where individual nodes are:

    • ./src/kernel/modules/connect.module.js
    • provides different types of fetch with user token and other necessary data (an interface of getJSON, postJSON, etc.)
    • handles global errors (without redirections)
    • ./src/kernel/modules/api/*.module.js
    • provides an API interface for logical groups of request
    • handles individual save/remove events (without redirects)
  • CALL
    • evodoc.getAPI().getModule().method({...options})
    • a request in a try-catch block
    • the catch section handles all redirects (e.g. a redirect after unauthorised error) and individual behavior (e.g. a notification about wrong password)

An API call visualisation:

   └─ Page rendering
      └─(CALL)─(API-MODULE)─(CONNECT) (2)


Detailed communication:

(1) Router call <- (return|throw) <- Module <- (return|throw) <- Connect
(2) Router <- (throw) <- Page rendering call <- (return|throw) <- Module <- (return|throw) <- Connect
(3) Page call <- (return|throw) <- Module <- (return|throw) <- Connect

Custom Response codes

1000 - No internet connection

API call example

// Modules
const connect = require('Modules/connect.module');
const errorAuth = require('Modules/api/auth.error');

try {
   // Call
   await evodoc

   // Redirect
} catch (e) {
   // Error handling
   if (e instanceof errorAuth.InvalidAuthDataError) {
      new Noty({
         text: 'Login or password is invalid.',
