The OpenShift templates that will create all the necessary services to run the Launcher
Before starting the installation make sure that:
Minishift is running
You are logged in using
oc login
Your GitHub Username is set using
git config --global github.user <user>
Your GitHub Token is set using
git config --global github.token <token>
After that simply run the following:
curl -s | bash
To install this template in your OpenShift project run the following:
oc create -f openshift/launcher-template.yaml
Or go the the OpenShift web console, select Import YAML / JSON
, copy & paste the contents of launcher-template.yaml into the text box and click Create
By default this creates a new Launcher application containing the latest version of both the frontend and backend services as found on Docker Hub.
You can find more detail on how to configure and start a Single-node OpenShift Cluster for the Fabric8 Launcher Tool in the documentation.
We provide an add-on to load this template in the OpenShift/MiniShift catalog: More instructions about add-ons can be found here: