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File metadata and controls

328 lines (250 loc) · 10.7 KB

bdbag: bdbag-utils reference


The bdbag-utils command-line program is designed to make some of the more repetitive and programmable tasks associated with creating and maintaining bags easier. In particular, various methods for programmatically generating remote-file-manifests are provided.


The bdbag-utils CLI functions are invoked as sub-commands.

usage: bdbag-utils [-h] [--quiet] [--debug]



Suppress logging output.


Enable debug logging output.

-h, --help

Print a detailed help message and exit.


Create a remote-file-manifest by recursively scanning a directory from a mounted filesystem.

usage: bdbag-utils create-rfm-from-filesystem [-h] --checksum
                                              [--base-payload-path <url>]
                                              --base-url <url>
                                              [--filter <column><operator><value>]
                                              [--url-formatter {none,append-path,append-filename}]
                                              <input path> <output file>

--checksum {md5,sha1,sha256,sha512,all}


Checksum algorithm to use: can be specified multiple times with different values. If all is specified, every supported checksum will be generated.

--base-payload-path <url>


An optional path prefix to prepend to each relative file path found while walking the input directory tree. All files will be rooted under this base directory path in any bag created from this manifest.

--base-url <url>


A URL root to prepend to each file listed in the manifest. Used to generate fetch URL fields dynamically.

--filter <column><operator><value>


A simple expression of the form <column><operator><value> where:

  • <column> is the name of a column in the generated remote file manifest entry to be filtered on.
  • <operator> is one of the following tokens:
    • == (equal)
    • != (not equal)
    • =* (wildcard substring equal)
    • !* (wildcard substring not equal)
    • ^* (wildcard starts with)
    • $* (wildcard ends with)
    • >, >=, <, <=
  • <value> is a string pattern or integer to be filtered against.

--url-formatter {none,append-path,append-filename}


Format function for generating remote file URLs.

  • If append-path is specified, the existing relative path including the filename will be appended to the --base-url argument.
  • If append-filename is specified, only the filename will be appended.
  • If none is specified, the --base-url argument will be used as-is. The default setting is "append-path".



If streaming-json is specified, one JSON tuple object per line will be written to the output file. Enable this option if the default behavior produces a file that is prohibitively large for bdbag to parse entirely into system memory.

<input path>


A path to an input directory that will be recursively scanned for files. Each file found will have its checksum calculated and get added as an entry in the output remote-file-manifest.

<output file>


Path of the filename where the remote file manifest will be written.


Create a remote-file-manifest from a CSV or JSON file with records containing column data that can be mapped to the required fields in the remote-file-manifest.

Note: even though the various checksum column-mapping arguments are technically optional from the perspective of the command-line parser, at least one must be specified.

usage: bdbag-utils create-rfm-from-file [-h] [--input-format {csv,json}]
                                        [--filter <column><operator><value>]
                                        --url-col <url column>
                                        --length-col <length column>
                                        --filename-col <filename column>
                                        [--md5-col <md5 column>]
                                        [--sha1-col <sha1 column>]
                                        [--sha256-col <sha256 column>]
                                        [--sha512-col <sha512 column>]
                                        <input file> <output file>

--input-format {csv,json}


The input file format specified by keyword, either csv or json. Various flavors of CSV are supported, e.g., tab-delimited, quoted, etc.

--filter <column><operator><value>


A simple expression of the form <column><operator><value> where:

  • <column> is the name of a column in the input file to be filtered on.
  • <operator> is one of the following tokens:
    • == (equal)
    • != (not equal)
    • =* (wildcard substring equal)
    • !* (wildcard substring not equal)
    • ^* (wildcard starts with)
    • $* (wildcard ends with)
    • >, >=, <, <=
  • <value> is a string pattern or integer to be filtered against.

--url-col <url column>


The column or key name in the input file which will be mapped to the url attribute of the output manifest.

--length-col <length column>


The column or key name in the input file which will be mapped to the length attribute of the output manifest.

--filename-col <filename column>


The column or key name in the input file which will be mapped to the filename attribute of the output manifest.

--md5-col <md5 column>


The column or key name in the input file which will be mapped to the md5 attribute of the output manifest.

--sha1-col <sha1 column>


The column or key name in the input file which will be mapped to the sha1 attribute of the output manifest.

--sha256-col <sha256 column>


The column or key name in the input file which will be mapped to the sha256 attribute of the output manifest.

--sha512-col <sha512 column


The column or key name in the input file which will be mapped to the sha512 attribute of the output manifest.



If streaming-json is specified, one JSON tuple object per line will be written to the output file. Enable this option if the default behavior produces a file that is prohibitively large for bdbag to parse entirely into system memory.

<input file>


Path to a CSV or JSON formatted input file.

<output file>


Path of the filename where the remote file manifest will be written.


Create a remote file manifest from a list of HTTP(S) URLs by issuing HTTP HEAD requests for the Content-Length, Content-Disposition, and Content-MD5, Content-SHA256 (or equivalent checksum type) headers for each URL.

Note: only md5 and sha256 hash algorithms are supported with this function.

usage: bdbag-utils create-rfm-from-url-list [-h] [--keychain-file <file>]
                                            [--config-file <file>]
                                            [--base-payload-path <url>]
                                            [--md5-header <md5 header name>]
                                            [--sha256-header <sha256 header name>]
                                            [--filter <column><operator><value>]
                                            <input file> <output file>

--keychain-file <file>


Optional path to a keychain file. If this argument is not specified, the keychain file defaults to: ~/.bdbag/keychain.json.

--config-file <file>

Optional path to a bdbag configuration file. The configuration file format is described here. If this argument is not specified, the configuration file will be set to the value of the environment variable BDBAG_CONFIG_FILE (if present) or otherwise default to ~/.bdbag/bdbag.json.

--base-payload-path <url>


An optional path prefix to prepend to each relative file path found while querying each URL for metadata. All files will be rooted under this base directory path in any bag created from this manifest.

--md5-header <md5 header name>


The name of the response header that contains the MD5 hash value. Defaults to Content-MD5. Other examples: x-amz-meta-md5chksum (AWS S3), x-goog-hash: md5 (GCS).

--sha256-header <sha256 header name>


The name of the response header that contains the SHA256 hash value. Defaults to Content-SHA256.

--filter <column><operator><value>


A simple expression of the form <column><operator><value> where:

  • <column> is the name of a header in the result headers to be filtered on.
  • <operator> is one of the following tokens:
    • == (equal)
    • != (not equal)
    • =* (wildcard substring equal)
    • !* (wildcard substring not equal)
    • ^* (wildcard starts with)
    • $* (wildcard ends with)
    • >, >=, <, <=
  • <value> is a string pattern or integer to be filtered against.



Content hashes found in headers are assumed to be base64 encoded. Use this option to disable the automatic base64 decoding (and subsequent hex encoding) of the hash header and use the result value unchanged.



Preserve the URL file path in the local payload. This is used for mirroring the path hierarchy from the source in the bag payload directory.



If streaming-json is specified, one JSON tuple object per line will be written to the output file. Enable this option if the default behavior produces a file that is prohibitively large for bdbag to parse entirely into system memory.

<input file>


Path to a file containing a newline delimited list of URLs to query for header metadata.

<output file>


Path of the filename where the remote file manifest will be written.