Transport layer TCP-protocol template in which the corrupted blocks are identified and resent to the transmitter. Used with QRadioLink or GNU Radio to effeciently communicate via radio transmitters.
[ 14K] transport-layer-tcp-protocol
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8 files, 1 directory
git clone -q && \
cd transport-layer-tcp-protocol && \
chmod ugo+x *.p* *.sh && \
./ file > transmit-file
file is an original file that is to be obtained by the receiver.
transmit-file is a file that is transmitted via QRadioLink or GNU Radio to attain such obtaining.transmit-file must be stored untill the radio transmission is succesfully completed.
./ received-file
received-file is a file where the data received by QRadioLink or GNU Radio is stored.
If the transmission was succesfull, the received-file is identical to transmit-file.
In such case,
will decode the received-file.
In other case,
will report on damaged blocks and create aconfimed.txt
should be obtained by the transmitter, e.g. via Telegram =)
Identical to the latter command, except this one listens
infinitely and stores each received-file inreceived-files
direcory.Can process multiple files with different names concurrently.
GNU Radio should be configured as a client sending data to127.0.0.1:20000
./ transmit-file confirmed-file > resend-file
transmit-file and confirmed-file are as stated above.
resend-file is a file consisting of blocks that are to be resended to the receiver untill the received-file is identical to the resend-file