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Simple project of a semi Quest compatible Reverse Avali Avatar for VRChat with performance rank medium
This is a modified Reverse Avali with the base model from VictonRoy
It's fully set up with expressions, emotes and dynamic bones
- Optimized UV Map
- Reduced material count to two
- Optional Quest compatible version
- MMD Blendshapes
- Avatar 3 Expressions
You can find a public demo version and some older versions in the Reverse Avali Avatar Hall world in VRChat
- Unity 2019.4.31f1
- check the VRChat documentation for the current supported version
- Poiyomi Shaders 7.2 or newer
- VRChat SDK3 for Avatars
- Dynamic Bones
- Substance Painter 7.2.3 or newer - alternatively a Photoshop PSD compatible program
- Clone or download the repository from
- Open the project in Unity (do not open any scene yet)
- Import the VRChat SDK
- Import Poiyomi Shaders
- Optionally: import Dynamic Bones
- Open [Assets] -> [Reverse Avali] -> [Avali Scene]
or [Assets] -> [Reverse Avali] -> [Quest Version] -> [Quest Avali Scene] for the Quest version - if you did not import dynamic bones:
remove the 5 missing scripts on the Avali GameObject (does not apply to the Quest version) - Upload using the VRChat SDK
In [Assets] -> [Reverse Avali] -> [Resources~] (folder does not show up in Unity, use your file browser instead) are
- Substance Painter files
- untested Photoshop files exported from Substance Painter
Colors can be changed by changing the layer fill color
The Quest does not support transparency, feathers will show with a black background instead
- The Quest version needs its own texture instead of reusing the normal one due to decimation and suboptimal topology from the base model
- The FX Layer Controller has an empty mask to prevent the Gesture Layer Controller breaking, this is a workaround for a bug
- The right arm puppet is implemented in the action layer instead of gesture layer as a workaround for a bug