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Fernando Carrascosa edited this page May 8, 2021 · 8 revisions


This script provides you with a set of commands to share your FACEIT information with your viewers.

General Messages

Script Settings Tab: GENERAL MESSAGES

Label Type Description Default Mandatory
Permission Error Message text The message an user will receive if he has no permission to use a command $username, gotcha! You don't have permission to use $command YES
Cooldown Message text The message an user will receive if the command is on user or global cooldown $username, not too fast! You need to wait $cooldownTimer seconds till you can use $command again YES

Text Arguments

You see there are some $args in the default texts, you can use them in your own custom messages they are parsed as follows.

Argument Description
$username The user that invoked this command
$command The command that has been invoked
$cooldownTimer The time (in seconds) the user has to wait to use the command again

Elo Check Command

This command prompts a message with the FACEIT Elo and FACEIT Level of the requested user (by default the streamer) in CSGO. Here's a table with the settings related to this script and how you can modify them.


Script Settings Tab: ELO CHECK COMMAND

Label Type Description Default Mandatory
Command text The text that should trigger the Faceit Elo Check !elo YES
User Permission select The group of users that can use this command everyone YES
Specific User text This field should only be filled when using the user_specific permission. The user that can use this script none NO
User Cooldown slider How long the command should go on cooldown for (in seconds) 30 YES
Message text The message that will be sent to chat when using the command. $username, the Faceit ELO for $player is $elo that makes him level $level. YES
Error Message text The message that will be sent to chat when using the command and there's an error. Nice try, $username, but $player's ELO is under a rock, 'cause I can't find it. YES

Text Arguments

You see there are some $args in the default texts, you can use them in your own custom messages they are parsed as follows.

Argument Description
$username The user that invoked this command
$elo The value for ELO the script has found
$level The value for Level the script has found
$player The user whose elo is being checked

Start Faceit Session Command

This command starts a new session to be analyzed. It is useful for your mods to start sessions if you forget doing it while streaming.



Label Type Description Default Mandatory
Command text The text that should trigger the Faceit Session Start !startsession YES
User Permission select The group of users that can use this command moderator YES
Specific User text This field should only be filled when using the user_specific permission. The user that can use this script empty NO
Global Cooldown slider How much time this co mmand is to be on wait to use it again 14400 YES
Message text The message that will be sent to chat when using the command. $username, a new session started, I'll keep track of the matches played from now on. YES
Error Message text The message that will be sent to chat when using the command and there’s an error. Oh, dear, $username, something went wrong trying to start a new session. YES

Text Arguments

You see there are some $args in the default texts, you can use them in your own custom messages they are parsed as follows.

Argument Description
$username The user that invoked this command

Session Check Command

This command prompts a message in the chat with the analysis result of the current session with the games played, won, lost and the ELO balance of the matches played.



Label Type Description Default Mandatory
Command text The text that should trigger the Faceit Session Check !session YES
Include hub matches check If set to true, custom matches and hub matches will be included in the session results false YES
User Permission select The group of users that can use this command everyone YES
Specific User text This field should only be filled when using the user_specific permission. The user that can use this script empty NO
Global Cooldown slider How much time this co mmand is to be on wait to use it again (in seconds) 0 NO
User Cooldown slider How long the command should go on cooldown for an user (in seconds) 30 YES
Message text The message that will be sent to chat when using the command. $username, we've played $total_matches in total, won $won_matches, lost $lost_matches and this session elo balance is $elo_balance. YES
Error Message text The message that will be sent to chat when using the command and there’s an error. Oh, dear, $username, something went wrong trying to get this session's data. Try it again later and if the issue persists contact the streamer. YES

Text Arguments

You see there are some $args in the default texts, you can use them in your own custom messages they are parsed as follows.

Argument Description
$username The user that invoked this command
$total_matches The total number of matches played on the current session
$won_matches The number of matches won on the current session
$lost_matches The number of matches lost on the current session
$elo_balance The elo balance for the session
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