This is an experiment that tries to implement a minimal hydra in a single self-contained HTML file. The GLSL compiler is implemented with a stripped down version of @kabelsalat/core.
live at
I did this mainly to learn more about how WebGL works, as a continuation of schattenspiel. The hydra DSL seemed to be a good fit to implement with my graph compiler @kabelsalat/core. Also, it seemed like a nice challenge to try to do this in a single HTML file, which is very sharable and readable / editable.
- To load a random example, open the browser console and enter
- To load a specific example, open the browser console and enter
You can also load some of my own examples:
All documented hydra functions / features work, except the external sources and some synth settings. The initial goal was to see if @kabelsalat/core could be used to compile an existing DSL that also targets another language (GLSL) + another domain (visual). It seems to work out nicely for the moment. I might implement the remaining features in the future, just for completeness sake.
Be aware that this project is very new and likely to contain bugs.
Here's a list of implementated features:
- Method-Chaining DSL
- Array Arguments
- Function Arguments
- Multiple Outputs with Feedback
- o0...o3
- s0...s3
- noise
- voronoi
- osc
- shape
- gradient
- src
- solid
- prev
- rotate
- scale
- pixelate
- repeat
- repeatX
- repeatY
- kaleid
- scroll
- scrollX
- scrollY
- posterize
- shift
- invert
- contrast
- brightness
- luma
- thresh
- color
- saturate
- hue
- colorama
- sum
- r
- g
- b
- a
- add
- sub
- layer
- blend
- mult
- diff
- mask
- modulateRepeat
- modulateRepeatX
- modulateRepeatY
- modulateKaleid
- modulateScrollX
- modulateScrollY
- modulate
- modulateScale
- modulatePixelate
- modulateRotate
- modulateHue
- fast
- smooth
- ease
- offset
- fit
- render
- update
- setResolution
- hush
- setFunction
- speed
- bpm
- width
- height
- time
- mouse
- initCam
- initImage
- initVideo
- init
- initStream
- initScreen
More git history can be found in the schattenspiel repo.