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Cross-platform generation of UUID based on RFC-4122 .

Support for 1, 3, 4 and 5 versions of UUID. Port from node-uuid and using built-in Xorshift128+ for random generator.

Version 3 use Md5 for hash and version 5 use Sha1.


Generate and translate standard UUIDs into shorter - or just different - formats and back ( based on short-uuid ).

It also provides translators to convert back and forth from RFC compliant UUIDs to the shorter formats.


A tiny, secure, URL-friendly, unique string ID generator ( based on nanoid ).

  • Small. 108 bytes (minified and gzipped). [Size Limit] controls the size.
  • Fast. It is 40% faster than UUID.
  • Safe. It uses Xorshift128+ RNG and can use any cryptographically strong RNG.
  • Compact. It uses a larger alphabet than UUID (A-Za-z0-9_-). So ID size was reduced from 36 to 21 symbols.
  • Portable. Nano ID was ported to many programming languages.


FlakeId is a distributed ID generation algorithm based on Twitter Snowflake .

Advantages of FlakeID over UUID :

  • Flake IDs are 64-bits, half the size of a UUID
  • Can use time as first component and remain sortable

Each Flake ID is 64 bits long, consisting of:

  • Timestamp - a 42 bit long number of milliseconds elapsed since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC
  • Datacenter Id - a 5 bit long datacenter identifier. It can take up to 32 unique values (including 0)
  • Machine Id - a 5 bit long machine identifier. It can take up to 32 unique values (including 0)
  • Counter - a 12 bit long counter of a self-increasing sequence. It can take up to 4096 unique values in a millisecond.

Breakdown of bits for an id e.g. 6848815309908238345 (counter is 9, datacenter is 11 and worker 6) is as follows:

 010111110000101111100001001111001101111101 01011 00110 000000001001
                                                       |------------| 12 bit counter
                                                 |-----|               5 bit machine id
                                           |-----|                     5 bit datacenter id
                                           |----- -----|              10 bit generator identifier
|------------------------------------------|                          42 bit timestamp

Convert from/to one type to another

Here is an example of usage, where we store nanoId in the database ( it's much more compact) , but it is shown to the user as uuid , for readability and security reasons.

var uniqueId = Uuid.nanoId(); // Generate unique id and store in database
var uuid = Uuid.fromNano(uniqueId); // Convert NanoId to Uuid and show on user screen
var searchUid = Uuid.toNano(uuid); // Server receive uuid and convert to NanoId. Use nanoId to search in database.

var shortUuid = Uuid.short();
var uuid = Uuid.fromShort(shortUuid);

Convert from any base to another base ( binary, hex, decimal, octal and many others) .

var vBinary = Uuid.convert("273247893827239437",Uuid.NUMBERS_DEC,Uuid.NUMBERS_BIN); //convert decimal to binary format
var vHex = Uuid.convert(vBinary, Uuid.NUMBERS_BIN, Uuid.NUMBERS_HEX); //convert bunary to hex format
var vBase58 = Uuid.convert(vHex,  Uuid.NUMBERS_HEX, Uuid.FLICKR_BASE58); // convert hex to Base58 format 
var vOctal = Uuid.convert(vBase58, Uuid.FLICKR_BASE58, Uuid.NUMBERS_OCT ); // convert from Base58 to octal format 

Random generator

For Uuid.v1() and Uuid.v4() you can pass any random function which return value between 0 and 255 . The default random generator is Xorshift128+ . Here is example for custom random function using Std.random

public function secureRandom():Int
	return Std.random(256);

var uuid = Uuid.v1(secureRandom);

You can use Uuid to get any random number between some range, based on Xorshift128+ RNG, using the following code:

 var dice:Int = Uuid.randomFromRange(1,6);

API Summary

Uuid.nanoId() Create a tiny, secure, URL-friendly, unique string ID
Uuid.short() Generate shorter UUIDs based on v4
Uuid.v1() Create a version 1 (timestamp) UUID
Uuid.v3() Create a version 3 (namespace with MD5) UUID
Uuid.v4() Create a version 4 (random) UUID
Uuid.v5() Create a version 5 (namespace with SHA-1) UUID
Uuid.NIL The nil UUID string (all zeros)
Uuid.parse() Convert UUID string to bytes
Uuid.stringify() Convert bytes to UUID string
Uuid.randomFromRange() Return random number between range
Uuid.randomByte() Return random value between 0 and 255 (included)
Uuid.fromShort() Convert short uuid to Uuid based on the alphabet
Uuid.toShort() Convert Uuid to short uuid based on the alphabet
Uuid.fromNano() Convert nanoId to Uuid
Uuid.toNano() Convert Uuid to nanoId
Uuid.convert() Convert any string from one alphabet to another
Uuid.validate() Test a string to see if it is a valid UUID
Uuid.version() Detect RFC version of a UUID
flakeId.nextId() Return generated id
flakeId.setMachineId() Set unique machine id, default is random between 0 and 31
flakeId.setDatacenterId() Set unique datecenter id, default is random between 0 and 31
flakeId.setCustomEpoch() Set custom Epoch time , default is 1420070400
flakeId.timestamp() Get the current Unix time in milliseconds

API Constants

Uuid.DNS Returns the RFC 4122 identifier of the DNS namespace
Uuid.URL Returns the RFC 4122 identifier of the URL namespace
Uuid.ISO_OID Returns the RFC 4122 identifier of the ISO OID namespace
Uuid.X500_DN Returns the RFC 4122 identifier of the X.500 namespace
Uuid.LOWERCASE_BASE26 Lowercase English letters
Uuid.UPPERCASE_BASE26 Uppercase English letters.
Uuid.NO_LOOK_ALIKES_BASE51 Numbers and english alphabet without lookalikes: 1, l, I, 0, O, o, u, v, 5, S, s
Uuid.FLICKR_BASE58 Avoid similar characters 0/O, 1/I/l
Uuid.BASE_70 Numbers, English letters and special character
Uuid.BASE_85 Numbers, English letters and special character (ZeroMQ (Z85) alphabet)
Uuid.COOKIE_BASE90 Safe for HTTP cookies values
Uuid.NANO_ID_ALPHABET Alphabet used to create NanoId string
Uuid.NUMBERS_BIN Binary numbers
Uuid.NUMBERS_OCT Octal numbers
Uuid.NUMBERS_DEC Decimal numbers
Uuid.NUMBERS_HEX Hex numbers


Uuid.nanoId(len, alphabet, randomFunc ):String

Create unique string ID

NanoId is 40% faster than UUID and uses a larger alphabet than UUID (A-Za-z0-9_-), so default size is reduced from 36 to 21 symbols. It is comparable to UUID v4.

len Int Size of the NanoId string ( default is 21)
alphabet String Alphabet used to generate NanoId
randomFunc Void->Int Any random function that returns a random bytes (0-255)
returns String


trace("Uuid: "+Uuid.nanoId()); // 6OxUkLI4bGmR_JlVMX9fQ

Uuid.short(toAlphabet, randomFunc ):String

Create shorter version for UUID based UUID v4.

toAlphabet String Alphabet used to generate short-uuid
randomFunc Void->Int Any random function that returns a random bytes (0-255)
returns String


trace("Uuid: "+Uuid.short()); // mhvXdrZT4jP5T8vBxuvm75


The nil UUID string (all zeros).


 trace("Uuid:" +Uuid.NIL); // ⇨ '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'

Uuid.parse(uuid, separator):Bytes

Convert UUID string to Bytes

uuid String A valid UUID
separator String Set different divider ( default is -)
returns Bytes


// Parse a UUID
var b = Uuid.parse('6ae99955-2a0d-5dca-94d6-2e2bc8b764d3');
trace("Hex: "+b.toHex()); // 6ae999552a0d5dca94d62e2bc8b764d3

// Hex representation on the byte order (for documentation purposes) 
// [
//   '6a', 'e9', '99', '55',
//   '2a', '0d', '5d', 'ca',
//   '94', 'd6', '2e', '2b',
//   'c8', 'b7', '64', 'd3'
// ]

Uuid.stringify(data, separator):String

Convert Bytes to UUID string using separator

data Bytes Should be 16 bytes
separator String Set different divider ( default is -)
returns String


var b = Bytes.ofHex("6ae999552a0d5dca94d62e2bc8b764d3");
trace("Uuid: "+Uuid.stringify(b)); //6ae99955-2a0d-5dca-94d6-2e2bc8b764d3

Uuid.validate(uuid, separator):Bool

Test a string to see if it is a valid UUID

uuid String to validate
separator String Set different divider ( default is -)
returns true if string is a valid UUID, false otherwise


Uuid.validate('not a UUID'); // ⇨ false
Uuid.validate('6ae99955-2a0d-5dca-94d6-2e2bc8b764d3'); // ⇨ true

Uuid.version(uuid, separator):Int

Detect RFC version of a UUID

uuid String A valid UUID
separator String Set different divider ( default is -)
returns Int The RFC version of the UUID


Uuid.version('45637ec4-c85f-11ea-87d0-0242ac130003'); // ⇨ 1
Uuid.version('6ec0bd7f-11c0-43da-975e-2a8ad9ebae0b'); // ⇨ 4

Uuid.randomFromRange(min, max):Int

Return random number between min and max (included) values

min Int Start number
max Int End number
returns Int


Uuid.randomFromRange(1,6); // return a number in range [1,6]


Return a random number between 0 and 255 (included)

returns Int


Uuid.randomByte(); // return a number in range [0,255]

Uuid.fromShort(shortUuid, separator,fromAlphabet):String

Translate shorter UUID format to standard UUID

shortUuid String short uuid string
separator String Set divider ( default is -)
fromAlphabet String Alphabet to use for translation ( default FLICKR_BASE58)
returns String

⚠️ Note: Alphabets can be a custom ones or one of predefined : COOKIE_BASE90 , FLICKR_BASE58 , BASE_70 , BASE_85 , LOWERCASE_BASE26 , UPPERCASE_BASE26, NO_LOOK_ALIKES_BASE51 , NUMBERS_BIN , NUMBERS_OCT , NUMBERS_DEC , NUMBERS_HEX


Uuid.fromShort("ecHyJhpvZANyZY6k1L5EYK"); // 6ae99955-2a0d-5dca-94d6-2e2bc8b764d3

Uuid.toShort(uuid, separator,toAlphabet):String

Translate standard UUIDs into shorter format

uuid String A valid UUID
separator String Set divider ( default is -)
toAlphabet String Alphabet to use for translation ( default FLICKR_BASE58)
returns String

⚠️ Note: Alphabets can be a custom ones or one of predefined : COOKIE_BASE90 , FLICKR_BASE58 , BASE_70 , BASE_85 , LOWERCASE_BASE26 , UPPERCASE_BASE26, NO_LOOK_ALIKES_BASE51 , NUMBERS_BIN , NUMBERS_OCT , NUMBERS_DEC , NUMBERS_HEX


Uuid.toShort('6ae99955-2a0d-5dca-94d6-2e2bc8b764d3'); // ecHyJhpvZANyZY6k1L5EYK

Uuid.fromNano(nanoUuid, separator,fromAlphabet):String

Translate shorter UUID format to standard UUID

nanoUuid String A valid nanoId string
separator String Set divider ( default is -)
fromAlphabet String Alphabet to use for translation ( default FLICKR_BASE58)
returns String

⚠️ Note: Alphabets can be a custom ones or one of predefined : COOKIE_BASE90 , FLICKR_BASE58 , BASE_70 , BASE_85 , LOWERCASE_BASE26 , UPPERCASE_BASE26, NO_LOOK_ALIKES_BASE51 , NUMBERS_BIN , NUMBERS_OCT , NUMBERS_DEC , NUMBERS_HEX


Uuid.fromShort("ecHyJhpvZANyZY6k1L5EYK"); // 6ae99955-2a0d-5dca-94d6-2e2bc8b764d3

Uuid.toNano(uuid, separator,toAlphabet):String

Translate standard UUIDs into shorter format

uuid String A valid UUID
separator String Set divider ( default is -)
toAlphabet String Alphabet to use for translation ( default FLICKR_BASE58)
returns String

⚠️ Note: Alphabets can be a custom ones or one of predefined : COOKIE_BASE90 , FLICKR_BASE58 , BASE_70 , BASE_85 , LOWERCASE_BASE26 , UPPERCASE_BASE26, NO_LOOK_ALIKES_BASE51 , NUMBERS_BIN , NUMBERS_OCT , NUMBERS_DEC , NUMBERS_HEX


Uuid.toShort('6ae99955-2a0d-5dca-94d6-2e2bc8b764d3'); // ecHyJhpvZANyZY6k1L5EYK

Uuid.convert(number, fromAlphabet,toAlphabet):String

Convert any string from one alphabet to another

number String Any number or string
fromAlphabet String Alphabet source ( for number)
toAlphabet String Alphabet destination
returns String


Uuid.convert('12345',Uuid.NUMBERS_DEC,Uuid.NUMBERS_BIN); // 11000000111001
Uuid.convert('12345678',Uuid.NUMBERS_DEC,Uuid.NUMBERS_HEX);  // ⇨ bc614e
Uuid.convert('1234567890',Uuid.NUMBERS_DEC,Uuid.BASE_70);  //  ⇨ PtmIa

Uuid.v1(node, optClockSequence, msecs, optNsecs, randomFunc, separator, shortUuid, toAlphabet):String

Create an RFC version 1 (timestamp) UUID

node Bytes RFC "node" field as 6 bytes
optClockSequence RFC "clock sequence" as a Int between 0 - 0x3fff
msecs RFC "timestamp" field (Float of milliseconds, unix epoch)
optNsecs RFC "timestamp" field (Int of nanseconds to add to msecs, should be 0-10,000)
randomFunc Void->Int Any random function that returns a random bytes (0-255)
separator String Set divider ( default is -)
shortUuid Bool If true UUID will be exported as short UUID
toAlphabet String Alphabet used for export on short UUID
returns UUID String
throws Error if more than 10M UUIDs/sec are requested


Uuid.v1(); // ⇨ '2c5ea4c0-4067-11e9-8bad-9b1deb4d3b7d'

Example using with options:

var node = Bytes.ofHex("010207090506");
var optClockSequence = 0x1a7f;
var msecs = 1556526368; 
var optNsecs = 6200; 
uuid = Uuid.v1(node,optClockSequence,msecs,optNsecs); // ⇨ '25848a38-1cd0-11b2-9a7f-010207090506'

Uuid.v3(name, namespace,separator,shortUuid,toAlphabet):String

Create an RFC version 3 (namespace w/ MD5) UUID

API is identical to v5(), but uses "v3" instead.

⚠️ Note: Per the RFC, "If backward compatibility is not an issue, SHA-1 [Version 5] is preferred."


Create an RFC version 4 (random) UUID

randBytes Bytes 16 random bytes (0-255)
randomFunc Void->Int Any random function that returns a random bytes (0-255)
separator String Set divider ( default is -)
shortUuid Bool If true UUID will be exported as short UUID
toAlphabet String Alphabet used for export on short UUID
returns UUID String


Uuid.v4(); // ⇨ '1b9d6bcd-bbfd-4b2d-9b5d-ab8dfbbd4bed'

Example using predefined random values:

var randomValues= Bytes.ofHex("109156bec4fbc1ea71b4efe1671c5836");
Uuid.v4(randomValues); // ⇨ '109156be-c4fb-41ea-b1b4-efe1671c5836'

Uuid.v5(name, namespace,separator,shortUuid,toAlphabet):String

Create an RFC version 5 (namespace w/ SHA-1) UUID

name String
namespace String Namespace UUID
separator String Set divider ( default is -)
shortUuid Bool If true UUID will be exported as short UUID
toAlphabet String Alphabet used for export on short UUID
returns UUID String if no buffer is specified, otherwise returns buffer

Note: The RFC DNS and URL namespaces are available as Uuid.DNS and Uuid.URL.

Example with custom namespace:

// Define a custom namespace.  Readers, create your own using something like
var MY_NAMESPACE = '1b671a64-40d5-491e-99b0-da01ff1f3341';

Uuid.v5('Hello, World!', MY_NAMESPACE); // ⇨ '630eb68f-e0fa-5ecc-887a-7c7a62614681'

Example with RFC URL namespace:

Uuid.v5('', Uuid.URL); // ⇨ 'c106a26a-21bb-5538-8bf2-57095d1976c1'


Return a unique 64-bit number

returns Int64


var flakeId = new FlakeId();
flakeId.nextId();  // return a unique identifier


Set machine identifier ( could be 0 to 31)

machineId Int A 5 bit long machine identifier


var flakeId = new FlakeId();


Set machine identifier ( could be 0 to 31)

datacenterId Int A 5 bit long datacenter identifier


var flakeId = new FlakeId();


Set time in milliseconds elapsed since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC

customEpoch Int64 Unix time in milliseconds


var flakeId = new FlakeId();


Return the current Unix time in milliseconds

returns Int64


var flakeId = new FlakeId();
flakeId.timestamp(); //Current time in milliseconds


Version 1 (timestamp):

var uuid = Uuid.v1();
trace("UUID: " + uuid);

// Using custom separator
var uuid = Uuid.v1("_");
trace("UUID: " + uuid);

//Using predefined values
var node = Bytes.ofHex("010203040506"); // Array of 6 bytes, by default is random generated
var optClockSequence = 0x1a7f; // clock sequence (0 - 0x3fff)
var msecs = 1556526368;  // Time in milliseconds since unix Epoch
var optNsecs = 4500; // Additional time in nanoseconds (0-9999)
uuid = Uuid.v1(node,optClockSequence,msecs,optNsecs);
trace("UUID: " + uuid);

Version 3 (namespace):

var uuid = Uuid.v3("",Uuid.URL); //namespace should be valid Uuid
trace("UUID: " + uuid);

uuid = Uuid.v3("The Cross-platform Toolkit");
trace("UUID: " + uuid);

uuid = Uuid.v3("The Cross-platform Toolkit",'7e9606ce-8af4-435b-89d6-66d6d885b97a');
trace("UUID: " + uuid);

Version 4 (random):

var uuid = Uuid.v4();
trace("UUID: " + uuid);

//Using custom separator - empty position
var uuid = Uuid.v4("");
trace("UUID: " + uuid);

Version 5 (namespace):

var uuid = Uuid.v5("",Uuid.URL);
trace("UUID: " + uuid);

uuid = Uuid.v5("The Cross-platform Toolkit");
trace("UUID: " + uuid);

uuid = Uuid.v5("The Cross-platform Toolkit",'7e9606ce-8af4-435b-89d6-66d6d885b97a');
trace("UUID: " + uuid);

Flake ID

var flakeId = new FlakeId(11,6);  // datecenterid is `11` and machineid id `6`
var uniqueId = flakeId.nextId(); // create one unique id
for (i in 0...10) {
  trace(flakeId.nextId());  //generate ten unique ids