This project add a file caching for Ktor client caching.
Currently, there is a Memory caching, it's the default HttpCache behavior of the plugin and a file caching only for Java Target.
The main goal is to make available file caching to many KMP target as possible.
It's based on OKIO dependency and kotlinx serialization.
private val publicStorageCaching = KtorFileCaching()
HttpClient {
install(HttpCache) {
The current supported targets are :
Target | Supported |
jvm | ✅ |
js Node | ✅ |
js browser | ✅ |
wasmJS | ✅ |
iosX64 | ✅ |
iosArm64 | ✅ |
iosSimulatorArm64 | ✅ |
macosX64 | ✅ |
macosArm64 | ✅ |
watchosArm32 | ✅ |
watchosArm64 | ✅ |
watchosSimulatorArm64 | ✅ |
watchosX64 | ✅ |
tvosSimulatorArm64 | ✅ |
tvosX64 | ✅ |
mingwX64 | ✅ |
mingwX64 | ✅ |
linuxX64 | ✅ |
linuxArm64 | ✅ |