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2. Git & GitHub

Matt Huesman edited this page Oct 6, 2022 · 1 revision

What is Git?

Feature Branch Workflow

Git is a version control software that allows programmers to collaborate on the same project in a non-linear fashion across many different computers. As a team, we use git to collaborate on and manage all our projects. Essentially Git holds onto a central copy of our project (typically labeled main). This main copy, or "branch," is the basis of many other branches all of which contain different features at different stages of development (think of a tree structure). When a feature is completed on a branch the branch can be "merged" back into the main branch so your work can be propagated back through to other branches being worked on.

Image Source: Atlassian

Git itself is a command line application meaning it can only be accessed through the command line (a more confusing task especially for beginners). Git clients act as wrappers that encompass the features that Git offers through a user-friendly application. Some common Git clients include Sourcetree, GitHub Desktop, and Tortoise Git. For the purposes of the team, we will be using the built in version control system within visual studio code, but you can also use any of the fore-mentioned programs.

The final tool we use to work with Git is GitHub. In order for your local computer to work alongside other computers as clients, they need somewhere to sync to. This is where GitHub comes in. GitHub is the server that stores all our branches and project remotely.

If you're looking for more information regarding Git and GitHub check out this presentation made by our team.

Get started using Git

Go here to download and install Git

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