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‼️ This repository was archived. The development of Komunumo was restarted in 2021.

Komunumo Backend

Build Status Stories in Ready gitmoji

Open Source Community Manager

Copyright (C) 2017 Java User Group Switzerland

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see

The Name

Komunumo is an esperanto noun with a meaning of community.


From Source



  1. Clone this repository to your computer: git clone
  2. Enter the newly created project directory: cd komunumo-backend
  3. Build the artifact from source: ./gradlew assemble
  4. The artifact can be found in the following directory: build/libs


  1. Place your configuration file in the directory: ~/.komunumo
  2. Start the artifact: ./gradlew run
  3. To stop the running server, press: CTRL+C

Using Docker


Command Line

docker run -it -p [localport]:8080 -v [datadir]:/root/.komunumo --name komunumo --rm komunumo/komunumo-backend

Replace [localport] with the port number you would like to assign to your running Komunumo backend server and replace [datadir] with the directory on your local drive that contains the Komunumo backend configuration file. This directory will be used to store the business data, too.

We suggest to start the Komunumo backend server using the -it and --rm command line parameters to activate the interactive mode (you will see all logging output directkly at the console) and to remove the container after the server was shut down. It is always a good idea to assign a descriptive name to the container (--name).


docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -v ~/.komunumo:/root/.komunumo --name komunumo --rm komunumo/komunumo-backend

This command uses the local port 8080 for the Komunumo backend server. The configuration file is located in the folder ~/.komunumo which will be used to store the business data, too. The server will be started in interactive mode (-it), so all logging output will be shown directly on the console and the server can stopped using Ctrl+C at any time. The running container will have the name komunumo so it easy to identify if you run a lot of docker containers (--name). The container will be automatically removed after the Komunumo backend server was shut down (--rm).


In your home directory create a new directory with the name .komunumo (yes, the name of the directory starts with a dot, which hides the directory on unix systems by default). Inside of this directory create a text file with the name komunumo.cfg which you can use to configure Komunumo. This configuration file can contain as many empty lines and comments (lines starting with a # character) as you like.

Example configuration file

# Security
token.signing.key = very secret text 
token.expiration.time = 480

# Administrator
admin.firstName = John
admin.lastName = Doe =

# SMTP Server information
smtp.server =
smtp.port = 465
smtp.user =
smtp.password = very secret password
smtp.useSSL = true
smtp.from =

# Server
server.baseURL =

Most configuration options are self-descriptive. The token.signing.key is just text like a password which is used to sign the JSON Web Token with a private key. The token.expiration.time is a number specifying the time a JSON Web Token is valid until it expires (in minutes, 480 minutes are 8 hours = about 8 hours after a successful authorization the user has to authorize again). The server.baseURL is used as a prefix for automatically generated links like in the Location header of a response and in emails.

API Documentation


Komunumo uses a passwordless login system. An email address has to be specified where a onetime login code will be send to, which is valid for five minutes. The user must authorize himself with his email and the generated onetime login code to get a JSON web token (JWT), which is valid for eight hours. The JWT has to be send with every request which needs authentication.

Request a onetime login code

Request: curl -X GET ${baseURL}/api/authorization?email=${email}

Example: curl -X GET

The onetime login code will be send by email and is valid for five minutes.

Response Description
200 OK The ontime login code was sent successfully.
400 BAD REQUEST The request itself was not valid. Maybe the email address was missing?
404 NOT FOUND There is no user with the sprecified email address.

Authorize using onetime login code

Request: curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -d '{"email":"${email}","code":"${code}"}' ${baseURL}/api/authorization

Example: curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -d '{"email":"","code":"5IJWX"}'

To authorize successfully an email address and a valid onetime login code is needed. After successful authorization the response contains the JSON web token in the Authorization header.

Response Description
201 CREATED The JSON web token was created. Take a look at the Authorization header.
401 UNAUTHORIZED The user could not be authorized using the specified credentials.


Create a new event

Request: curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -d '{"title":"${title}","subtitle":"${subtitle}","speaker":"${speaker}","dateTime":{"date":{"year":${year},"month":${month},"day":${day}},"time":{"hour":${hour},"minute":${minute},"second":${second},"nano":${nano}}},"location":"${location}","description":"${description}","tags":["${tag}"],"status":"${status}"}' ${baseURL}/api/events

Example: curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -d '{"title":"This is a test event","subtitle":"Foobar","speaker":"Me","dateTime":{"date":{"year":2017,"month":9,"day":15},"time":{"hour":18,"minute":15,"second":0,"nano":0}},"location":"There","description":"This is a test","tags":["test","foobar"],"status":"draft"}'

An authorized user with the admin role can create a new event. After a successful event creation, the response contains a Location header with a direct link to the created event.

Response Description
201 CREATED The event was created. Take a look at the Location header.
400 BAD REQUEST The request itself was not valid. Maybe missing properties or wrong formatting?
401 UNAUTHORIZED The user has to authorize before he can create an event.
403 FORBIDDEN The user has not the correct role to create an event.


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