diff --git a/src/FSharpPlus/Extensions/ValueOption.fs b/src/FSharpPlus/Extensions/ValueOption.fs
index 3a5ef1c93..030b9f487 100644
--- a/src/FSharpPlus/Extensions/ValueOption.fs
+++ b/src/FSharpPlus/Extensions/ValueOption.fs
@@ -71,7 +71,14 @@ module ValueOption =
| true, x -> ValueSome x
| false, _ -> ValueNone
- let toOption x =
- match x with
+ /// Converts a ValueOption to an Option.
+ let toOption (source: ValueOption<'T>) =
+ match source with
| ValueSome x -> Some x
| ValueNone -> None
+ /// Converts an Option to a ValueOption.
+ let ofOption (source: option<'T>) =
+ match x with
+ | Some x -> ValueSome x
+ | None -> ValueNone