Shows how to use Win32 controls by proghramming code (c++17).
- HelloWorldEmoticons The classic first application HelloWorld width emoticons.
- HelloWorldMessageBox The classic first application HelloWorld with MessageBox.
- HelloWorldMessageBox2 The classic first application HelloWorld with MessageBox.
- HelloWorldPaint The classic first application HelloWorld with GDI+ drawing objects.
- HelloWorldStaticText The classic first application HelloWorld with StaticText control.
- Application Shows how to create an Application.
- ApplicationIcon Shows how to create an executable with icon.
- AboutBox Shows how to create an AboutBox with MessageBox function.
- ColorDialog Shows how to create a ColorDialog.
- FindDialog Shows how to create a FindDialog.
- FolderBrowserDialog Shows how to create a FolderBrowserDialog.
- FontDialog Shows how to create a FontDialog.
- MessageBox Shows how to create a MessageBox with MessageBox function.
- OpenFileDialog Shows how to create an OpenFileDialog.
- PageSetupDialog Shows how to create a PageSetupDialog.
- PrintDialog Shows how to create a PrintDialog.
- ReplaceDialog Shows how to create a ReplaceDialog.
- SaveFileDialog Shows how to create a SaveFileDialog.
- Window Shows how to create a Window.
- GroupBox Shows how to create a GroupBox.
- Panel Shows how to create a Panel.
- TabControl Shows how to create a TabControl.
- Button Shows how to create a Button and Event Click.
- CheckBox Shows how to create a CheckBox.
- ComboBox Shows how to create a ComboBox.
- ProgressBar Shows how to create a ProgressBar.
- RadioButton Shows how to create a RadioButton.
- StaticPicture Shows how to create a SttaticPicture from bitmap file.
- StaticText Shows how to create a StaticText.
- TextBox Shows how to create a TextBox.
- TrackBar Shows how to create a TrackBar.
- Timer Shows how to create a Timer.
- ApplicationIdle Shows how to create an Application and Idle event.
- KeyEvents demonstrates the use of key events.
- MouseEvents demonstrates the use of mouse events.
- ColoredTabPages Shows how to create a TabControl with colored TabPages with.
- GroupBoxAndCheckBox demonstrates the use of GroupBox container and CheckBox control.
- GroupBoxAndRadioButton demonstrates the use of GroupBox container and [RadioButton control.
- StaticPicture2 Shows how to create a StaticPicture from bitmap resource.
- TabControl2 Shows how to create a TabControl.
- WindowWithVersionInfo Shows how to create a Form wtih version informations.
To build this project, open "Console" and type following lines:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
start Win32.Gui.sln
Select any project and type Ctrl+F5 to build and run it.