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executable file
782 lines (700 loc) · 38.8 KB

dlib 1.3.0 - 21 Feb, 2023

No changes since dlib 1.3.0 beta1.

dlib 1.3.0 beta1 - 14 Feb, 2023

  • dlib.random
    • New module dlib.random.random that implements random, a pseudo-random number generator based on C rand
  • dlib.math
    • Function that computes quadratic Bézier curve - dlib.math.interpolation.bezierQuadratic
    • GNU D Compiler (GDC) support in dlib.math.sse

dlib 1.2.1 - 30 Aug, 2023

  • dlib.image
    • Median filter (dlib.image.filters.median)
  • dlib.filesystem
    • Bugfixes in dlib.filesystem.posix.common
  • dlib.core
    • dlib.core.thread: fix deprecations in Windows multithreading API signatures
  • dlib.math
    • Fix unittest for dlib.math.utils.nextPowerOfTen
  • Misc
    • Added

dlib 1.2.0 - 30 Apr, 2023

No changes since dlib 1.2.0 beta1.

dlib 1.2.0 beta1 - 19 Apr, 2023

  • dlib.math
    • homothetyMatrix and homothetyMatrix2D functions in dlib.math.transformation
    • radtorev and revtorad functions in dlib.math.utils that convert radians to revolutions and revolutions to radians, respectively
  • dlib.image
    • New funtion drawRect in dlib.image.render.shapes
  • Misc
    • Added
    • Doxygen support for documentation.

dlib 1.1.0 - 5 Oct, 2022

No changes since dlib 1.1.0 beta1.

dlib 1.1.0 beta1 - 10 Sep, 2022

  • dlib.geometry
    • New module dlib.geometry.mpr - implementation of the Minkowski Portal Refinement algorithm that detects intersection between two arbitrary convex shapes
    • New module with support functions for some common shapes
  • dlib.math
    • integer and frac functions in dlib.math.utils that return integer part and fractional part of a real number, respectively.
  • dlib.image
    • Fix compilation for x86.

dlib 1.0.0 - 17 Feb, 2022

No changes since dlib 1.0.0 beta2.

dlib 1.0.0 beta2 - 05 Feb, 2022

Changes since dlib 1.0.0 beta1:

  • dlib.image
    • File-based image loading functions now preload data to memory, so that decoders run faster (2x-10x depending on format and image size).

dlib 1.0.0 beta1 - 12 Jan, 2022

  • dlib.core
    • Breaking change: dlib.core.bitio.swapEndian16 moved to dlib.math.utils
    • POSIX thread creation is now validated in debug mode
  • dlib.math
    • Breaking change: deprecated method Quaternion.generator has been removed
    • Breaking change: deprecated functions sum, invertArray, allIsZero in dlib.math.utils have been removed
    • interpHermiteDerivative
    • interpHermite now support vector types
    • Complexd alias to Complex!(double) in dlib.math.complex
    • Fix dlib.math.complex.pow, dlib.math.complex.atan2
  • dlib.geometry
    • Breaking change: deprecated method Ray.intersectSphere with position and radius arguments has been removed
    • Breaking change: deprecated method Ray.intersectTriangle with v0, v1, v2 arguments has been removed.
    • Fix Triangle.boundingBox
    • New function intrSphereVsAABB in dlib.geometry.intersection
    • AABB.intersectsSphere is deprecated, use intrSphereVsAABB instead.

dlib 0.23.0 - 1 Oct, 2021

No changes since dlib 0.23.0 beta1.

dlib 0.23.0 beta1 - 28 Sep, 2021

  • dlib.math
    • Vector swizzling assign support: v.zxy = Vector3f(1, 2, 3);
    • Quaternion.generator is deprecated, use Quaternion.rotationAxis and Quaternion.rotationAngle instead
    • Quaternion.fromEulerAngles and Quaternion.toEulerAngles now use angles in pitch-yaw-roll format
    • EPSILON in dlib.math.utils now equals 0.000001.
  • dlib.geometry
    • Ray.intersectSphere with position and radius arguments is deprecated, use Ray.intersectSphere with Sphere struct instead
    • Ray.intersectTriangle with v0, v1, v2 arguments is is deprecated, use Ray.intersectTriangle with Triangle struct instead
  • dlib.image
    • isAlmostZero for Color4f
  • dlib.filesystem
    • StdFileSystem.openDir now returns null if path is not a valid directory.

dlib 0.22.0 - 13 Jun, 2021

No changes since dlib 0.22.0 beta1.

dlib 0.22.0 beta1 - 26 May, 2021

  • dlib.core
    • Breaking change: removed dlib.core.oop.implements (non-working function)
  • dlib.math
    • Fix matrix subtraction
    • Fix wrong bounds check in matrix slice assignment
    • Breaking change: removed dlib.math.linsolve.solveGS (non-working function)
    • Binary matrix operations are now const
    • sum, invertArray, allIsZero in dlib.math.utils are deprecated. Use reduce!((a, b) => a + b), map!(a => -a), reduce!((a, b) => a + b == 0) instead
  • dlib.image
    • Breaking change: deprecated type dlib.image.image.PixelFormat has been removed
    • Breaking change: deprecated aliases save and load in have been removed
    • Breaking change: deprecated aliases save, load, saveAnimated, loadAnimated, saveHDRI, loadHDRI in have been removed
  • dlib.text
    • Breaking change: deprecated method UTF8Decoder.byDChar have been removed
    • Breaking change: deprecated method UTF16LEDecoder.byDChar have been removed
    • Breaking change: deprecated aliases UTF16Decoder and UTF16Encoder have been removed
  • dlib.serialization
    • Boolean values support in JSON decoder.

dlib 0.21.0 - 7 Apr, 2021

No changes since dlib 0.21.0 beta2.

dlib 0.21.0 beta2 - 28 Mar, 2021

Changes since dlib 0.21.0 beta1:

  • dlib.image
    • PixelFormat is deprecated, use IntegerPixelFormat instead.

dlib 0.21.0 beta1 - 22 Feb, 2021

  • dlib.text
    • Breaking change: deprecated module dlib.text.unmanagedstring has been removed
    • Breaking change: deprecated method String.byDChar has been removed
    • UTF16Decoder and UTF16Encoder are deprecated, use UTF16LEDecoder and UTF16LEEncoder instead
  • dlib.image
    • Breaking change: deprecated module has been removed
    • load and save are deprecated, use loadImage and saveImage instead
    • loadAnimated and saveAnimated are deprecated, use loadAnimatedImage and saveAnimatedImage instead
    • loadHDRI and saveHDRI are deprecated, use loadHDRImage and saveHDRImage instead
    • Fix integer overflow in Image.getPixel and Image.setPixel
  • dlib.container
    • Breaking change: deprecated alias DynamicArray has been removed
  • dlib.coding
    • Breaking change: deprecated module dlib.coding.hash has been removed
    • load and save are deprecated, use loadSound and saveSound instead
  • dlib.serialization
    • Fix a bug in JSON decoder
  • Misc
    • Switched from Travis CI to GitHub Actions for running integration tests.

dlib 0.20.0 - 16 Oct, 2020

No changes since dlib 0.20.0 beta1.

dlib 0.20.0 beta1 - 10 Oct, 2020

  • dlib.image
    • is deprecated, import instead
    • New package:
  • dlib.text
    • dlib.text.unmanagedstring is deprecated, use dlib.text.str instead
    • String.byDChar is deprecated, use String.decode instead
    • UTF8Decoder.byDChar is deprecated, use UTF8Decoder.decode instead
    • UTF16Decoder.byDChar is deprecated, use UTF16Decoder.decode instead
  • dlib.coding
    • dlib.coding.hash is deprecated, use std.digest instead
  • dlib.container
    • dlib.container.array.DynamicArray is deprecated, use dlib.container.array.Array instead
  • Documentation
    • Deploy-ready ddoc documentation for dlib now can be generated from source code using dub --build=ddox. It uses scod generator and is hosted here. Harbored-mod support has been dropped.
    • Many modules are now documented better.
  • Misc
    • Added latest DMD (2.094.0, 2.093.1) and LDC (1.23.0) to Travis CI config.

dlib 0.19.2 - 26 Aug, 2020

  • A couple of fixes for LDC
  • New AppVeyor configuration.

dlib 0.19.1 - 24 July, 2020

    • Fixed compilation under Windows
  • dlib.filesystem
    • isFile, isDir properties now work for StdFileSystem entries
  • dlib.container
    • DynamicArray.readOnlyData
  • dlib.text
    • String.toString and String.ptr are now const
  • Misc
    • Added latest DMD (2.093.0) and LDC (1.22.0) to Travis CI config.

dlib 0.19.0 - 31 May, 2020

Changes since beta2:

  • dlib.coding, dlib.filesystem
    • Deprecation fixes
  • Misc
    • Added latest DMD (2.092.0) to Travis CI config.

dlib 0.19.0 beta2 - 22 May, 2020

Changes since beta1:

  • dlib.math
    • Transformation of a vector with 4x4 matrix now doesn't include affinity check.
    • dlib.math.transformation.scaling fix.

dlib 0.19.0 beta1 - 8 May, 2020

  • dlib.core
    • New module dlib.core.mutex, a thin abstraction over platform-specific thread synchronization primitives.
    • Thread.sleep
  • dlib.concurrency
    • New package that implements a simple thread pool.
  • dlib.image
    • New module dlib.image.render.text that provides drawText, a function to render ASCII strings on images.
  • dlib.math
    • Breaking change: deprecated modules dlib.math.easing, dlib.math.smoothstep have been removed.
    • Breaking change: tuple constructor of Vector now implicitly extends the last argument to all remaining components if the tuple is smaller than vector. This ensures e.g. Vector3f(0) == Vector3f(0, 0, 0).
  • dlib.geometry
    • Breaking change: deprecated modules dlib.geometry.bezier, dlib.geometry.hermite have been removed.
  • Breaking change: deprecated package dlib.functional has been removed.
  • dlib.text
    • UTF16Encoder in dlib.text.utf16.
    • String can now be constructed directly from InputStream.
    • Breaking change: deprecated property String.cString has been removed.
  • dlib.container
    • Queue and Stack now use DynamicArray internally instead of LinkedList.
  • Misc
    • Added latest DMD (2.091.1, 2.090.1) and LDC (1.21.0, 1.20.0) to Travis CI config.

dlib 0.18.0 - 28 Feb, 2020

No changes since dlib 0.18.0 beta1.

dlib 0.18.0 beta1 - 23 Feb, 2020

  • dlib.math
    • All interpolation functions moved to dlib.math.interpolation, which is now a package import. It includes nearest, linear, bezier, catmullrom, hermite, smoothstep, easing modules. Corresponding old modules (dlib.math.easing, dlib.math.smoothstep, dlib.geometry.bezier, dlib.geometry.hermite) are deprecated.
    • SawtoothWaveSynth, TriangleWaveSynth in
  • dlib.text
    • String is now always null-terminated.
  • dlib.functional
    • The whole package is now deprecated.
    • dlib.functional.hof module moved to dlib.math.hof.
    • dlib.functional.range module is deprecated, use std.range.iota instead.
  • Misc
    • Added latest DMD (2.090.1, 2.089.1) and LDC (1.19.0, 1.18.0) to Travis CI config.

dlib 0.17.0 - 21 Oct, 2019

Changes since beta:

  • dlib.container
    • dlib.container.array: iterating over array via foreach_reverse.

dlib 0.17.0 beta1 - 5 Oct, 2019

  • dlib.core
    • BufferedStreamReader in - a simple input range to read fixed chunks of data from an InputStream.
  • dlib.image
    • Breaking change: dlib.image.compleximage has been removed.
    • dlib.image.signal2d is now fully GC-free.
    • Filtering of indexed images in PNG decoder is now supported (#142).
  • dlib.math
    • dlib.math.tensor now uses dlib.core.memory for internal allocations.
    • Breaking change: deprecated function identityQuaternion has been removed. Use Quaternion.identity instead.
  • dlib.geometry
    • Breaking change: deprecated aliases bezierCurveFunc2D and bezierCurveFunc3D have been removed. Use bezierVector2 and bezierVector3 instead.
  • Misc
    • Added latest DMD (2.088.0, 2.087.1) and LDC (1.17.0, 1.16.0) to Travis CI config.

dlib 0.16.0 - 30 Mar, 2019

No changes since dlib 0.16.0 beta1.

dlib 0.16.0 beta1 - 4 Mar, 2019

  • dlib.core
    • dlib.core.memory: Memory profiler now reports file and line of each allocation. Now it is enabled in runtime using enableMemoryProfiler function.
    • dlib.core.memory: Owner.deleteOwnedObject.
  • dlib.text
    • dlib.text.lexer: Lexer.position.
    • dlib.text.unmanagedstring: String.cString.
    • Breaking change: deprecated module dlib.text.slicelexer has been removed.
  • dlib.container
    • dlib.container.array: DynamicArray.removeFirst.
    • Breaking change: deprecated module dlib.container.hash has been removed.
  • dlib.image
    • Breaking change: deprecated module dlib.image.parallel has been removed.
  • dlib.math
    • New module dlib.math.easing - some basic easing functions for fancy interpolation.
    • Breaking change: deprecated module dlib.math.fixed has been removed.
    • dlib.math.quaternion: fixed a bug in Quaternion.rotationAxis.
  • dlib.geometry
    • dlib.geometry.trimesh not doesn't use GC.
  • dlib.serialization
    • dlib.serialization.json - GC-free JSON parser.
  • dlib.functional
    • Breaking change: deprecated module dlib.functional.combinators, dlib.functional.quantifiers has been removed.
    • Breaking change: deprecated map, filter, reduce functions from dlib.functional.range have been removed.
  • Misc
    • Added latest DMD (2.085.0, 2.084.1) and LDC (1.13.0, 1.14.0) to Travis CI config.

dlib 0.15.0 - 9 Nov, 2018

  • dlib.container
    • opSlice and $ for dlib.container.array.DynamicArray.

dlib 0.15.0 beta1 - 4 Nov, 2018

  • dlib.core
    • Breaking change: temporarily removed dlib.core.fiber due to lacking Windows support. It is now in fiber branch until finished.
  • dlib.text
    • New module dlib.text.unmanagedstring that provides String, a GC-free UTF8 string type based on DynamicArray.
    • UTF16Decoder in dlib.text.utf16, UTF8Encoder in dlib.text.utf8.
    • dlib.text.encodings - a one-stop solution for handling text encodings in generic way. Decoder is any range that outputs dchar, encoder is any object that defines size_t encode(dchar, ubyte[]).
    • dlib.text.common that defines DECODE_END and DECODE_ERROR for decoders to use.
  • dlib.container
    • reserve and resize for dlib.container.array.DynamicArray (#151).
    • Breaking change: deprecated dlib.container.aarray module has been removed. Use dlib.container.dict instead.
  • dlib.image
    • Fixed unintentional fallthrough in that caused error on TGA image.
    • More accurate path filling in dlib.image.canvas.
    • dlib.image.parallel has been deprecated.
  • dlib.math
    • Breaking change: deprecated dlib.math.affine module has been removed. Use dlib.math.transformation instead.
    • dlib.math.fixed has been deprecated.
  • dlib.functional
    • dlib.functional.quantifiers has been deprecated.
    • Free functions in dlib.functional.range (map, filter, reduce) have been deprecated. Use corresponding Phobos functions instead.
  • Misc
    • dlib now can be built with recent GNU D Compiler (GDC). Note: dlib.math.sse is not supported with GDC.
    • Added latest DMD (2.083.0, 2.082.1) and LDC (1.12.0) to Travis CI config.
    • Support for harbored-mod documentation generator.

dlib 0.14.0 - 9 Jul, 2018

No changes since dlib 0.14.0 beta1.

dlib 0.14.0 beta1 - 8 Jul, 2018

Important: dlib now officially doesn't support macOS. This is an act of protest against Apple's drop of OpenGL support. While you probably still can use dlib's platform-independent and Posix-based functionality under macOS, there's no guarantee that this will continue, and compatibility issues will not be addressed. Read detailed manifesto here.

  • dlib.image
    • Breaking change: SuperImage.pixelFormat now returns uint instead of PixelFormat. This allows extending dlib with custom pixel formats while maintaining compatibility with PixelFormat. Values from 0 to 255 are reserved for dlib, values 256 and above are application-specific. This change is just a new convention and will not break any existing logics, though explicit cast to PixelFormat may be required in some cases. Comparisons such as img.pixelFormat == PixelFormat.RGB8 will work fine.
    • PixelFormat.RGBA_FLOAT is now deprecated, use FloatPixelFormat.RGBAF32 from dlib.image.hdri instead.
    • Saving to HDR is now supported (saveHDR functions in
    • New filters: dlib.image.filters.histogram (generates an image histogram) and dlib.image.filters.binarization (image thresholding using Otsu's method).
    • ACES tonemapper (hdrTonemapACES) and average luminance function (averageLuminance) in dlib.image.hdri.
    • Improved dlib.image.canvas. Path rasterizer now natively does anti-aliasing. Fixed bug with rendering on non-square images.
    • Synthesizer framework ( It allows to write synthesizers and use them to 'render' sounds, like in DAWs. Three built-in synthesizers are available: SineWaveSynth, SquareWaveSynth, FMSynth. To write actual data to Sound objects, two functions are available: fillSynth and mixSynth.
  • dlib.math
    • New module dlib.math.smoothstep with sigmoid-like functions: hermiteSmoothstep, rationalSmoothstep.
  • dlib.core
    • DMD 2.081.0 compatibility fix in
  • Misc
    • Added latest DMD (2.081.0, 2.080.1) and LDC (1.10.0) to Travis CI config. CI builds for macOS were stopped for reason mentioned above.

dlib 0.13.0 - 14 May, 2018

No changes since dlib 0.13.0 beta1.

dlib 0.13.0 beta1 - 9 May, 2018

  • dlib.async has been removed for security reasons. Currently there are no active contributors to maintain the package and fix bugs, so it is considered not safe to use due to potential data corruption or loss. There's async branch for those who still want to use it, but for new projects it is strongly recommended to consider using more actively developed alternatives, such as vibe-core or Tanya.
  • dlib.image
    • New module dlib.image.canvas that provides Canvas class, a vector graphics engine inspired by HTML5 canvas. Currently it supports rasterizing arbitrary polygons and cubic Bezier paths, filled and outlined. It renders to user-provided SuperImage.
    • Improved HDR file decoder. Now it supports HDR files with magic string #?RGBE.
    • Reinhard and Hable tonemappers in dlib.image.hdri: hdrTonemapReinhard and hdrTonemapHable.
    • New filters in dlib.image.filters.edgedetect: edgeDetectLaplace and edgeDetectSobel.
    • New methods for Color4f: toLinear and toGamma.
    • Fixed bugs in dlib.image.arithmetics module.
  • dlib.math
    • New functions in dlib.math.vector: reflect, refract, faceforward.
    • New functions in dlib.math.utils: min2 and max2.
  • dlib.geometry
    • New functions in dlib.geometry.bezier: bezierTangentVector2 and bezierTangentVector3.
  • Misc
    • Added latest DMD (2.080.0, 2.079.1) and LDC (1.9.0, 1.8.0) to Travis CI config.
    • dlib now does CI under Windows using AppVeyor.

dlib 0.12.2 - 7 Nov, 2017

  • Enum constants of type Vector now can be assigned to variables.
  • Naming of functions in dlib.geometry.bezier is changed. bezier function is now bezierCubic, bezierCurveFunc2D is bezierVector2, bezierCurveFunc3D is bezierVector3. There are aliases with old names for backward compatibility.

dlib 0.12.1 - 28 Oct, 2017

  • Fixed loading 16-bit PNG images
  • Corrected Bézier function.

dlib 0.12.0 - 16 Oct, 2017

No changes since dlib 0.12.0 beta1.

dlib 0.12.0 beta1 - 9 Oct, 2017

  • dlib.core
    • New module dlib.core.ownership - a Delphi-like object ownership system. Objects are registered to parent object, which automatically deletes them when gets deleted itself. In many cases this can be a convenient trade-off between fully automatic and fully manual memory management.
    • New module dlib.core.fiber - initial fibers implementation (Linux-only for now).
  • dlib.container
    • Containers now use Phobos-conforming method names. Old names are still supported via aliases.
    • DynamicArray now supports inserting and removing values by arbitrary indices (insertKey and removeKey).
    • ~= operator support for LinkedList.
    • Full unittest coverage of dlib.container.array.
    • More unittests for dlib.container.dict.
  • dlib.image
    • New class UnmanagedAnimatedImage - GC-free counterpart of AnimatedImage.
    • Breaking change: dlib.image.tone.contrast is now dlib.image.filters.contrast.
    • dlib.image.fthread is now based on dlib.core.thread.
  • dlib.filesystem
    • File access rights in FileStat.
    • Nanosecond modification time precision support in stat under Posix.
  • dlib.math
    • New direct solver (solve) in dlib.math.linsolve based on LUP decomposition.
  • dlib.geometry
    • Frustum-sphere intersection test (intersectsSphere) for dlib.geometry.frustum.
  • dlib.coding
    • Breaking change: dlib.coding.huffman is merged with
  • Misc
    • Added latest DMD (2.075.1, 2.076.0) and LDC (1.3.0, 1.4.0) to Travis CI config.

dlib 0.11.1 - 24 May, 2017

  • Added alphaOver in dlib.image.color
  • Fixed memory leak in
  • Deprecation fix: use dlib.math.transformation everywhere instead of dlib.math.affine.

dlib 0.11.0 - 3 May, 2017

Changes from beta:

  • Merged idct.d with jpeg.d, use dlib.math.transformation in dlib.image.transform
  • Added hdrTonemapAverageLuminance to dlib.image.hdri
  • Fixed memory leak in HDR decoder

dlib 0.11.0 beta1 - 25 Apr, 2017

  • dlib.core
    • New and Delete in dlib.core.memory are now based on allocators from dlib.memory. By default Mallocator is used. It is possible to switch global allocator.
  • dlib.memory
    • Added GCallocator, an allocator based on on D's built-in garbage collector.
  • dlib.image
    • Full-featured APNG support in with dispose and blend operations. Saving animations to APNG is also supported.
  • dlib.filesystem
    • Added traverseDir, GC-free recursive directory scanner.
  • dlib.math
    • distance and distancesqr overloads for 2D vectors.
    • dlib.math.affine is now deprecated. dlib.math.transformation should be used instead.
  • dlib.async
    • Fixed segfault in event loop.
  • Misc
    • Removed deprecated dlib.xml package. dlib.serialization.xml should be used instead.
    • Added latest DMD (2.074.0) and LDC (1.2.0) to Travis CI config.
    • A new logo and homepage for the project:

dlib 0.10.1 - 14 Mar, 2017

  • Animated images and basic APNG support (unfinished, without dispose and blend operations, saving to APNG is also missing)
  • Fixed some bugs in dlib.text.slicelexer and dlib.serialization.xml. dlib.text.lexer.Lexer is now an alias to dlib.text.slicelexer.SliceLexer
  • Added latest DMD (2.073.2) and LDC (1.1.0) to Travis CI config.

dlib 0.10.0 - 23 Jan, 2017

Changes from beta:

  • 64-bit fix in under Windows
  • Unittest fix in dlib.filesystem.local
  • Code cleanup, use consistent line endings and indentations everywhere
  • EditorConfig support
  • dlib now compiles with DMD 2.073.0 and LDC 1.1.0-beta6.

dlib 0.10.0 beta1 - 13 Jan, 2017

  • dlib.async - this new package provides a cross-platform event loop and asynchronous programming capabilities. It can be used to implement asynchronous servers. Under the hood the package is based on different multiplexing APIs: Epoll on Linux, IOCP on Windows, and Kqueue on BSD / OSX
  • dlib.memory - new tools and interfaces to generalize memory allocation. There is Allocator interface, similar to Phobos' IAllocator, but simpler. There are also several implementations of this interface: Mallocator (malloc based allocator) and MmapPool (block based allocator for Posix systems with mmap/munmap support).
  • dlib.serialization - a new home for XML (and, hopefully, other markup languages in future). dlib.xml is deprecated, but left with public imports for compatibility purpose
    • XML parser (dlib.serialization.xml) is now fully GC-free
    •, a cross-platform socket API. Supports Windows and Posix
  • dlib.image
    • Breaking change: redesign of dlib.image.hdri module. Now it supports manual memory allocation and has its own image factories. Also implemented simple tone mapping tool based on gamma compression to convert HDR images to LDR
    • Radiance HDR/RGBE format support (only loading for now)
  • dlib.container
    • New module - dlib.container.buffer, an interface for input/output buffers
    • Fixed some issues in dlib.container.array
  • dlib.text
    • Improved SliceLexer (fixed bug with multicharacter delimiters)
    • Added dlib.text.utils.immutableCopy
  • dlib.math
    • dlib.math.vector.normal is now dlib.math.vector.planeNormal
  • Other improvements
    • Added latest DMD (2.072.2) to Travis CI config.

Many thanks to Eugene Wissner for implementing dlib.async, dlib.memory and

dlib 0.9.2 - 11 Jun, 2016

  • Fixed building with DMD 2.071.1

dlib 0.9.1 - 9 Jun, 2016

  • Added SliceLexer in dlib.text
  • Fixed wrong opApply in DynamicArray and Trie

dlib 0.9.0 - 23 May, 2016

Changes from beta:

  • Bugfix and unittests for ArrayStream
  • Fixed loading of 32-bit BMP with bitfield masks.

dlib 0.9.0 beta1 - 14 May, 2016

    • A new package for networking. So far it contains only one module, - an URL parser
  • dlib.image
    • 2-dimensional iteration for images. Also there are now ImageRegion and ImageWindowRange that simplify writing kernel filters
    • dlib.image.transform module implements affine transformations for images: translation, rotation and scaling. Transformation with arbitrary 3x3 matrix is also possible
    • Improved BMP and TGA support: new color modes and RLE8 for BMP, saving BMP and TGA
    • Improved boxBlur
    • getPixel and setPixe in Image class are now public
  • dlib.math
    • New dlib.math.tensor module implements generic multidimensional array, both with static and dynamic memory allocation
  • dlib.container
    • Improved LinkedList, added range interface. Added unittests for LinkedList and DynamicArray
  • dlib.text
    • UTF8Decoder and Lexer now support range interface. Added unittests for both
  • Other improvements
    • Added latest DMD (2.071.0) to Travis CI config, added DUB service files to .gitignore.

dlib 0.8.1 - 13 Feb, 2016

Minor bugfix release: saveWav in now uses Sound interface instead of GenericSound class.

dlib 0.8.0 - 12 Feb, 2016

Changes from beta:

  • Fixed #87

dlib 0.8.0 beta1 - 7 Feb, 2016

    • is a new package for audio processing. Supports 8 and 16 bits per sample, arbitrary sample rate and number of channels. Includes generic sound interfaces (in-memory and streamed) and their implementations. Read more here.
    • implements some basic sound synthesizers (sine wave and white noise)
    • - uncompressed RIFF/WAV encoder and decoder
  • dlib.image
    • All image filters, arithmetic operations, etc. now support manual memory management
    • New chroma key filter based on Euclidean distance (dlib.image.filters.chromakey.chromaKeyEuclidean)
    • New edge detection filter based on morphological gradient (dlib.image.filters.edgedetect.edgeDetectGradient)
    • Several important bugfixes (image convolution, lanczos and bicubic resampling, wrong deallocation of empty JPEGImage)
  • dlib.core
    • Fixed erroneous deleting uninitialized thread in dlib.core.thread
  • dlib.filesystem
    • Implemented missing methods in dlib.filesystem.stdfs.StdFileSystem: openForIO, openDir, createDir, remove. There is a known issue with remove: it doesn't delete directories under Windows
  • Other improvements

dlib 0.7.1 - 2 Dec, 2015

Mostly bugfix release.

  • Fixed wrong iteration of dlib.container.dict.Trie
  • _allocatedMemory in dlib.core.memory is now marked as __gshared, thus working correctly with dlib.core.thread
  • Fixed wrong behaviour of nextPowerOfTwo in dlib.math.utils
  • Ambiguous rotation functions in dlib.math.affine and dlib.math.quaternion are renamed into rotation2D and rotationQuaternion, respectively
  • Added flatten method for matrices.

dlib 0.7.0 - 2 Oct, 2015

Changes from beta:

dlib 0.7.0 beta1 - 28 Sep, 2015

  • dlib.core
    • Added GC-free, Phobos-independent thread module - dlib.core.thread
  • dlib.text
    • A new package for GC-free text processing. Includes UTF-8 decoder (dlib.text.utf8) and general-purpose lexical analyzer (dlib.text.lexer)
  • dlib.xml
    • XML parser is now GC-free and based on dlib.text.lexer
  • dlib.container
    • Added GC-free LinkedList (dlib.container.linkedlist), Stack (dlib.container.stack), Queue (dlib.container.queue)
  • dlib.image
    • Fixed segfault with non-transparent indexed PNG loading
  • dlib.math
    • Fixed error with instancing of vectors with size larger than 4
  • Other improvements
    • Added Travis-CI support

dlib 0.6.4 - 14 Sep, 2015

  • Trie-based GC-free dictionary class (std.container.dict)
  • Several performance optimizations in dlib.math: vector element access and multiplication for 3x3 and 4x4 matrices are now faster
  • Fixed some 64-bit issues.

dlib 0.6.3 - 17 Aug, 2015

  • Fixed dlib.filesystem.stdfs compilation under 64-bit systems
  • Fixed PNG exporter bug with encoding non-compressible images
  • Added basic drawing functions (dlib.image.render.shapes)

dlib 0.6.2 - 20 Jul, 2015

Bugfix release.

  • Removed coordinates clamping on pixel write in dlib.image
  • Fixed bug with PNG vertical flipping

dlib 0.6.1 - 6 Jul, 2015

  • Added memory profiler
  • Fixed dlib.math.sse compilation on 64-bit systems

dlib 0.6.0 - 24 Jun, 2015

  • dlib.core
    • Got rid of ManuallyAllocatable interface in manual memory management for classes. Added support for deleting via interface or parent class. Deleting can be abstractized with Freeable interface
  • dlib.filesystem
    • Added GC-free implementations for FileSystem and file streams
  • dlib.image
    • dlib.image.unmanaged provides generalized GC-free Image class with corresponding factory function
    • JPEG decoder had been greatly improved, added more subsampling modes support, COM and APPn markers detection. Decoder now understands virtually any imaginable baseline JPEGs, including those from digital cameras
  • dlib.math
    • New module dlib.math.combinatorics with factorial, hyperfactorial, permutation, combinations, lucas number and other functions
    • dlib.math.sse brings x86 SSE-based optimizations for some commonly used vector and matrix operations, namely, 4-vector arythmetics, dot and cross product, 4x4 matrix multiplication.
  • dlib.container
    • DynamicArray now supports indexing (as a syntactic sugar).

dlib 0.5.3 - 5 May, 2015

  • Added Protobuf-style varint implementation (dlib.coding.varint)
  • Streams are now ManuallyAllocatable
  • Triangle struct in dlib.geometry.triangle now has tangent vectors
  • Fixed unittest build failure (#59)

dlib 0.5.2 - 25 Feb, 2015

  • Automated vector type conversion (#57), modulo operator for vectors (#58)
  • Fixed warning in (#56)

dlib 0.5.1 - 21 Feb, 2015

Small bugfix release:

  • Fixed wrong module name in dlib.geometry.frustum
  • Updated license information

dlib 0.5.0 - 20 Feb, 2015

  • dlib.core
    • Added manual memory management support. dlib.core.memory provide memory allocators based on standard C malloc/free. They can allocate arrays, classes and structs
    • Added prototype-based OOP system for structs (dlib.core.oop) with support for multiple inheritance and parametric polymorphism
  • dlib.image
    • Image loaders are now GC-free
    • and modules are moved to new package dlib.coding. moved to dlib.core.
    • Image allocation is based on a factory interface that abstracts over GC or MMM
    • Improved support for indexed PNGs - added alpha channel support
  • dlib.container
    • Added GC-free dynamic array implementation (dlib.container.array)
    • BST and AArray now use manual memory management
  • dlib.math
    • Quaternion is now based on and interchangeable with Vector via incapsulation
    • Dual quaternion support (dlib.math.dualquaternion)
    • Fixed incorrect dual number pow implementation
  • dlib.geometry
    • Breaking change: Frustum plane normals are now pointing outside frustum. Also Frustum-AABB intersection API is changed
    • Fixed bugs in AABB and Plane

dlib 0.4.1 - 30 Dec, 2014

  • dlib.image
    • Baseline JPEG decoder (
  • dlib.math
    • New matrix printer with proper alignment (a la Matlab)

dlib 0.4.0 - 27 Oct, 2014

  • dlib.filesystem
    • Platform-specific modules are now grouped by corresponding packages (, dlib.filesystem.posix)
    • findFiles is now a free function and can be used with any ReadOnlyFileSystem
  • dlib.math
    • Implemented LU decomposition for matrices (dlib.math.decomposition)
    • dlib.math.linear is now dlib.math.linsolve. Added solveLU, a new LU-based direct solver
    • Matrix inversion now uses LU decomposition by default (4x performance boost compared to old analytic method). 4x4 affine matrices use an optimized inversion, which is about 6 times faster
    • dlib.math.utils now uses clamp from latest Phobos if available
    • Removed deprecated functionality
  • dlib.core:
    • Moved container modules (bst, linkedlist, etc) from dlib.core to separate package dlib.container. Removed useless dlib.core.method
  • Overall: improved compatibility with DMD 2.067.

dlib 0.3.3 - 31 Jul, 2014

Mainly bugfix release. Changes:

  • Fixed compilation with DMD 2.066
  • Added dlib.geometry.frustum
  • Improved dlib.math.quaternion

dlib 0.3.2 - 11 Jun, 2014

Bugfix release. The main improvement is fixed compilation with some versions of LDC.

dlib 0.3.1 - 13 May, 2014

Bugfix release. Changes:

  • Improved dlib.image, added interpolated pixel reading
  • Added matrix addition and subtraction, tensorProduct now works with any matrix sizes
  • Addressed many bugs in dlib.image and dlib.math.

dlib 0.3.0 - 25 Mar, 2014

  • dlib.core
    • Added simple yet robust I/O streams (, which are completely Phobos-independent
  • dlib.filesystem
    • Abstract FS interface and it's implementations for Windows and POSIX filesystems
  • dlib.image
    • Breaking change: all pixel I/O is now floating-point (via Color4f). This gives an opportunity to define image classes of arbitrary floating-point pixel formats and enables straightforward HDRI: sample 32-bit implementation provided in dlib.image.hdri
    • Pixel iteration now can be done with row and col ranges
    • Parallel filtering is now easy with dlib.image.parallel. You can add multithreading to your existing filter code with just a few changes
    • Added support for TGA and BMP formats (only loading for now)
    • All image format I/O is now stream-based
  • dlib.math
    • Breaking change: matrices in dlib.math.matrix are now column-major
    • Imporved constness support in dlib.math.vector, as well as added unittest to the module. Using new string constructor, vectors now can be parsed from strings (e.g., "[0, 1, 2]")
  • Overall improvements & bugfixes
    • Much saner DUB support, addressed some serious problems with building, added configuration for pre-compiling as a static library

dlib 0.2.4 - 12 Dec, 2013

Bugfix release + added support for DMD 2.064 package modules.

dlib 0.2.3 - 6 Dec, 2013

Bugfix release. Fixed issues with compiling on 64-bit systems.

dlib 0.2.1 - 20 Nov, 2013

Bugfix release.

dlib 0.2.0 - 11 Oct, 2013

  • Added XML parser (alpha quality);
  • Massive refactoring of the matrix implementation. All matrix types (Matrix2x2f, Matrix3x3f, Matrix4x4f) are now specializations of generic Matrix!(T,N) struct in dlib.math.matrix;
  • Updated dlib.math.dual. Vectors of dual numbers can now be created;
  • Added support for Hermite curves (dlib.geometry.hermite).

dlib 0.1.2 - 18 Jul, 2013

  • Renamed ColorRGBA and ColorRGBAf into Color4 and Color4f;
  • Added support for image convolution. There are several built-in kernels (Identity, BoxBlur, GaussianBlur, Sharpen, Emboss, EdgeEmboss, EdgeDetect, Laplace);
  • Added support for HSV color space;
  • Added Chroma Keying and Color Pass filters.

dlib 0.1.1 - 13 Jul, 2013

Bugfix release.

dlib 0.1.0 - 13 Jul, 2013

Initial release.

13 Jul, 2013

Project moved to GitHub.


Early development on

28 Sep, 2012

Start as a public project.