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132 lines (102 loc) · 6.9 KB

File metadata and controls

132 lines (102 loc) · 6.9 KB


A simple cli tool to convert markdown files to Prismic JSON. It supports YAML front matter to define the UID and other Custom Type fields. Markdown files are converted to a format that can be imported into the Afosto Prismic account as a blog post.

ezgif com-crop


You can transform markdown within a project using the default export.

npm install @gijsbotje/md-to-prismic
# or
yarn add @gijsbotje/md-to-prismic
import mdToPrismic from '@gijsbotje/md-to-prismic';

const markdownContent = `
type: blog
lang: en-us

# my title

My content

const prismicJSON = mdToPrismic(markdownContent, {
  fieldName: 'content', /* required */
  fileName: '', /* optional */
  sliceName: 'MyTextSlice', /* optional */
  sliceVariation: 'variation-2', /* string, default: 'default' */
  outputAs: 'slice', /* ['slice', 'field'], default: field */


To use the cli, globally install the package in your machine with your preferred package manager.

npm install -g @gijsbotje/md-to-prismic
# or
yarn add -g @gijsbotje/md-to-prismic

You can now run the package in a folder with markdown files. Selecting the folder will transform all markdown files and output a ready to go zip file. Selecting a single file will output a JSON file structured according to the Prismic JSON.


Run with arguments

Instead of using the prompts you can also set arguments.

argument description type default value
-p, --pathToConvert Path of the file or folder to convert [string] [required] [default: null]
-o, --outputAs Output the rich text as a slice or field. [string] [required] [choices: "slice", "field"] [default: null]
-f, --fieldName ID of the field to output the richt text in [string] [required] [default: null]
-s, --sliceName ID of the slice to output the richt text in. [string] [required: when outputAs === 'slice'] [default: null]
-v, --sliceVariation Variation of the slice to output the richt text in. [string] [required: when outputAs === 'slice'] [default: "default"]
md-to-prismic -p ./examples -o slice -f content -s paragraph

Supported Markdown elements

Because of the limitations within the Prismic rich text editor, not all elements are supported. Below is a list of all markdown elements and how they are handled.

Element Markdown Syntax Support
Text paragraph text
Heading # h1
Bold **bold text**
Italic *italic text*
Link [label](
image ![alt text](image.jpg)
Ordered list 1. First item ⚠️ A list can only have one level in prismic
Unordered list - First item ⚠️ A list can only have one level in prismic
Inline code `code` 🚫
Horizontal rule --- 🚫

Extended Markdown Syntax

Element Markdown Syntax Support
Table table 🚫
Fenced code bock code ⚠️ Adds an empty preformatted text line. Looking for a fix on this one.
Footnote Here's a sentence with a footnote. [^1] [^1]: This is the footnote. 🚫
Heading ID ### My Great Heading {#custom-id} 🚫
Definition list term: definition 🚫
Strikethrough ~~strike though~~ 🚫
Task list - [x] Write the press release 🚫
Emoji smile! :joy: 🚫
Highlight highlight ==these words==. 🚫
Subscript h~2~o 🚫
Superscript x^2^ 🚫


clone the repository to your machine.

git clone

Install the dependencies with yarn.

npm install

Link the package on your local machine.

npm link

You can now run the package in a folder with markdown files.
