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921 lines (679 loc) · 33.1 KB


File metadata and controls

921 lines (679 loc) · 33.1 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to the COT project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

2.2.1 - 2019-12-04


  • COT now officially supports Python 3.7.

2.2.0 - 2019-02-18


  • COT now recognizes and validates the Cisco C9800-CL platform.


  • Discontinued support for Python 3.3 as it has been retired since 2017.

2.1.0 - 2018-01-29


  • The bin/cot helper script in this repository (not the script installed when installing COT normally) has had some $PATH issues fixed.
  • cot add-disk ... --controller now accepts sata as an additional option (#72).

2.0.5 - 2017-11-30


  • Error in previous release due to COT using a user-specified relative file path in FileReference.create which implicitly assumed absolute paths.
    • Now correctly fixes up the path before constructing this FileReference.
    • To prevent similar errors in the future, if a FileReference is constructed with a non-absolute path, COT will log a warning and attempt to fix the path at that point.

2.0.4 - 2017-11-30


  • COT now ensures that cloned Items have a higher InstanceID than the Item they were cloned from, avoiding unexpected out-of-order behavior (#70).
  • COT now produces valid manifests for OVF 2.x files (which use SHA256 instead of SHA1 as in OVF 0.x and 1.x).


  • Official support for pypy3. (COT has already been usable under pypy3, but now it's actually part of our tests.)
  • COT checks the manifest when loading an OVF/OVA and warns if any checksum mismatches are seen.
  • FileReference class as superclass of FileInTAR and FileOnDisk.


  • Refactored how man page builds are triggered so that Sphinx is no longer a mandatory pre-requisite for building COT. This helps us to avoid breaking Travis-CI tests when a new version of Sphinx comes out that doesn't support older Python versions like 3.3.
  • Replaced add_disk.guess_drive_type_from_extension with DiskRepresentation.predicted_drive_type.

2.0.3 - 2017-04-03


  • Fixed issue where UnboundLocalError would be raised during COT's attempt to clean up after a qemu-img error occurring while trying to convert a disk to VMDK (#67).
  • Fixed incorrect invocation of 'sudo mkdir' on Mac OS X.

2.0.2 - 2017-03-20


  • Path normalization of output file resulted in COT failing to detect the case of self-overwriting an OVA, resulting in file corruption (#66). Improved detection of self-overwriting cases including relative vs. absolute paths, symlinks, and hardlinks.

2.0.1 - 2017-03-17


  • One unit test case, COT.helpers.tests.test_helper.HelperGenericTest.test_download_and_expand_tgz, was failing after 2.0.0 was released, due to its assumptions about the contents of the master repo on GitHub no longer being valid. Fixed now.

2.0.0 - 2017-03-17


  • Fixed a case that could result in a RuntimeError being thrown when using cot edit-hardware to simultaneously create NICs and define a new configuration profile (#64).
  • Update minimum QEMU version preferred for creation of streamOptimized VMDK files from 2.1.0 to 2.5.1, due to an incompatibility with VMware in VMDKs produced by versions prior to 2.5.1 (#65).
    • If vmdktool is not installed, but QEMU 2.1.0-2.5.0 is, then COT will fall back to usinq qemu-img, but will warn of this potential incompatibility with ESXi.
  • When cot info is invoked with multiple files as input, an error in loading one file will no longer cause the entire command to abort; COT will now log an error about the offending file and continue to the next.


  • COT commands now check the available disk space in the temporary working directory against the temporary storage space the command estimates it will require, and if there is likely to be a problem, warns the user before continuing. (#63)
  • Additionally COT commands that write out an updated OVF/OVA now check the available disk space in the requested output location against the VM's predicted output size, and if there is likely to be a problem, warns the user before continuing.
  • Helper classes can now opt to cache their output to avoid repeatedly re-running the same command. Currently enabled for qemu-img info ... and isoinfo ... commands. (#62)
  • New modules and APIs in support of the above:
    • Command.working_dir_disk_space_required() instance method, to ask a command to estimate how much temporary storage it will require. This method is now automatically called from Command unit tests to validate its accuracy.
    • VMDescription.predicted_output_size() instance method, to ask a VM to estimate how much disk space it will require when written out.
    • COT.utilities module with functions available_bytes_at_path and tar_entry_size.


  • Discontinued support for Python 2.6 as it has been retired since 2013.
  • Removed cot --debug alias for cot --verbose --verbose as it is no longer correct after increased granularity of logging options, as described below.


  • With cot edit-hardware, the platform hardware validation is no longer a hard limit. Instead, if a value appears to be invalid, the user will be warned about the validation failure and given the option to continue or abort (#61). cot --force ..., as usual, can be used to auto-continue without prompting.
  • More granular logging levels (thanks to verboselogs; COT now requires version 1.6 of this package) and more self-consistency in message logging.
  • Revised format of log messages generated by COT.
  • Lots of API changes:
    • All commands ('submodules') are now grouped as a sub-package under COT.commands. Most classes in this package have been renamed.
    • Moved COT.ovf package to be a sub-package under COT.vm_description.
    • Moved UI and CLI classes into a COT.ui sub-package.
    • Moved the to_string function from COT.data_validation to COT.utilities.
    • Function COT.deploy_esxi.get_object_from_connection is now method PyVmomiVMReconfigSpec.lookup_object.
    • Function COT.cli.formatter is now class COT.ui.cli.CLILoggingFormatter.
    • The functionality of classes VMContextManager and VMFactory has been rolled into the core VMDescription class.
    • COT.disks module:
      • Function create_disk is now split into class methods DiskRepresentation.for_new_file (creates the disk file and returns a corresponding DiskRepresentation instance) and DiskRepresentation.create_file (creates disk file only).
      • Function convert_disk is now class method DiskRepresentation.convert_to
      • Function disk_representation_from_file is now class method DiskRepresentation.from_file
      • The DiskRepresentation constructor now only takes the path to a file as input - if you want to create a new file, use DiskRepresentation.for_new_file instead of calling the constructor directly.
    • COT.helpers module:
      • Static method Helper.cp has been renamed to Helper.copy_file.
    • COT.ovf module:
      • COT.ovf.ovf.byte_string has been moved and renamed to COT.utilities.pretty_bytes.
      • COT.ovf.ovf.byte_count has been moved and renamed to COT.vm_description.ovf.utilities.programmatic_bytes_to_int.
      • COT.ovf.ovf.factor_bytes has been moved and renamed to COT.vm_description.ovf.utilities.int_bytes_to_programmatic_units.
      • OVF.validate_and_update_file_references and OVF.validate_and_update_networks have been moved to private functions and are no longer part of the public API of the OVF class.
      • Hardware.update_existing_item_count_per_profile has been moved to a private method.
    • COT.platforms module:
      • Class GenericPlatform is now Platform.
      • Function platform_from_product_class is now class method Platform.for_product_string and returns an instance of a Platform class rather than the class object itself.
      • Most Platform APIs are now instance methods instead of class methods.
      • Function COT.platforms.is_known_product_class has been removed.

1.9.1 - 2017-02-21


  • Removed 32 GiB memory limitation on Cisco IOS XRv 9000 platform.

1.9.0 - 2017-02-13


  • Support for Python 3.6
  • Support for brew package manager (#55).
  • Support for Cisco Nexus 9000v (NX-OSv 9000) platform (#60).


  • Improved messaging when COT is unable to install a helper program (#57).

1.8.2 - 2017-01-18


  • Issue (#58) where various multi-value CLI options for the edit-hardware and inject-config commands did not append properly.
  • Issue in which explicitly specified NIC names were being overwritten by names auto-derived from network names when attempting to set both NIC name and network names in a single cot edit-hardware call.
  • cot edit-properties again accepts property values containing the characters + and = (#59).


  • COT can now detect the presence of an .ovf file in a TAR archive even if the archive is not named *.ova* and even if the .ovf file is not the first file in the archive as specified by the OVF specification. This allows (read-only at present) handling of VirtualBox Vagrant .box files, which are approximately equivalent to non-standards-compliant OVAs.

1.8.1 - 2016-11-12


  • Under Python versions older than 2.7.9, explicitly require pyOpenSSL and ndg-httpsclient to avoid issues like hostname '' doesn't match '' when installing vmdktool.

1.8.0 - 2016-11-08


  • TypeError in find_item method (#54).
  • cot inject-config correctly handles OVAs with multiple empty CD-ROM drives to choose amongst (#54 also).
  • Cisco CSR1000v platform now supports 8 CPUs as a valid option.


  • cot inject-config --extra-files parameter (#53).
  • Helper class for isoinfo (a companion to mkisofs).
  • Added glossary of terms to COT documentation.
  • Inline documentation (docstrings) are now validated using the Pylint docparams extension.


  • Refactored the monolithic COT/ file into a proper submodule.
  • :func:`~COT.helpers.mkisofs.MkIsoFs.create_iso` now adds Rock Ridge extensions by default.
  • Refactored :mod:`COT.helpers` into two modules - :mod:`COT.helpers` (now just for handling helper programs such as apt-get and mkisofs) and :mod:`COT.disks` (which uses the helpers to handle ISO/VMDK/QCOW2/RAW image files).
  • Inline documentation (docstrings) have been converted to "Google style" for better readability in the code. Sphinx rendering of documentation (for, etc) now makes use of the napoleon extension to handle this style.


1.7.4 - 2016-09-21

Newer versions of Sphinx have dropped support for Python 2.6 and 3.3, so I have updated COT's installation requirements to use older Sphinx versions under these Python versions.

1.7.3 - 2016-09-06


  • When adding NICs to an OVF, if no -nic-networks are specified, cot edit-hardware will now try to infer sequential naming of the Network elements and if successful, offer to create additional Networks as appropriate. (#18)

1.7.2 - 2016-08-17


  • Issue #52 - OVFItemDataError raised when adding NICs to CSR1000V OVA, or more generally when cloning an OVFItem whose ElementName references its Connection.

1.7.1 - 2016-08-12


  • cot deploy ... --serial-connection will create additional serial ports beyond those defined in the OVF, if requested. Previously it would ask the user for confirmation but not actually do anything about it. (#51)

1.7.0 - 2016-08-05


  • Support for Python 3.5
  • Enhancements to cot edit-properties (#50):
    • Added --user-configurable option to set whether created/updated properties are marked as user-configurable in the OVF.
    • Added --labels and --descriptions options to set/update the labels and descriptions associated with properties.
    • It's now valid to set no default value for a property by omitting the =value, as in -p property-with-no-value, as well as the existing -p property-with-empty-value= syntax to set an empty string as the value.
    • Users can now optionally specify the property type to enforce for each property by using the delimiter +type, as in -p key=1+boolean.


  • Switched from statement coverage to branch coverage for better test analysis.
  • Moved from Coveralls to Codecov for test coverage tracking, since Coveralls does not support branch coverage reporting.


  • When cot edit-hardware is used to create new NICs in an OVF that previously had none, and the user does not specify any corresponding Network entries, automatically create a 'VM Network' entry, because all NICs must be mapped to Networks for a valid OVF descriptor.

1.6.1 - 2016-07-07


  • ValueMismatchError exceptions are properly caught by the CLI wrapper so as to result in a graceful exit rather than a stack trace.
  • cot remove-file now errors if the user specifies both file-id and file-path, one of which matches a file in the OVF, but the other does not match this or any other file.
  • Better handling of exceptions and usage of sudo when installing helpers.
  • Manual pages are now correctly included in the distribution. Oops!

1.6.0 - 2016-06-30


  • cot edit-product --product-class option, to set or change the product class identifier (such as
  • Enabled additional code quality validation with Pylint, pep8-naming, and mccabe (#49).


  • Lots of refactoring to reduce code complexity as measured by Pylint and mccabe.


  • COT now recognizes AllocationUnits values like megabytes.
  • COT no longer ignores the AllocationUnits value given for RAM.
  • :func:`COT.ovf.byte_string` now properly uses binary units (KiB rather than kB, etc.)

1.5.2 - 2016-06-17


  • Development requirement changes: The package pep8 has been renamed to pycodestyle, and pep257 has been renamed to pydocstyle. Updated configuration and documentation to reflect these changes. Also, flake8-pep257 does not presently handle these changes, so replaced it as a dependency with the more up-to-date flake8-docstrings package.

1.5.1 - 2016-06-07


  • cot edit-hardware --network-descriptions option, to specify the descriptive string(s) associated with each network definition.


  • #48 - NIC type not set when adding NICs to an OVF that had none before.
  • When updating NIC network mapping, COT now also updates any Description that references the network mapping.

1.5.0 - 2016-06-06


  • #47 - Added cot remove-file subcommand.
  • #43 - add cot edit-properties --transport option to set environment transport type(s) - iso, VMWare Tools, etc.
    • cot info now has a new "Environment" section that displays the transport type
  • #45 - support for multiple values for --nic-types, --ide-subtypes, and --scsi-subtypes in cot edit-hardware.
  • COT now recognizes the Cisco IOS XRv 9000 platform identifier
  • #21 - subcommand aliases (Python 3.x only):
    • cot edit-product aliases: cot set-product, cot set-version
    • cot edit-properties aliases: cot set-properties, cot edit-environment, cot set-environment
    • cot info alias: cot describe
    • cot inject-config alias: cot add-bootstrap
    • cot remove-file alias: cot delete-file
  • Support for tab-completion of CLI parameters using argcomplete.


  • cot edit-hardware options --nic-types, --ide-subtypes, and --scsi-subtypes are now validated and canonicalized by COT, meaning that:
    • cot edit-hardware --nic-type virtio-net-pci is now a valid command and will correctly create an OVF with ResourceSubType virtio (not virtio-net-pci)
    • cot edit-hardware --ide-subtype foobar will now fail with an error
  • cot info is now more self-consistent in how it displays property keys. They are now always wrapped in < >, whereas previously this was only sometimes the case.
  • cot info --verbose now displays file and disk ID strings under the "Files and Disks" section.

1.4.2 - 2016-05-11


  • COT now supports xorriso as another alternative to mkisofs and genisoimage


  • #42 - cot deploy esxi error handling behavior needed to be updated for requests release 2.8.
  • #44 - test case failure seen when running pyVmomi


  • Installation document now recommends installation via pip rather than installing from source.
  • #40 - Now uses faster Docker-based infrastructure from Travis CI for CI builds/tests.

1.4.1 - 2015-09-02


  • #41 - symlinks were not dereferenced when writing out to OVA.

1.4.0 - 2015-09-01


  • #24 - cot deploy esxi now creates serial ports after deployment using pyVmomi library.
    • Serial port connectivity must be specified either via entries in the OVF (which can be defined using cot edit-hardware ... -S) or at deployment time using the new -S / --serial-connection parameter to cot deploy.
    • The syntax for serial port connectivity definition is based on that of QEMU's --serial CLI option.
    • Currently only "telnet", "tcp", and "device" connection types are supported.
  • #38 - cot edit-product can now set product and vendor information.
  • flake8 validation now includes pep257 to validate docstring compliance to PEP 257 as well.
  • Added changelog file.
  • Added COT.file_reference submodule in support of #39.


  • Split ESXi-specific logic out of COT.deploy module and into new COT.deploy_esxi module.
  • UT for COT.deploy_esxi now requires mock (standard library in Python 3.x, install via pip on Python 2.x).


  • #39 - avoid unnecessary file copies to save time and disk space.

1.3.3 - 2015-07-02


  • #10 - When changing network mapping, delete no longer needed networks
  • #31 - Added --delete-all-other-profiles option to cot edit-hardware
  • #32 - cot edit-hardware network names can now use wildcards
  • #34 - cot add-disk can now be used to replace a CD-ROM drive with a hard disk, or vice versa.

1.3.2 - 2015-04-09


  • Adapt to changes to the Travis-CI testing environment.

1.3.1 - 2015-04-09


  • #30 - cot install-helpers can now install fatdisk and vmdktool under Python 3.

1.3.0 - 2015-03-27


  • Installation of helper programs is now provided by a cot install-helpers subcommand rather than a separate script.
  • COT now has man pages (man cot, man cot-edit-hardware, etc.) The man pages are also installed by cot install-helpers.
  • Improved documentation of the CLI on as well.


  • Refactored COT.helper_tools module into COT.helpers subpackage. This package has an API (COT.helpers.api) for the rest of COT to access it; the helper-specific logic (qemu-img, fatdisk, etc.) is split into individual helper modules that are abstracted away by the API.
  • Similarly, logic from COT.tests.helper_tools has been refactored and enhanced under COT.helpers.tests.
  • Renamed all test code files from "" to "" to facilitate test case discovery.
  • CLI help strings are dynamically rendered to ReST when docs are built, providing cleaner output for both and the manpages.


  • COT no longer supports Python 3.2.
  • cot_unittest is no more - use tox or unit2 discover to run tests.
  • As noted above, the installation script no longer exists - this functionality is now provided by the COT.install_helpers module.

1.2.4 - 2015-03-06


  • #29 - cot edit-properties interactive mode was broken in v1.2.2

1.2.3 - 2015-02-19


1.2.2 - 2015-02-19



  • CLI adapts more intelligently to terminal width (fixes #28)
  • Submodules now use Python properties instead of get_value/set_value methods.

1.2.1 - 2015-02-03


  • Now PEP 8 compliant - passes validation by flake8 code analysis.
  • Very preliminary support for OVF 2.x format
  • Now uses tox for easier test execution and for code coverage analysis.
  • Code coverage reporting with Coveralls.


  • Now uses colorlog instead of coloredlogs for CLI log colorization, as this fits better with COT's logging model.
  • Greatly improved unit test structure and code coverage, including tests for logging.

1.2.0 - 2015-01-16


  • Greatly improved logging (#26). COT now defaults to logging level INFO, which provides relatively brief status updates to the user. You can also run with --quiet to suppress INFO messages and only log WARNING and ERROR messages, --verbose to see VERBOSE messages as well, or --debug if you want to really get into the guts of what COT is doing.
  • Now integrated with Travis CI for automated builds and UT under all supported Python versions. This should greatly improve the stability of COT under less-common Python versions. (#12)


  • The CLI for cot deploy has been revised somewhat based on user feedback.
  • A lot of restructuring of the underlying code to make things more modular and easier to test in isolation.


  • Various bugfixes for issues specific to Python 2.6 and 3.x - these environments should now be fully working again.

1.1.6 - 2015-01-05


  • Added THANKS file recognizing various non-code contributions to COT.


  • Bug fixes for cot inject-config and cot deploy, including issues #19 and #20 and a warning to users about serial ports and ESXi (issue eventually to be addressed by fixing #24).
  • More graceful handling of Ctrl-C interrupt while COT is running.

1.1.5 - 2014-11-25


  • Fixed issue #17 (cot edit-hardware adding NICs makes an OVA that vCenter regards as invalid)
  • Removed several spurious WARNING messages

1.1.4 - 2014-11-12


  • COT can at least be installed and run under CentOS/Python2.6 now, although the automated unit tests will complain about the different XML output that 2.6 produces.


  • Vastly improved installation workflow under Linuxes supporting apt-get or yum - included helper script can automatically install all helper programs except ovftool. Fixes #9.


  • Improved cot deploy handling of config profiles - fixed #5 and #15

1.1.3 - 2014-10-01


  • cot edit-hardware added --nic-names option for assigning names to each NIC
  • cot info now displays NIC names.


  • Improved installation documentation
  • Some improvements to IOS XRv OVA support

1.1.2 - 2014-09-24


  • Take advantage of QEMU 2.1 finally supporting the streamOptimized VMDK sub-format.
  • Can now create new hardware items without an existing item of the same type (issue #4)


  • Clearer documentation and logging messages (issue #8 and others)
  • Now uses versioneer for automatic version numbering.


  • Fixed several Python 3 compatibility issues (issue #7 and others)

1.1.1 - 2014-08-19


  • Minor bug fixes to cot deploy esxi.

1.1.0 - 2014-07-29


  • cot deploy esxi subcommand by Kevin Keim (@kakeim), which uses ovftool to deploy an OVA to an ESXi vCenter server.


  • Removed dependencies on md5 / md5sum / shasum / sha1sum in favor of Python's hashlib module.
  • Nicer formatting of cot info output


  • Miscellaneous fixes and code cleanup.

1.0.0 - 2014-06-27

Initial public release.