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Go Developer Network Events

This page contains event templates and slides for previous and upcoming GDN user group events. Users are free to make pull requests to add new events, slides, and templates but they should try to avoid deleting talks.

October 20, 2021: New Mentoring Platform For Go Community | Event Template

  • A walk through of the Exercism platform. The new mentoring platform for the Go community - Jeremy Walker

Meetup Event Page | Recorded Live Stream|

September 24, 2021: Celebrating Hispanic Gophers as part of Hispanic Heritage Month! | Event Template

  • Build a K8s operator with Go for a Machine Learning App - Guillermo Galvan
  • Oops - I broke Docker. A story about maintaining - Dario Castañé
  • Go's simplicity and its approach to the learning of computer sciences and programming. - Luis Giovanny Carreno Ortiz

Meetup Event Page | Recorded Live Stream|

May 21, 2021: Glorious Go Gals - wonderful womxn talking about their work in Go | Event Template

  • Some practices for logs aggregation and centralization - Diana Ortega
  • Crypto Fails and How to Tackle Them in Go - Anna-Katharina Wickert
  • Panel Discussion with Jessica Greene, Natalie Pistunovich, and Ronna Steinberg - All Glorious Gophers based in Berlin.
  • Simplicity of testing using GoLang - Thilak Subramanian

Meetup Event Page | Recorded Live Stream|

March 17, 2021: Going Cloud - A GCP and Go story | Event Template

  • Go and Google App Engine - Matthew Holiday
  • Go webapp serverless options in GCP - Velentin Deleplace
  • Gotchas using Go to reduce the spread of COVID - Seth Vargo
  • Go, Cloud Functions and Cloud Tasks - Fred Gurnot
  • From Python to Go on GCP - Steve Coffman
  • Implementing and Deploying a Cloud Function in Go - Misha Avrekh

Meetup Event Page | Recorded Live Stream|

January 27, 2021: Learn Go - Tip for Gophers at All Levels | Event Template

  • - One Platform, Three Perspectives - Nils Müller | Recording | Slides
  • Journey Before Destination - Jon Calhoun | Recording | Slides
  • GoBridge mentoring, workshops, and everything in between - Bill Kennedy | Recording
  • So you've completed the Tour of Go - what next? - Paul Jolly | Recording | Slides
  • Learning Go through Open Source - Wilken Rivera | Recording | Slides
  • Anyone can be a Gopher! (My GopherCon Talk) - Angelica Hill | Recording
  • My Go story going from C++ to Go - Adrien Delorme | Recording

Meetup Event Page | Recorded Live Stream|

You can find all the individual talks here.