Purchased from OSHPark via https://github.com/SamEA/ADMP441_Microphone.git
- R1 - 100kOhm
- C1 - 100nF
- U1 - ADMP441 MEMS desoldered from Amazon Dash
ADMP441 | RPi |
WS | 19 |
SD | 20 |
SCK | 18 |
VCC | 1 |
GND | 9 |
Run make && make install
in the linux
cd dts
dtc -@ -I dts -O dtb -o i2s-soundcard.dtbo i2s-soundcard-overlay.dts
sudo cp i2s-soundcard.dtbo /boot/overlays
Add admp441
to /etc/modules
Add dtoverlay=i2s-soundcard,alsaname=mems-mic
to /boot/config.txt