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Displaying Mathematics on the VT340

The VT340 can display the DEC Technical Character Set, which contains Greek letters, mathematical symbols, and logical symbols. Additionally, it contains characters that may be used to construct larger mathematical symbols, such as large integral and summation signs.

The whole is greater than the summation of its parts.

Also see dectech.c, a program that shows a table of the DEC Technical Character Set and its output, dectech.vt which can be sent to a terminal such as the VT340 using cat.


Basic usage from a programmer's perspective:

Until someone [hackerb9?] writes a proper locale charmap so that Unicode can be automatically translated into the DEC Technical Character Set, these characters will not be available to most users without a specialized program. However, programmers can display them easily:

  1. Assign the DEC Technical Set to "G3" via SCS (Select Character Set).


  2. Every time you want to print a mathematical character, first send SS3 to temporarily shift to G3...


  3. And then send an ASCII character from one of the tables below to choose a symbol.

    @ → ∴ (Therefore)

Slightly more detail

1. Assign the DEC Tech character set to G3


You can actually set any of over a dozen different character sets to four different translation tables: G0, G1, G2, and G3.

    Character Set G0 G1 G2 G3
    DEC Technical ESC(> ESC)> ESC*> ESC+>
    VT100 Graphics ESC(0 ESC)0 ESC*0 ESC+0
    DEC Supplemental ESC(< ESC)< ESC*< ESC+<

2. Send SS3 (non-locking shift to G3)

Renders next character using G3: EscO

    Name Mnemonic Sequence Hex Function
    Single Shift 3 SS3 ESC O 1B 4F Use G3 character set just for the next character.

Locking-shifts are also available, see the charset README.

3. Send an ASCII character to display a mathematical character

Display the ∴ symbol: @

    Hex ASCII Name Symbol
    40 @ Therefore

The full tables of symbols can be found below.


  • Position reserved for future standardization in the DEC technical set are shown as the error character ␦ (reverse question mark) both on the screen and in print.

  • Component characters are imaged so that adjacent component characters form connected lines at all pitches.

  • DEC compatible printers work the same way as terminals and use the same escape sequences to access different character sets.

DEC Technical Character Set Tables

The following tables are taken mostly from the "Printronix LG Programmers Manual", with corrections, and using Unicode characters found at

Individual Technical Characters


    Hex ASCII Name Symbol Unicode
    44 D Uppercase Delta Δ 0x0394
    46 F Uppercase Phi Φ 0x03A6
    47 G Uppercase Gamma Γ 0x0393
    4A J Uppercase Theta Θ 0x0398
    4C L Uppercase Lambda Λ 0x039B
    50 P Uppercase Pi Π 0x03A0
    51 Q Uppercase Psi Ψ 0x03A8
    53 S Uppercase Sigma Σ 0x03A3
    57 W Uppercase Omega Ω 0x03A9
    58 X Uppercase Ksi Ξ 0x039E
    59 Y Uppercase Upsilon Υ 0x03A5
    61 a Lowercase Alpha α 0x03B1
    62 b Lowercase Beta β 0x03B2
    63 c Lowercase Chi χ 0x03C7
    64 d Lowercase Delta δ 0x03B4
    65 e Lowercase Epsilon ε 0x03B5
    66 f Lowercase Phi φ 0x03C6
    67 g Lowercase Gamma γ 0x03B3
    68 h Lowercase Eta η 0x03B7
    69 i Lowercase Iota ι 0x03B9
    6A j Lowercase Theta θ 0x03B8
    6B k Lowercase Kappa κ 0x03BA
    6C l Lowercase Lambda λ 0x03BB
    6E n Lowercase Nu ν 0x03BD
    70 p Lowercase Pi π 0x03C0
    71 q Lowercase Psi ψ 0x03C8
    72 r Lowercase Rho ρ 0x03C1
    73 s Lowercase Sigma σ 0x03C3
    74 t Lowercase Tau τ 0x03C4
    77 w Lowercase Omega ω 0x03C9
    78 x Lowercase Xi ξ 0x03BE
    79 y Lowercase Upsilon υ 0x03C5
    7A z Lowercase Zeta ζ 0x03B6


    Hex ASCII Name Symbol Unicode
    3C < Less Than or Equal To 0x2264
    3D = Not Equal 0x2260
    3E > Greater Than or Equal To 0x2265
    3F ? Integral 0x222B
    41 A Variation or Proportional To 0x221D
    42 B Infinity 0x221E
    43 C Division or Divided By ÷ 0xF7
    45 E Nabla or Del 0x2207
    48 H Is Approximate To 0x223C
    49 I Similar or Equal To 0x2243
    4B K Times or Cross Product × 0xD7
    56 V Radical 0x221A
    6F o Partial Derivative 0x2202
    76 v Function ƒ 0x0192
    7B { Left Arrow 0x2190
    7C | Upward Arrow 0x2191
    7D } Right Arrow 0x2192
    7E ~ Downward Arrow 0x2193


    Hex ASCII Name Symbol Unicode
    40 @ Therefore 0x2234
    4D M If and Only If 0x21D4
    4E N Implies 0x21D2
    4F O Identical To 0x2261
    5A Z Is Included In 0x2282
    5B [ Includes 0x2283
    5C \ Intersection 0x2229
    5D ] Union 0x222A
    5E ^ Logical And 0x2227
    5F _ Logical Or 0x2228
    60 ` Logical Not ¬ 0xAC

Building Large Mathematical Symbols

This table shows how to build large mathematical symbols. The characters are designed to connect to adjacent character cells to form technical characters that can occupy several vertically adjacent and/or horizontally adjacent character positions. To use this table, find the character you want to build (along the top of the table). On the left side of the table are various pieces of the characters needed to create the whole. Follow the top row choice, say, INTEGRAL, all the way down the table. Use the hex value beside the symbol name you wish to print. For example, to build an oversize integral, you will need a top integral (hex 24), bottom integral (hex 25), and vertical connector (hex 26).

    Component Characters for Large Mathematics

    Hex ASCII Name Symbol Unicode

    21 ! Left Radical 0x23B7 X
    22 " Top Left Radical 0x250C X
    23 # Horizontal Connector 0x2500 X X
    24 $ Top Integral 0x2320 X
    25 % Bottom Integral 0x2321 X
    26 & Vertical Connector 0x2502 X X X X X
    27 ' Top Left Square Bracket 0x23A1 X
    28 ( Bottom Left Square Bracket 0x23A3 X
    29 ) Top Right Square Bracket 0x23A4 X
    2A * Bottom Right Square Bracket 0x23A6 X
    2B + Top Left Parenthesis 0x239B X X
    2C , Bottom Left Parenthesis 0x239D X X
    2D - Top Right Parenthesis 0x239E X X
    2E . Bottom Right Parenthesis 0x23A0 X X
    2F / Left Middle Curly Brace 0x23A8 X
    30 0 Right Middle Curly Brace 0x23AC X
    31 1 Top Left Summation X
    32 2 Bottom Left Summation X
    33 3 Top Vertical Summation Connector X
    34 4 Bottom Vertical Summation Connector X
    35 5 Top Right Summation X
    36 6 Bottom Right Summation X
    37 7 Right Middle Summation X

    ␦ marks characters which Unicode (as of 2023) is unable to reproduce, namely the large summation character. Note that Unicode has summation top (⎲) and bottom (⎳) characters, but those are insufficient even for the simplest mathematics. In contrast, DEC's sigma can grow arbitrarily large in either axis which means it can be centered vertically with the equation to its right and properly span the initial state (e.g., $i=-∞$) beneath it.

One can see a sample of the mathematical symbols at different sizes by catting the file components.vt to a VT340.

Screenshot of a VT340 showing various large mathematical symbols made from smaller characters