Use this game to draw a flower for your Valentine.
flower-seeds draws sunflower seeds distribution pattern. You can adjust the parameters with:
- j/l : the growth angle.
- k/i : the growth distance.
- c/v : the seed count.
Start by running ./flower-seeds.hs. Your terminal needs to be at least 120x50.
The parameters are printed at the top of the screen. You can pass them as program argument to redraw your best flower:
./flower-seeds.hs "(11.0,5.0,47)"
This game is based on this video: The Golden Ratio (why it is so irrational) - Numberphile.
Here is the less-minified version with type annotations:
#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
-- | flower-seeds expanded
-- Copyright 2023, Tristan de Cacqueray
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
-- | 'System.IO' to setup the terminal
import System.IO (stdin, hSetBuffering, BufferMode(NoBuffering))
-- | 'Control.Concurrent' for sleep
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
-- | 'System.Environment' to get command line arguments
import System.Environment (getArgs)
type Flower =
( Float -- Angle
, Float -- Distance
, Int -- Numbers
-- | The initial params.
initialParams :: Flower
initialParams = (29.6, 3, 400)
-- | Generate the seed params.
genSeeds :: Flower -> [(Float, Float)]
genSeeds (a, d, n) = take n $ iterate (\(b, e) -> (b + pi * a/90, e + d/30)) (0,0)
-- | Get a seed coordinate.
seedCoord :: (Float, Float) -> (Int, Int)
seedCoord (a, d) = (round (60 + d*cos a), round (0.5*(50 + d*sin a)))
-- | Plant a seed.
plantSeed :: (Int, Int) -> IO ()
plantSeed (x, y) = do
threadDelay 1000
putStrLn ("\^[[" ++ show y ++ ";" ++ show x ++ "f❤")
-- | Render the flower.
renderFlower :: Flower -> IO [()]
renderFlower flower = do
putStrLn ("\^[cflower-seeds " <> show flower)
traverse (plantSeed . seedCoord) (genSeeds flower)
-- | Evaluate the user input.
evalInput :: Flower -> Char -> IO ()
evalInput (a, d, n) i =
let b | i == 'j' = (-1)
| i == 'l' = 1
| otherwise= 0
e | i == 'k' = (-1)
| i == 'i' = 1
| otherwise= 0
m | i == 'c' = (-1)
| i == 'v' = 1
| otherwise= 0
in go
( -- angle
a + b/20
, -- distance
max 0.1 (d + e/10)
, -- count
max 1 (n + m*17)
-- | The game loop.
go :: Flower -> IO ()
go flower = do
renderFlower flower
input <- getChar
evalInput flower input
-- | Setup the terminal, parse the arguments and start the game.
main :: IO ()
main = do
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
args <- getArgs
case args of
[] -> go initialParams
(x:_) -> go (read x)