This "game" tests/drills your financial situational awareness, asking hledger for the balance in random cash/liability accounts. ("Cash" accounts are liquid assets like your wallet or bank accounts but not investments. Liabilities are debts.)
This is mainly for hledger users - not a super fun game but it could be a useful practice, since it's easy to keep detailed records in hledger and yet still be unclear about current balances.
It uses your default hledger journal if you have one:
$ ./balances.hs
otherwise hledger-readable data obtained from elsewhere:
$ curl -O
$ export LEDGER_FILE=$PWD/templates.journal
For each requested account balance, guess a positive integer (for multicurrency balances, just guess the most numerous currency). Control-d to end. An example:
Optionally review balances first:
$ hledger bs type:CL
Balance Sheet 2013-01-31
|| 2013-01-31
Assets ||
assets:bank:bank1:checking || $25750
assets:bank:bank1:prepaid revenue:client1 || $8000
assets:bank:checking || $-50
|| $33700
Liabilities ||
liabilities:prepaid revenue:client1 || $8000
liabilities:tax:federal:2010 || $3750
liabilities:tax:federal:2011 || $3750
liabilities:tax:state:2010 || $900
liabilities:tax:state:2011 || $1200
|| $17600
Net: || $16100
Then test your recall:
$ clear
$ ./play balances
assets:bank:checking balance ?
❌ 15900% off, balance is $-50
liabilities:tax:federal:2011 balance ?
❌ 20% off, balance is $-3750
liabilities:tax:state:2011 balance ?
❌ 17% off, balance is $-1200
liabilities:tax:federal:2010 balance ?
✅ 7% off, balance is $-3750
assets:bank:checking balance ?
❌ 49900% off, balance is $-50
liabilities:tax:state:2010 balance ?
❌ 33% off, balance is $-900
assets:bank:bank1:prepaid revenue:client1 balance ?
✅ right!, balance is $8000
assets:bank:checking balance ?
balances.hs: <stdin>: hGetLine: end of file
Liven this up a bit with lols: is the readable/dev version, balances.hs the minified version.
This bridges two favourite hobbies, Plain Text Accounting and game development. It could perhaps become a more capable hledger script with practical value.