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Initializes the plugin on the native side.

Note: like all plugins you must wait until you receive the deviceready event before calling PushNotification.init().

Note: you will want to call PushNotification.init() each time your app starts. The remote push service can periodically reset your registration ID so this ensures you have the correct value.


  • Instance of PushNotification.


Parameter Type Default Description
options Object {} An object describing relevant specific options for all target platforms.

All available option attributes are described bellow.


Attribute Type Default Description
android.icon string Optional. The name of a drawable resource to use as the small-icon. The name should not include the extension.
android.iconColor string Optional. Sets the background color of the small icon on Android 5.0 and greater. Supported Formats
android.sound boolean true Optional. If true it plays the sound specified in the push data or the default system sound.
android.vibrate boolean true Optional. If true the device vibrates on receipt of notification.
android.clearBadge boolean false Optional. If true the icon badge will be cleared on init and before push messages are processed.
android.clearNotifications boolean true Optional. If true the app clears all pending notifications when it is closed.
android.forceShow boolean false Optional. Controls the behavior of the notification when app is in foreground. If true and app is in foreground, it will show a notification in the notification drawer, the same way as when the app is in background (and on('notification') callback will be called only when the user clicks the notification). When false and app is in foreground, the on('notification') callback will be called immediately.
android.topics array [] Optional. If the array contains one or more strings each string will be used to subscribe to a FcmPubSub topic.
android.messageKey string 'message' Optional. The key to search for text of notification.
android.titleKey string 'title' Optional. The key to search for title of notification.


Attribute Type Default Description
browser.pushServiceURL string Optional. URL for the push server you want to use.
browser.applicationServerKey string Optional. Your GCM API key if you are using VAPID keys.


All iOS boolean options can also be specified as string

Attribute Type Default Description
ios.voip boolean false Optional. If true the device will be set up to receive VoIP Push notifications and the other options will be ignored since VoIP notifications are silent notifications that should be handled in the "notification" event.
ios.alert boolean false Optional. If true the device shows an alert on receipt of notification. Note: the value you set this option to the first time you call the init method will be how the application always acts. Once this is set programmatically in the init method it can only be changed manually by the user in Settings>Notifications>App Name. This is normal iOS behaviour.
ios.badge boolean false Optional. If true the device sets the badge number on receipt of notification. Note: the value you set this option to the first time you call the init method will be how the application always acts. Once this is set programmatically in the init method it can only be changed manually by the user in Settings>Notifications>App Name. This is normal iOS behaviour.
ios.sound boolean false Optional. If true the device plays a sound on receipt of notification. Note: the value you set this option to the first time you call the init method will be how the application always acts. Once this is set programmatically in the init method it can only be changed manually by the user in Settings>Notifications>App Name. This is normal iOS behaviour.
ios.clearBadge boolean false Optional. If true the badge will be cleared on app startup.
ios.categories Object {} Optional. The data required in order to enable Action Buttons for iOS. See Action Buttons on iOS for more details.
ios.critical boolean false Optional. If true the device can show up critical alerts. (Possible since iOS 12 with a special entitlement) Note: the value you set this option to the first time you call the init method will be how the application always acts. Once this is set programmatically in the init method it can only be changed manually by the user in Settings > Notifications > App Name. This is normal iOS behaviour.
ios.forceShow boolean false Optional. Controls the behavior of the notification when app is in foreground. If true and app is in foreground, it will show a notification in the notification drawer, the same way as when the app is in background (and on('notification') callback will be called. When the user clicks this notification, the Event "" will be called). When false and app is in foreground, the on('notification') callback will be called immediately.

iOS GCM support

The following properties are used if you want use GCM on iOS.

Attribute Type Default Description
ios.topics array [] Optional. If the array contains one or more strings each string will be used to subscribe to a FcmPubSub topic.
How GCM on iOS works.

First it is kind of a misnomer as GCM does not send push messages directly to devices running iOS.

What happens is on the device side is that it registers with APNS, then that registration ID is sent to GCM which returns a different GCM specific ID. That is the ID you get from the push plugin registration event.

When you send a message to GCM using that ID, what it does is look up the APNS registration ID on it's side and forward the message you sent to GCM on to APSN to deliver to your iOS device.

Unlike GCM, FCM automatically determines whether to use the sandbox or production environment based on factors such as the app's provisioning profile, APNs certificate, and distribution method (e.g., App Store, TestFlight, or simulator).

Note: The integration between GCM and APNS is a bit finicky. Personally, I feel it is much better to send pushes to Android using GCM and pushes to iOS using APNS which this plugin does support.

iOS VoIP Notifications

It is possible to receive VoIP Notifications in iOS that can execute the "notification" event also when the application is in background or closed.

This type of notifications consist only of payload data, so the developer is the responsible of handling the event and do whatever the aplication should do when receiving one of them. The cordova-plugin-local-notifications is a good complement for the VoIP feature.

In order to use the VoIP Notifications, you have to create a VoIP Services Certificate. There are a lot of tutorials on the web to achieve this. Once created, you must use this certificate in order to communicate with the APN Service.

To set up the VoIP Notification in iOS do:

const push = PushNotification.init({
  ios: {
    voip: true

Once set up the voip parameter to true, the rest of the options will be ignored.

You will also need to setup your app to receive voip messages in the apps pList. In your apps config.xml add the following in the <platform name="ios"> tag. Only do this if you are setup to receive voip messages. If your app does not use voip messages the Apple App Store will reject your app.

<config-file target="*-Info.plist" parent="UIBackgroundModes">

The "hasPermission" success callback will return data.isEnabled to false since there is no need to approve to use this type of notifications.

The "finish" method has not use too when the VoIP notifications are enabled.


const push = PushNotification.init({
  android: {},
  browser: {
    pushServiceURL: ''
  ios: {
    alert: 'true',
    badge: true,
    sound: 'false'


Checks whether the push notification permission has been granted.


Parameter Type Default Description
successHandler Function Is called when the api successfully retrieves the details on the permission.

Callback parameters


Parameter Type Description
data.isEnabled Boolean Whether the permission for push notifications has been granted.


PushNotification.hasPermission(data => {
  if (data.isEnabled) {

PushNotification.createChannel(successHandler, failureHandler, channel)

Create a new notification channel for Android O and above.


Parameter Type Default Description
successHandler Function Is called when the api successfully creates a channel.
failureHandler Function Is called when the api fails to create a channel.
channel Object The options for the channel.


  () => {
  () => {
    id: 'testchannel1',
    description: 'My first test channel',
    importance: 3,
    vibration: true

The above will create a channel for your app. You'll need to provide the id, description and importance properties.

A default channel with the id "PushPluginChannel" is created automatically. To make changes to the default channel's settings, create a channel with the id "PushPluginChannel" before calling the PushNotification.init function.

Channel properties

Property Type Description
id String The id of the channel. Must be unique per package. The value may be truncated if it is too long.
description String The user visible name of the channel. The recommended maximum length is 40 characters; the value may be truncated if it is too long.
importance Int The importance of the channel. This controls how interruptive notifications posted to this channel are. The importance property goes from 1 = Lowest, 2 = Low, 3 = Normal, 4 = High and 5 = Highest.
sound String The name of the sound file to be played upon receipt of the notification in this channel. Empty string to disable sound. Cannot be changed after channel is created.
vibration Boolean or Array Boolean sets whether notification posted to this channel should vibrate. Array sets custom vibration pattern. Example - vibration: [2000, 1000, 500, 500]. Cannot be changed after channel is created.
visibility Int Sets whether notifications posted to this channel appear on the lockscreen or not, and if so, whether they appear in a redacted form. 0 = Private, 1 = Public, -1 = Secret.
lightColor Int Sets and enables the color of the notification light. The default value, -1, disables the notification light. (Android Only)

PushNotification.deleteChannel(successHandler, failureHandler, channelId)

Delete a notification channel for Android O and above.


Parameter Type Default Description
successHandler Function Is called when the api successfully creates a channel.
failureHandler Function Is called when the api fails to create a channel.
channelId String The ID of the channel.


  () => {
  () => {


Returns a list of currently configured channels.


Parameter Type Default Description
successHandler Function Is called when the api successfully retrieves the list of channels.

Callback parameters


Parameter Type Description
channels JSONArrary List of channel objects.


PushNotification.listChannels(channels => {
  for (let channel of channels) {
    console.log(`ID: ${} Description: ${channel.description}`);

push.on(event, callback)


Parameter Type Default Description
event string Name of the event to listen to. See below for all the event names.
callback Function Is called when the event is triggered.

push.on('registration', callback)

The event registration will be triggered on each successful registration with the 3rd party push service.

Callback parameters

Parameter Type Description
data.registrationId string The registration ID provided by the 3rd party remote push service.
data.registrationType string The registration type of the 3rd party remote push service. Either FCM or APNS.


push.on('registration', data => {

For APNS users: the registrationId you will get will be a production or sandbox id according to how the app was built. (Source)

Note: There is a separate persistent connection to the push service for each environment. The operating system establishes a persistent connection to the sandbox environment for development builds; ad hoc and distribution builds connect to the production environment.

Common Problems

Got JSON Exception TIMEOUT

If you run this plugin on older versions of Android and you get an error:

E/PushPlugin(20077): execute: Got JSON Exception TIMEOUT

It means you are running an older version of Google Play Services. You will need to open the Google Play Store app and update your version of Google Play Services.

push.on('notification', callback)

The event notification will be triggered each time a push notification is received by a 3rd party push service on the device.

Callback parameters

Parameter Type Description
data.message string The text of the push message sent from the 3rd party service.
data.title string The optional title of the push message sent from the 3rd party service.
data.count string The number of messages to be displayed in the badge in iOS/Android or message count in the notification shade in Android.
data.sound string The name of the sound file to be played upon receipt of the notification.
data.image string The path of the image file to be displayed in the notification.
data.additionalData Object An optional collection of data sent by the 3rd party push service that does not fit in the above properties.
data.additionalData.foreground boolean Whether the notification was received while the app was in the foreground
data.additionalData.coldstart boolean Will be true if the application is started by clicking on the push notification, false if the app is already started.
data.additionalData.dismissed boolean Is set to true if the notification was dismissed by the user


push.on('notification', data => {

Android quirk: Please note that some payloads may cause this event not to be always fired: data vs notification payloads

push.on('error', callback)

The event error will trigger when an internal error occurs and the cache is aborted.

Callback parameters

Parameter Type Description
e Error Standard JavaScript error object that describes the error.


push.on('error', e => {
});, callback)

Removes a previously registered callback for an event.


Parameter Type Default Description
event string Name of the event type. The possible event names are the same as for the push.on function.
callback Function The same callback used to register with push.on.


const callback = data => {

//Adding handler for notification event
push.on('notification', callback);

//Removing handler for notification event'notification', callback);

WARNING: As stated in the example, you will have to store your event handler if you are planning to remove it.

push.unregister(successHandler, errorHandler, topics)

The unregister method is used when the application no longer wants to receive push notifications. Beware that this cleans up all event handlers previously registered, so you will need to reinitialize the plugin's API (through .init()) if you want them to function again without an application reload.

If you provide a list of topics as an optional parameter then the application will unsubscribe from these topics but continue to receive other push messages.


Parameter Type Default Description
successHandler Function Is called when the api successfully unregisters.
errorHandler Function Is called when the api encounters an error while unregistering.
topics Array A list of topics to unsubscribe from.


  () => {
  () => {

push.subscribe(topic, successHandler, errorHandler)

The subscribe method is used when the application wants to subscribe a new topic to receive push notifications.


Parameter Type Default Description
topic String Topic to subscribe to.
successHandler Function Is called when the api successfully subscribes.
errorHandler Function Is called when the api encounters an error while subscribing.


  () => {
  e => {
    console.log('error:', e);

push.unsubscribe(topic, successHandler, errorHandler)

The unsubscribe method is used when the application no longer wants to receive push notifications from a specific topic but continue to receive other push messages.


Parameter Type Default Description
topic String Topic to unsubscribe from.
successHandler Function Is called when the api successfully unsubscribe.
errorHandler Function Is called when the api encounters an error while unsubscribing.


  () => {
  e => {
    console.log('error:', e);

push.setApplicationIconBadgeNumber(successHandler, errorHandler, count) - iOS & Android only

Set the badge count visible when the app is not running

Note: badges are not supported on all Android devices. See our payload documentation for more details.


Parameter Type Default Description
successHandler Function Is called when the api successfully sets the icon badge number.
errorHandler Function Is called when the api encounters an error while trying to set the icon badge number.
count number Indicates what number should show up in the badge. Passing 0 will clear the badge. Each notification event contains a data.count value which can be used to set the badge to correct number.


  () => {
  () => {

push.getApplicationIconBadgeNumber(successHandler, errorHandler) - iOS & Android only

Get the current badge count visible when the app is not running


Parameter Type Default Description
successHandler Function Is called when the api successfully retrieves the icon badge number.
errorHandler Function Is called when the api encounters an error while trying to retrieve the icon badge number.

Callback parameters


Parameter Type Description
n number An integer which is the current badge count.


  n => {
    console.log('success', n);
  () => {

push.finish(successHandler, errorHandler, id) - iOS only

Tells the OS that you are done processing a background push notification.


Parameter Type Default Description
successHandler Function Is called when the api successfully completes background push processing.
errorHandler Function Is called when the api encounters an error while processing and completing the background push.
id String Tells the OS which background process is complete.


  () => {
  () => {

push.clearAllNotifications(successHandler, errorHandler) - iOS & Android only

Tells the OS to clear all notifications from the Notification Center


Parameter Type Default Description
successHandler Function Is called when the api successfully clears the notifications.
errorHandler Function Is called when the api encounters an error when attempting to clear the notifications.


  () => {
  () => {

push.clearNotification(id, successHandler, errorHandler) - iOS & Android only

Tells the OS to clear the notification that corresponds to the id argument, from the Notification Center


Parameter Type Default Description
successHandler Function Is called when the api successfully clears the notification.
errorHandler Function Is called when the api encounters an error when attempting to clear the notification.
id number The ID of the notification that will be cleared.


push.clearNotification(() => {
}, () => {
}, 145);