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Mark Herringer edited this page Mar 29, 2021 · 64 revisions


This group has been established following conversations in The MissingMaps

The prospect of global Covid19 vaccine deployment will require an unprecedented logistical operation and prioritisation of people in need, both of which will depend on a range of geographic data and analysis. While most countries will have sufficient national capacity for this undertaking, we anticipate significant gaps in geographic data and planning capacity in areas where state institutions are weak or absent.

Anticipating such needs, agencies specialising in humanitarian mapping and information management have formed a working group to support vaccine delivery. The aim is to provide expertise in a coordinated way and to act as a geographic information focal point for agencies delivering Covid vaccination programmes, notably national ministries of health, UNICEF, WHO, and partner organisations.


Coordinate, collaborate and anticipate geospatial data gaps/needs in support of COVID-VAX GeoSpatial Planning and Support


  • Identify populations that are at risk of not receiving the vaccination at the right time

Logical framework approach

Logical framework approach

Please step forward and help establish the framework.

Task coordination

Kanban board

User stories defining data needs, assigned to stakeholders in the health cluster with access to the data.

  • Backlog - Potential data gaps
  • Ready - Confirmed data gaps
  • In progress - data gaps being addressed
  • Done

Country profiles COVID-19 Projections

Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccinations

Country list

  • Afghanistan
  • Bangladesh
  • CAR
  • Guinea
  • Guinea Bissau
  • India
  • Iraq
  • Kenya
  • Mali
  • Myanmar
  • Rwanda
  • Solomon Islands
  • Somalia
  • South Sudan
  • Sudan

Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP)*

Global Humanitarian Overview 2021

In 2021, 235 million people will need humanitarian assistance and protection.

This number has risen to 1 in 33 people worldwide - a significant increase from 1 in 45 at the launch of the Global Humanitarian Overview 2020, which was already the highest figure in decades. The UN and partner organizations aim to assist 160 million people most in need across 56 countries and will require a total of 5 billion to do so.

Human centered design

User stories

Healthsites is driving the development of baseline health facility data in OpenStreetMap with priority user stories. We are inviting input from both specialists in the field and citizens to establish priority user stories. Please get in contact if you have user stories to share.

Structure: As a <……….> I would like to <……….> so that I can <……….>

  • As an epidemiologist in the Kedougou region, Senegal I need to know which health facilities have electricity so that I can plan a vaccination role out campaign.
  • As an epidemiologist I want to know the number of hospital beds at a health facility so that I can assess the capacity to manage a disease outbreak event.
  • As a pregnant mom preparing for birth I would like to visit a facility with an ultrasound so that I can give my baby the best care possible.
  • As a citizen responding to a road accident I want to know where the nearest emergency facility is so that I can take the person I’m helping to the right facility

Read more..Emergency Health data



World bank

Facebook data for good


The Humanitarian Data Exchange

Useful links