Professionally utilize lead suppression lists.
- Scrub: Remove records from your file that match one or more suppression list/s.
- List: Create and manage your suppression list (DNE/DNC) for you (or others) to use. Supports plain-text and all popular hash algorithms.
- Hash: Generate a hashed file to be used for scrubbing in other systems.
- PHP 7.3
- MySQL 5.7
- Laravel Nova license token (for the administrative interface)
composer install
npm install
npm run watch &
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed
php artisan queue:listen --queue=analyze,run,notify,build,delete &
php artisan serve
Default login
password secret
- analyze: Analyzes files right after upload, and generates checksums.
- run: Imports files, scrubs them, hashes them, generates exports.
- build: Takes plain text suppression lists and builds support for hashed equivalents.
- notify: Broadcasts notifications and emails.
- delete: Purges uploaded files after the allowed download window has passed.