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utilities_example was auto-generated by helpis_cli

About The Project

The aim of this project is to provide a range of examples for the functionality provided in the utilities package, the adaptive_scaffold, and the helpis_cli.

Built With:

Dart Flutter

Getting Started

The example has been developed and tested on PopOS 22.04, on a physical android device, and on the latest google-chrome-stable from the apt package repository on linux.

Known issues:

  • The just_audio implementation for linux based on mpv has many bugs and malfunctions.
  • There is no way to my knowledge to change the localization of MediaItems that display song information on the android system (lock screen & notifications bar)


To install and build the project you have to have already installed git, and flutter. You can find instructions on how to install those on their respected websites:


  1. Clone the repo

    git clone
  2. Change directory to utilities_example

    cd utilities_example
  3. Install Flutter packages

    flutter pub get
  4. If you are on linux, download mpv:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install -y mpv
  5. Symlink the inside the android directory to run on android. For example, on linux run:

    cd android
    ln -s ../ .
    cd ..
  6. Run the project:

    flutter run --flavor production

To build release instances or for other platforms check


The lib/main.dart file is using the following features from utilities, adaptive_scaffold, and helpis_cli

From utilities

  • util.Platform to check the platform (web, desktop, mobile)
  • util.usePathUrlStrategy() to use path URLs on the web
  • util.ensureInitialized() to initialize utilities dependencies
  • util.PermissionHandler to request permissions

From adaptive_scaffold

  • AdaptiveScaffold which provides a responsive layout for web, desktop and mobile
  • GTKManager to initialize GTK on desktop

From helpis_cli

  • Initializes the caching service generated with helpis createStore

In lib/src/configuration.dart, the following features of utilities and adaptive_scaffold are being used


  • GoRouterAdaptiveScaffoldConfig to configure the adaptive scaffold.
  • AdaptiveAppBar, AdaptiveScrollbarConfig and NavigationRailConfig to configure the app bar, scrollbar and navigation rail respectively.


  • H4 from utilities to style the app bar title.
  • context.currentTheme to get the current theme.

In lib/src/entry.dart, the following features of utilities, helpis_cli, and adaptive_scaffold are being used


  • util.Localizations is used to provide locale-specific resources to the app.
  • util.WebDragScrollBehavior() is used as the scroll behavior for the MaterialApp. It enables drag-to-scroll behavior for web.
  • util.ScreenSizeProvider is a widget used to provide the screen size to its child widget.
  • The ChangeLocalization extension is used to change the locale of a BuildContext. It is called as context.changeLocale(locale).

From helpis_cli, from commands colorgen, createStore, and create

  • storage refers to the StorageService which is used to cache data in the app. It is used to store the locale, theme mode, and other settings.
  • Theming is a widget used to provide theme data to its child widget. It uses the ThemeProvider to get the current theme.
  • ThemeProvider is used to manage the light and dark themes, and switch between them. It is accessed using ThemeProvider.of(context).


  • GTKLocalizations.delegate is used to provide GTK-based localizations to the app.

The lib/src/gen/l10n/l10n.dart file is using the following features from utilities

  • The LocaleName typedef to represent a locale nameas a String.
  • The LocalizationsProvider to provide locale information to the BuildContext.
  • The Language enum is used to represent the supported languages in the app. It currently has two options:
    • EN for English
    • EL for Greek The language getter uses the LocalizationsProvider to get the currently selected Language based on the locale.

The lib/src/routes.dart file is using the following features from utilities

  • The ScreenRoute class is used as a base class for all app routes in lib/src/routes.dart. It defines some common properties and methods for the routes:
    • title(): Returns the title for the route.
    • builder: Returns the widget builder for the route.

The actual app routes (like OpeningRoute, SettingsRoute, etc.) extend the AppRoute which extends ScreenRoute class and provide implementations for the title(), builder and extra methods defined in AppRoute like navigate<T>() methods.

So in summary, the ScreenRoute class defines a common interface/contract for all app routes, and the concrete route classes implement that interface.

The lib/src/screens/opening.dart file is using the following features from utilities and adaptive_scaffold

From utilities

  • snackBar() which is used to show a SnackBar with an action button.
  • Breakpoint and PredefinedBreakpoint which are used to determine if the screen is being shown on mobile or desktop.
  • Platform which is used to check if the platform is mobile or desktop.

From adaptive_scaffold

  • GoRouterAdaptiveScaffoldConfig which is used to configure the AdaptiveScaffold.
  • GoRouterBodyConfig which is used to configure the body of the AdaptiveScaffold.
  • StatelessScreen which is the base screen class used. Extends Screen.
  • AdaptiveScaffold which is the main scaffold widget used to handle responsiveness.

The OpeningScreen is using these widgets and utilities to show either a desktop layout with a radio player above the scaffold, or a mobile layout with the radio player below the scaffold. It also shows a SnackBar with an action button on desktop, and without an action button on mobile. The OpeningScreen is also a StatefulScreenWidget, a Screen without the enforcement of returning a Screen from build, that can also hold its own state.

The lib/src/screens/product_list.dart file is using the following features from utilities

  • LoadingShimmer, which displays a shimmering loading effect while data is loading. It is used here as a placeholder while the FutureBuilder is waiting for the product data (mocked with a 3 second delay).
  • FadingListView, which is a ListView that fades items in and out as they scroll on and off screen. It is used here to display the list of products, fading them in and out smoothly.
  • widthTransformer, which is a utility function that calculates a width based on a percentage of the available width. It is used here to get 90% of the available width, and pass that to the LoadingShimmer as its width.

The lib/src/screens/settings.dart file is using the following features from utilities and helpis_cli

From utilities

  • LabelLarge is used to display the text for the language switch button. It is given a maximum of 3 lines and is center aligned.
  • BuildContext.changeLocale is called to change the locale/language of the app. It is passed the new Language to change to.
  • StyledElevatedButton.icon is used to create the language switch button. It displays an icon and label, and calls the onPressed method when tapped to change the language.

From helpis_cli

  • storage.write is called to save the new locale's language code to cache using the key.

The lib/src/screens/product.dart file is using the following features from utilities

  • LeadParagraph: Used to display the product description. It is a responsive text widget that adapts its font size based on the viewport size.
  • H2, H3, H4: Used to display the product title. H3 is used on mobile, H2 on desktop. H4 is used to display the formatted product price on mobile.
  • LabelSmall: Used to display the product SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) on desktop.
  • ResizableText: Used to format and display the product price. It is a responsive text widget that adapts its font size based on the viewport size.
  • Platform: Used to check if the app is running on mobile or desktop and show/hide certain widgets accordingly.
  • BuildContext.currentTheme: Used to get the current theme and use its colors for text, containers, etc.
  • Currency: Represents the currency the product is priced in. Used to format the price correctly.
  • Currency.format: Used to format the product price according to the currency. For example, $1.99 for USD, €1.99 for EUR.

The lib/src/widgets/radio/widgets/player_screen_builder.dart file is using the following features from utilities and adaptive_scaffold

From utilities

  • produceValOrNull: This is a utility function that takes a producer function and an input value. It will call the producer function if the input value is non-null, and return the produced value. Otherwise it returns null. It is used here to optionally configure an AdaptiveScaffoldConfig if one is passed in.
  • produceT1fromT2orNull: This is similar to produceValOrNull but converts from one type to another. It is used here to optionally convert a Scaffold to a ScreenScaffold if a Scaffold is passed in.
  • ScreenScaffold: This wraps a Scaffold and adds a GoRouterState. It is used so that the Scaffold can be used within the GoRouter navigation system.
  • Copy interface: This is used to create a copy of the AdaptiveScrollbarConfig with some updated values.
  • TransparentPointer: This is a widget that makes its child transparent to pointer events. It is used here to make the TrackPlayer transparent to taps and drags so that when it is invisible, it let's the taps propagate the tree.
  • ScreenWidget.generate: This is used to generate a ScreenWidget with some default configuration. Here it is used to generate the screen widget returned by the builder function with a ScreenScaffold and configured AdaptiveScaffoldConfig.

From adaptive_scaffold

  • AdaptiveScrollbarConfig: This is used to configure scrollbars. Here it is used to connect the _scrollController to the scrollbar.

The lib/src/widgets/radio/widgets/track_channel.dart file is using the following features from utilities

  • The Base64Image widget is used to display the channel's image. It loads the image data from a Base64-encoded string and caches the image in the system's temp directory. The ResizableText widgets are used to display the channel's title and artist. They resize the text based on the available space.
    • BodySmall displays small body text. It is used for the channel title on mobile.
    • BodyMedium displays medium-sized body text. It is used for the channel title on desktop, with a max of 2 lines.
    • LabelExtraSmall displays extra small label text. It is used for the channel artist on mobile.
    • LabelNormal displays normal-sized label text. It is used for the channel artist on desktop, with a max of 2 lines. These text widgets are used to appropriately size the channel's title and artist for mobile vs desktop, and constrain the text to a maximum of 2 lines on desktop.


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