- Python Backend (Flask or Django?)
- SQLite or Postgresql
- Next.js / Tailwind / Prismic
- Ionic Cap for
- Hostable by end of week? (Python anywhere?) (Vercel easy for next.js)
- Replacing optional gratuity with either a service fee or flat prices that
- Hourly employees are paid a living wage (pretty sure that's $21 an hour minimum in Portland?)
- Gracies Apizza (Flat price?)
- Mirisata (Flat price)
- Kachka (22% Service fee)
- Scottie's Pizza (Service fee)
- Bernstein's Bagels (Flat price)
- Masala Lab PDX (Flat price)
- Astera (Flat) a.k.a. Workshop
- Gigi's Cafe (Flat)
- El Gaucho (20% Service fee)
- Ava Gene's (20% Service fee)
- Cafe Olli (20% Service fee)
- Il Paffutto (prev.Fermenter) (Flat)
A list of locations that have moved beyond tipping to either a service charge or flat pricing for a livable wage
- Name
- Address
- Lat / Long
- Type of tip replacement
A map that shows the locations based on coordinates
Search function
A page that explains the reasoning to move beyond tipping
A page to submit a new location to add, pending approval / verification by admins (us)
- Restaurant (id, name, address, lat/long, websiteUrl, imageUrl)
- WageReplacement/Type (id, typeName) 1 type: many restaurant
- splash/hero
- about
- search
- map/waypoints
- details
- form (to create) w/admin approval
- form (to edit)
- about the dev team
- Build out Restaurant model (hours, foodType)
- Clickable restaurant to info
- Add Flask-Admin
- Add Authentication for Admin