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500 lines (449 loc) · 12.9 KB

File metadata and controls

500 lines (449 loc) · 12.9 KB

##VERSION 1.1.5 ####GENERAL:

  • Created changelog


  • Added emoji-picker CSS
  • Fixed highlight CSS

##VERSION 1.1.6 ####CSS:

  • Added scrollbar CSS for public server list

##VERSION 1.1.7 ####GENERAL:

  • Added link to changelog
  • Added link to a preview image


  • Added notification badge CSS for friends list
  • Fixed friends list avatars on user profiles

##VERSION 1.1.8 ####CSS:

  • Reworked checkbox CSS
  • Changed slider CSS
  • Changed radio button CSS
  • Added twitch streaming CSS

##VERSION 1.1.9 ####GENERAL:

  • Updated theme description
  • Updated commented info in code
  • Added link to DRB RemoveShadows theme
  • Reworked changelog


  • Reworked settings tab bar CSS
  • Adjusted alt checkbox CSS
  • Fixed text CSS next to checkboxes
  • Fixed searchbar CSS

##VERSION 1.2.0 (Release: 21/06/2016) ####GENERAL:

  • Moved to GitHub
  • Updated links


  • Added button onclick animations
  • Added shadow to checkbox switch
  • Adjusted user profile background image brightness
  • Fixed activity text on user profiles
  • Fixed alt checkbox CSS

##VERSION 1.2.1 (Release: 22/06/2016) ####CSS:

  • Reworked account buttons
  • Reworked voice connection buttons
  • Reworked icons
  • Reworked add server button
  • Added emote picker onklick animations
  • Adjusted user settings background CSS

##VERSION 1.2.2 (Release: 24/06/2016) ####GENERAL:

  • Replaced screenshots
  • Added new screenshots
  • Added info to use dark theme & dark mode


  • Added symbols to settings tab bars
  • Added pinned messages CSS
  • Added background to active header buttons
  • Added BetterDiscord loading bar CSS
  • Adjusted Download Apps window CSS
  • Adjusted theme picker CSS
  • Fixed channel icon button position issues
  • Fixed voice connection buttons opacity
  • Fixed account buttons opacity
  • Fixed public serverlist backgrounds
  • Fixed mutual server icons on friends list issues
  • Fixed emote sorting issues
  • Fixed background colors in public server list

##VERSION 1.2.3 (Release: 27/06/2016) ####CSS:

  • Added jump to present bar CSS
  • Added guild placeholder CSS
  • Added symbols to settings tab bars for browser and mac
  • Added voice connection sparkline CSS
  • Adjusted BetterDiscord loading bar CSS
  • Adjusted changelog window CSS
  • Adjusted Download Apps window CSS
  • Adjusted guilds add window CSS
  • Fixed wrong symbols showing up for browser and mac
  • Fixed highlight CSS issues
  • Fixed icon/button sizing issues

##VERSION 1.2.4 (Release: 29/06/2016) ####GENERAL:

  • Added new red "Ruby" theme
  • Renamed "Ruby" theme to "Amber"
  • Updated backgrounds to higher resolutions
  • Beautified CSS
  • Shortened URLs


  • Added clock plugin CSS
  • Fixed slider handle positions

##VERSION 1.2.5 (Release: 02/07/2016) ####GENERAL:

  • Changed versioning system
  • Added release dates to changelog
  • Added former version numbers to changelog


  • Added icons for titlebar buttons
  • Added icons for header toolbar buttons
  • Added hover animations for account buttons
  • Added hover & popout animations for voice connection buttons
  • Adjusted & blurred user profile & user popout backgrounds
  • Adjusted hamburger button color
  • Changed titlebar button hover colors
  • Removed channel name capitalizing

##VERSION 1.2.6 (Release: 04/07/2016) ####GENERAL:

  • Updated screenshots


  • Added mute button hover animation
  • Added user name hover CSS
  • Added user popout roles hover CSS
  • Added jump to pinned message animation
  • Added emoji fav button CSS
  • Added emoji remove popout CSS
  • Changed user popout icons
  • Changed search bar icon CSS
  • Adjusted & blurred detached custom css container background
  • Adjusted user settings borders
  • Adjusted user profile borders
  • Adjusted bot & aka tag background
  • Adjusted several colors
  • Fixed wrong button icons showing in private chat
  • Fixed account & voice connection position issues
  • Fixed confirm button onclick animation
  • Fixed settings tab bar scroll issues
  • Fixed avatars not sizing correctly
  • Removed several unnecessary, no longer working lines

##VERSION 1.2.7 (Release: 07/07/2016) ####GENERAL:

  • Added support for more browsers (webkit)


  • Added new icons in channels
  • Added image download button CSS
  • Added mention highlight CSS
  • Added link hover CSS
  • Added toolbar badge CSS
  • Changed friends guild & friend channel icons
  • Adjusted & blurred public server list background
  • Adjusted avatar uploader CSS
  • Adjusted highlight hover CSS
  • Adjusted server settings connection link CSS
  • Adjusted user settings keybinds CSS
  • Adjusted cancel button CSS
  • Adjusted tab bar button sizing & positions
  • Adjusted & fixed disabled checkbox CSS
  • Fixed emoji picker onclick issues
  • Fixed link hover CSS
  • Minor changes & fixes

##VERSION 1.2.8 (Release: 10/07/2016) ####GENERAL:

  • Better support for light theme
  • Removed unnecessary CSS
  • Shortened & optimized CSS


  • Changed pin icon
  • Changed new messages CSS
  • Added & adjusted user settings connections CSS
  • Adjusted titlebar & header toolbar icons sizes
  • Adjusted background image gradients
  • Adjusted custom css container
  • Adjusted code cursor color
  • Minor changes & fixes

##VERSION 1.3.0 (Release: 16/07/2016) ####GENERAL:

  • Renamed themes to "Discord ReBorn"
  • Optimized colors
  • Updated screenshots
  • Changed release dates


  • Added load animation
  • Added recent mentions popout CSS
  • Updated pinned messages popout CSS
  • Added new recent mentions button icon
  • Added several new icons
  • Added user settings changelog link CSS
  • Added & adjusted user settings CSS
  • Added animations to user settings
  • Changed & fixed search bar icon CSS
  • Adjusted & fixed changelog CSS
  • Adjusted highlight CSS
  • Adjusted search bar CSS
  • Adjusted discriminator CSS
  • Fixed button icons

##VERSION 1.3.1 (Release: 21/07/2016) ####GENERAL:

  • New background image for Sapphire
  • Toned Sapphire colors to fit new background
  • Updated Sapphire screenshots
  • Updated theme descriptions
  • Added credit to Hammock (Omniscient used parts of his theme)
  • Updated RemoveShadows theme link


  • Reworked background image CSS
  • Removed old load animation
  • Added new load animation
  • Added fade in animation
  • Added DRB Dev mark CSS
  • Added copy button CSS
  • Added message delete code CSS
  • Added new delete channel icon
  • Added new color picker icon
  • Added new notification settings modal icons
  • Added scroller feathers
  • Added channel sorting CSS
  • Added unblock button CSS
  • Added nickname change warning CSS
  • Added transitions to chat buttons
  • Changed guild header drop down CSS
  • Changed BetterDiscord plugin/theme list CSS
  • Fixed user settings changelog link
  • Fixed animations causing text rendering issues
  • Fixed custom css editor CSS
  • Minor adjustements & fixes

##VERSION 1.3.1b (Release: 23/07/2016) ####CSS:

  • Fixed backgrounds not showing for browsers and custom CSS

##VERSION 1.3.2 (Release: 09/08/2016) ####GENERAL:

  • Created Discord ReBorn Discord server
  • Moved icons to github
  • Updated screenshots


  • Added Call CSS
  • Added EBR CSS
  • Added new create group modal CSS
  • Added new create group icon
  • Added new start call icon
  • Added new add to group icon
  • Adjusted quicksave button CSS
  • Fixed wrong icons showing
  • Fixed button sizing issues
  • Fixed voice debug issues
  • Minor adjustements & fixes

##VERSION 2.0.0 (Release: 11/08(2016) ####GENERAL:

  • Renamed theme series to "ClearVision"
  • Added CSS variables for colors and background
  • Better support for non-BD Dark
  • Moved images to github
  • Moved screenshots to github
  • Updated screenshots


  • Added upload modal CSS
  • Added drag & drop modal CSS
  • Removed "channel members loading" image
  • Adjusted copy button CSS
  • Fixed BetterDiscord buttons
  • Fixed user popout discriminator height
  • Fixed server settings member list ClearVision Dev mark
  • Minor adjustements & fixes

##VERSION 2.0.1 (Release: 17/08/2016) ####GENERAL:

  • Beautified changelog
  • Removed former version numbers from changelog
  • Updated changelog link


  • Renamed "basic-color" variable to "main-color"
  • Added channel textarea focus CSS
  • Added web invite modal icons
  • Added download apps button CSS
  • Added authenticate modal CSS
  • Added invite accept CSS
  • Fixed user profile scrollbar CSS
  • Fixed bot tag
  • Minor adjustements & fixes

##VERSION 2.1.0 (Release: 20/08/2016) ####GENERAL:

  • Added light version of the theme for light appearance
  • Better support for light theme
  • Moved themes into own folder
  • Updated screenshots
  • Updated links
  • Removed "Fixes & adjustements by Zerthox" note


  • Added info to appereance tab in settings
  • Added CSS from dark theme to light theme
  • Fixed text channel hover CSS
  • Minor adjustemens & fixes

##VERSION 2.1.1 (Release: 20/08/2016) ####CSS:

  • Fixed group channel toolbar icons

##VERSION 2.2.0 (Release: 30/08/2016) ####GENERAL:

  • Added info for customization to the readme
  • Darkened light version of the theme for better readability
  • Nearly full support for light theme
  • Added light version screenshots


  • Made pinned messages clickable
  • Added flashing unread guild marker animation
  • Added flashing badge animation
  • Added selected call guild CSS
  • Added selected call guild animation
  • Added invite modal CSS
  • Added custom CSS syntax highlighting
  • Added notice close icon
  • Added system message pin icon
  • Added system message link CSS
  • Added icon friends transition
  • Adjusted EBR CSS
  • Adjusted header toolbar button transitions
  • Fixed user popout username CSS
  • Fixed user popout bot tag CSS
  • Fixed EBR CSS issues
  • Minor adjustements & fixes

##VERSION 2.3.0 (Release: 02/09/2016) ####GENERAL:

  • Sorted little parts of CSS
  • Fixed issues with new Discord version


  • Added user popout CSS to light version
  • Added detected accounts modal CSS
  • Added friend add page CSS
  • Added friend synchronization button CSS
  • Added friend synchronization button icons
  • Lightened user popout for better readability
  • Adjusted connection page CSS
  • Fixed text rendering issues
  • Fixed user profile modal
  • Fixed user popout
  • Fixed chat dividers
  • Fixed user popout quick message
  • Fixed friends guild issues
  • Several little fixes
  • Minor adjustements

##VERSION 2.3.1 (Release: 05/09/2016) ####CSS:

  • Reworked Dev mark
  • Added user profile modal icons
  • Added pseudo element syntax highlighting
  • Adjusted inline code block CSS
  • Adjusted multi-line code block CSS
  • Adjusted BetterDiscord theme/plugin list CSS
  • Fixed emote picker custom emotes

##VERSION 3.0.0 (Release: 07/09/2016) ####GENERAL:

  • Theme now automatically loads the newest version from github
  • Updated theme description
  • Added links to theme description


  • Added friend list button icons
  • Added friend list discriminator transition
  • Changed BetterDiscord settings tab icon
  • Adjusted friend list name column width
  • Fixed discriminator position
  • Fixed bot tag position
  • Minor adjustements & fixes

##VERSION 3.0.1 (Release: 07/09/2016) ####CSS:

  • Added user popout dev mark hover CSS
  • Adjusted member roles overflow
  • Adjusted emoji picker category CSS
  • Fixed settings input CSS
  • Fixed voice debug modal CSS
  • Fixed bot tag & discriminator issues
  • Minor adjustements & fixes

##VERSION 3.0.2 (Release: 11/09/2016) ####CSS:

  • Added keyboard shorcut modal CSS
  • Added broken image CSS
  • Added role add button icon
  • Added update checking icon
  • Adjusted friend list border colors
  • Fixed emoji picker diversity selector CSS
  • Fixed emoji picker dimmer CSS
  • Fixed custom css editor selection
  • Fixed issues with BetterDiscord Minimal Mode
  • Fixed issues with friend page buttons
  • Minor adjustements & fixes

##VERSION 3.0.3 (Release: 16/09/16) ####CSS:

  • Added context menu animation
  • Added user popout animation
  • Added file upload button icon
  • Added file icons (chat & modal)
  • Added progress bar CSS
  • Adjusted titlebar topic link CSS
  • Adjusted titlebar topic highlight CSS
  • Fixed voice debug selected list CSS
  • Fixed broken image CSS
  • Fixed pin & mention popout issues
  • Minor adjustements & fixes

##VERSION 3.0.4 (Release: 24/09/16) ###CSS:

  • Added context menu item sub menu animation
  • Added account avatar hover animation
  • Adjusted dev mark CSS
  • Adjusted seperator colors
  • Adjusted popout backgrounds for better readability
  • Fixes for light version
  • Fixes for message popouts
  • Fixed voice debug modal CSS
  • Fixed search bar clear button CSS
  • Fixed chat bot tag color
  • Minor adjustements & fixes

##VERSION 3.1.0 (Release: 17/09/26) ###GENERAL:

  • Better support for webkit browsers
  • Removed unnecessary CSS


  • Added guild settings tab bar icons
  • Added popout menu CSS
  • Added status picker menu CSS
  • Added channel notice CSS
  • Added instant invite modal CSS
  • Added new messages indicator CSS
  • Updated CSS syntax highlighting
  • Made channel textarea & message edit boxes scrollable
  • Adjusted more seperator colors
  • Adjusted status dot shadows
  • Fixed account avatar hover animation
  • Fixed issues with account avatar hover animation & account discriminator hover animation
  • Fixed an issue with user names in chat
  • Minor adjustements & fixes

##VERSION 3.1.1 (Release: Upcoming) ###CSS:

  • Added popout menu icons
  • Fixed CSS syntax highlighting
  • Minor fixes