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Demonstrating how to package and ship your JavaFX apps for clients

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How To Package JavaFX Application

Discover how to package and distribute your JavaFX application seamlessly to clients or users, eliminating the need for them to pre-install the Java SDK


1. Prerequisites

Read Below before start

  • To proceed smoothly, ensure you have Gradle set up and configured for your project

  • If Gradle isn't utilized, the process requires manually assembling a functional JAR file containing all essential dependencies, external JARs, as well as crucial assets and resources. This involves carefully bundling these components together to ensure the application operates seamlessly

Make another java file to launch you JavaFX application

If your main JavaFX application class is named MainApplication as seen here, create another Java file named and include the following code:

public class Launcher {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

This file serves as an entry point to your JavaFX application

Include the following code snippet in your build.gradle file to generate a standalone FatJar for your project

task customFatJar(type: Jar) {
    manifest {
        attributes 'Main-Class': 'com.heshanthenura.packagedemo.Launcher'
    archiveBaseName = 'PackageDemoJAR'
    duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE
    from { configurations.runtimeClasspath.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) } }
    with jar
Attribute Description
task customFatJar(type: Jar) Defines a new task named customFatJar of type Jar, indicating that this task will generate a JAR file
manifest { attributes 'Main-Class': 'com.heshanthenura.packagedemo.Launcher' } Sets the Main-Class attribute in the JAR's manifest file to point to the Launcher class, which serves as the entry point of your application
archiveBaseName = 'PackageDemoJAR' Specifies the base name for the generated JAR file as PackageDemoJAR
duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE Handles duplicate files encountered during the JAR creation process by excluding them
from { configurations.runtimeClasspath.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) } } Collects all dependencies from the runtime classpath and includes them in the JAR. configurations.runtimeClasspath gathers the project's runtime dependencies, and zipTree adds each dependency to the JAR.
with jar Includes the existing JAR file (if any) generated by the default jar task along with the assembled JAR containing dependencies

This customFatJar task amalgamates your project's code and its dependencies into a single JAR file. Upon execution, the generated JAR file will be located in the following path: build/libs

To validate the functionality of your JAR file, execute it using the command: java -jar <path to your JAR file>. This command verifies the proper execution of your Java application encapsulated within the JAR

Once all prerequisites are fulfilled, we can proceed with the packaging of the application

2. How to package and distribute

To successfully package and distribute the application, leveraging the jpackage utility becomes essential for streamlining the process

find jpackage documentation here

jpackage is generally included as part of the JDK starting from Java 14. However, in certain cases or older versions where it might not be bundled or available by default, you can manually download the JDK that includes jpackage from the official Oracle or OpenJDK website. Ensure you download a JDK version that explicitly mentions support for jpackage. After downloading and installing the JDK, you should have access to the jpackage tool in the JDK's bin directory

To confirm whether jpackage is installed on your system, run the command jpackage --help on CMD or Terminal. If installed, this command will display the help information for the jpackage utility, confirming its presence and functionality.

2.1 Windows

For Windows, it's necessary to install the WiX Toolset, version 3.0 or later

After completing the prerequisites, execute the following command

jpackage --input <direcory of jar file> --name <name> --main-jar <main jar file > --main-class <main class> --type <type> --win-dir-chooser

Example command:

jpackage --input build/ --name PackageDemo --main-jar <mPackageDemoJAR.jar > --main-class <com.heshanthenura.packagedemo.Launcher> --type msi --win-dir-chooser
Attribute Description
jpackage Invokes the jpackage tool, used for packaging Java applications
--input <path to jar file> Specifies the input directory containing the application files to be packaged. In this case, it's the target/ directory
--name <name> Sets the name for the packaged application as you like
--main-jar <main jar file > Specifies the main JAR file related to directory where it's located of the application.
--main-class <main class> Defines the main class of the application, specifying the entry point for execution. specify what we enter as main class in customFatJar task
--type <msi / exe> Specifies the type of package to create, in this instance, a exe or msi for Windows. Recommended to use type as msi
--win-dir-chooser This enables users to choose where they want to install the application on their Windows system

After generating the MSI (Microsoft Installer) file using this command, you can effortlessly share it with users or clients, ensuring a hassle-free installation without concerns about Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or other dependency errors

2.2 Linux

For Linux, it's necessary to install fakeroot

Run the following command to install fake root apt-get install fakeroot -y

For Red Hat Linux, it's necessary to install rpm-build package

Run following command to install rpm-build package apt-get install fakeroot -y Using yum (older versions of RHEL or CentOS): sudo yum install rpm-build

After completing the prerequisites, execute the following command

jpackage --input <direcory of jar file> --name <name> --main-jar <main jar file > --main-class <main class> --type <type>
Attribute Description
--type <rpm / deb> Specifies the type of package to create,rpm for Red Hat-based systems like Fedora, CentOS, and RHEL.deb for Debian-based systems like Ubuntu, Debian, and derivatives.

After creating the package, please share the generated rpm or deb package with your users for installation on their respective systems.

2.3 MacOS

jpackage --input <direcory of jar file> --name <name> --main-jar <main jar file 

Example command:

jpackage --input build/libs --name PackageDemo --main-jar PackageDemoJAR-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --main-class com.heshanthenura.packagedemo.Launcher --type dmg 

If you're interested in custom application development or would like to discuss a project, please don't hesitate to contact me.


Demonstrating how to package and ship your JavaFX apps for clients






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