An automated cocktail machine based on arduino.
project blog article
The objective of the project was to build a home-made automatic bar, the idea is not revolutionary and was also to improve myself in 3D modeling.
I created an article on my blog that I recommend you to follow to be able to recreate this project or have a better understanding of it.
To be able to use the project you will need:
- Install platformio on your IDE with an arduino UNO (I recommend using CLion or VSCode)
- or copy the source files to the Arduino IDE
To run the project you will need these two libraries :
Here is the list of components used to build this project:
- Nema 17 stepper motor
- Arduino UNO
- 12V power supply
- Dupont cables
- 6 bottle rack
- Belt and pulleys
- Linear guide 1000mm + carriages
- Stepper motor driver
- 3D printing pieces
- Individually programmable LED rings
You will need to edit a few values in the project to be able to run it with your hardware :
static const int NUM_LEDS = 24; // your number of leds on the ring
static const int DATA_PIN_LED = 7; // your data pin
static const int LED_BRIGHTNESS = 100; // the brightness of the leds
static const int endSwitch = 8; // the pin of your end switch
static const int posBottle[6] = {-520,-1055,-1535,-2050,-2555,-3040}; // the position of your bottle based on the number of steps needed by your stepper motor
You will also need to edit all the pin in these two files based on your connections to your arduino.
int drink[] = {3,2,5,4}; // the position of the bottle you want to use in your cocktail
goHome(); // go to the home position
ledStarting(); // start the led animation
goToBottle(drink,4); // go to the bottle position and push the bottle, the number of bottle is 4
ledFinished(); // finish the led animation
The code is not the cleaner code you can find but it's modular and working. I will continue to work on this project when I'll have more free time to upgrade it and have a more stable/usable version of it.