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111 lines (57 loc) · 6.19 KB

Upgrading from v4 to v5


All EnlightenmentVerification has been removed; the new library no longer requires enlightenment.

Coordination Primitives


The constructor for AsyncLazy<T> that takes a Func<T> has been removed; this will cause a compilation error on upgrade. Replace any such calls with an explicit wrapping in Task.Run and pass AsyncLazyFlags.ExecuteOnCallingThread:

// Old code (where T.Create returns a T, not a Task<T>):
new AsyncLazy<T>(() => T.Create());

// New code:
new AsyncLazy<T>(() => Task.Run(() => T.Create()), AsyncLazyFlags.ExecuteOnCallingThread);

This is an unusual use case for AsyncLazy<T>; most code uses the constructor that takes a Func<Task<T>>, and will not need to change.


Upgradeable reader locks no longer exist. The UpgradeableReaderLock and UpgradeableReaderLockAsync methods have been removed, along with the nested AsyncReaderWriterLock.UpgradeableReaderKey type.


AsyncProducerConsumerQueue<T> has been simplified; it is no longer disposable, and the Try methods have been removed (they caused a good deal of confusion due to the multiple meanings of the Try prefix in .NET coding patterns). This includes TryDequeue, TryDequeueAsync, TryEnqueue, and TryEnqueueAsync.

All multi-queue operations have been removed (DequeueFromAny, DequeueFromAnyAsync, TryDequeueFromAny, TryDequeueFromAnyAsync, EnqueueToAny, EnqueueToAnyAsync, TryEnqueueToAny, and TryEnqueueToAnyAsync).

In addition, the nested AsyncProducerConsumerQueue<T>.DequeueResult type is no longer necessary, and is gone.

The obsolete CompleteAddingAsync has also been removed; use CompleteAdding instead.


The semantics for AsyncCountdownEvent have been modified; its count can now be negative, and the event is only signalled when the count is 0. Integer overflow or underflow now always cause exceptions, so the TryAddCount and TrySignal methods have been removed.


AsyncBarrier has been removed. Replace uses of AsyncBarrier with appropriate explicit synchronization primitives (e.g., AsyncManualResetEvent).


The IAsyncWaitQueue<T> infrastructure has been considerably simplified.

The following types have no backwards-incompatible API changes: AsyncAutoResetEvent, AsyncLock, AsyncManualResetEvent, AsyncMonitor, AsyncSemaphore, PauseToken, PauseTokenSource.


AsyncContext has not changed.

AsyncContextThread can no longer be an STA thread. The STA constructor for AsyncContextThread has been removed.


TaskConstants.Never and TaskConstants<T>.Never have been removed, as they can easily cause memory leaks if misused.

The non-generic TaskCompletionSource has been removed. Use TaskCompletionSource<object> instead.

The WithBackgroundContinuations extension methods for TaskCompletionSource<T> have been removed (TrySetCanceledWithBackgroundContinuations, TrySetExceptionWithBackgroundContinuations, TrySetResultWithBackgroundContinuations); instead, use the TaskCompletionSourceExtensions.CreateAsyncTaskSource to create a TCS that always uses asynchronous continuations.

TaskCompletionSource<T>.TryCompleteFromEventArgs has been temporarily removed; it will be added back in a future version as part of Nito.AsyncEx.Interop.Eap.

All other Task/Task<T>, TaskFactory, and TaskCompletionSource<T> extensions have not changed.


The nested type SynchronizationContextHelpers.SynchronizationContextSwitcher is now a top-level type SynchronizationContextSwitcher.

SynchronizationContextHelpers.CurrentOrDefault has been removed; use SynchronizationContext.Current ?? new SynchronizationContext() instead.


FromApm has been removed from AsyncFactory/AsyncFactory<T>; use TaskFactory.FromAsync instead.

ToBegin and ToEnd on AsyncFactory/AsyncFactory<T> have been moved to ApmAsyncFactory in the Nito.AsyncEx.Interop namespace.

AsyncFactory.FromWaitHandle has been moved to WaitHandleAsyncFactory in the Nito.AsyncEx.Interop namespace.

AsyncFactory<T>.FromEvent has been replaced with the more strongly-typed EventAsyncFactory in the Nito.AsyncEx.Interop namespace.


NormalizedCancellationToken has not changed.

The nested type CancellationTokenExtensions.CancellationTokenTaskSource is now a top-level generic type CancellationTokenTaskSource<T>.

The obsolete CancellationToken.AsTask extension method has been removed; use CancellationTokenTaskSource<T> instead.

The CancellationToken.ToCancellationTokenTaskSource extension method has been removed; use the new Task extensions (WaitAsync, WhenAny, WhenAll) or the CancellationTokenTaskSource<T> constructor instead.

CancellationTokenHelpers has been split up. Timeout and Normalize have moved to NormalizedCancellationToken. CancellationTokenHelpers.None should change to CancellationToken.None, and CancellationTokenHelpers.Canceled should change to new CancellationToken(true). CancellationTokenHelpers.FromTask has been removed and has no replacement; let me know if you want this functionality.


The API for DeferralManager has changed to be more easy to use. It now follows the pattern of having event arg types implement IDeferralSource by forwarding to DeferralManager.DeferralSource. This prevents the DeferralManager from being exposed to the event args type. Also, SignalAndWaitAsync has been renamed to WaitForDeferralsAsync.


All MVVM types have been moved to the Nito.Mvvm.Async library. It is currently not included in Nito.AsyncEx since the MVVM APIs are still too much in flux. Eventually, Nito.Mvvm.Async will probably be rolled back in to Nito.AsyncEx, but for 5.0.0 it will be a separate install.

PropertyProgress has been temporarily removed. It will be replaced with a more powerful type in the future.

ProducerProgress has been permanently removed.

INotifyTaskCompletion and NotifyTaskCompletion have been replaced with NotifyTask. INotifyTaskCompletion<T> has been replaced with NotifyTask<TResult>.


ExceptionHelpers has not changed.