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Dynamic Power Limiter

Manos1966 edited this page Apr 19, 2024 · 43 revisions


The dynamic power limiter is responsible for automatic inverter power limit adjustment. It will take the power meter (i.e. currently consumed power), the solar power, and the battery charge state into account. The inverter is steered such that the currently consumed power (as provided by the power meter) is compensated for as good as possible.


  • Battery charge cycle: A battery charge cycle is started when the battery SoC or voltage falls below the respective stop threshold. The charge cycle completes when the battery SoC or voltage reaches the respective start threshold.
  • Battery discharge cycle: The battery is or was charged to or beyond the start threshold. The discharge cycle ends when the battery SoC or voltage reaches the respective stop threshold.

Note: After a reboot the battery is assumed to be in a charge cycle unless the SoC or voltage is found to be above the respective start threshold.


  • Target grid consumption specifies the power to be either consumed from the grid (when set to a positive value) or to be fed back into the grid (when set to a negative value). The DPL steers the inverter such that this value is achieved at the power meter.
  • The hysteresis value helps optimize communication with the inverter by skipping unnecessary power limit updates. An update is only sent if the absolute difference between the newly computed power limit and the limit reported by the inverter matches or exceeds the hysteresis value. This approach can conserve both airtime and CPU resources.
  • The target inverter is the one that will be controlled by the power limiter. The power limiter can only control a single inverter at this point in time.
  • The lower power limit value is setup prior to shutting down the inverter for any reason. If the calculated target limit value is less than the lower power limit, the inverter will also be shut down, unless the inverter is setup by the respective switch to be connected to solar panels (rather than a battery).
  • The upper power limit constrains the limit value which may be setup at the inverter. However, a higher limit may be setup if your inverter
  • Inverter is behind power meter: Select this if your inverter power is measured by the power meter. This is typically the case.
  • Battery start and stop thresholds can be configured using voltage and / or State of Charge (SoC) values. SoC values are reported by a compatible battery interface, (Pylontech battery, JK BMS, Victron SmartShunt, MQTT). SoC values are always preferred, if available, and voltage thresholds are used as a fallback.

(you can see a schreenshot of the settings (in German) at the bottom of this page)

(Full) Solar Passthrough

See separate Wiki page.

Zero feed throttle (Nulleinspeisung)

Enable the DPL and set the "Target Grid Consumption" to a value close to zero.

Without a battery in your system, enable the switch "Inverter is powered by solar modules" in the DPL settings:


Other DPL settings (those that are still presented when this switch is enabled), apply to all systems.

Voltage Measurements

The DPL will measure the battery voltage at different locations in the system, if possible. It will use the following measurement sources in the order presented:

  1. BMS
  2. Victron charge controller battery output
  3. Inverter input

HomeAssistant Toggle Switch

You can activate/deactivate the Dynamic Power Limiter by writing a value ("0", "1" or "2") from your Home Automation System using MQTT. Read the complete information and details at MQTT power-limiter-topics.

This toggle is auto-discoverable using Releases more recent than 2024-03-17.

How does the Hoymiles Inverter handle the calculated Power Limit

Used to be part of the Q&A but we feel it deserves a more prominent position. We often see discussions in the forum where people are ready to experiment with a variaty of hardware combinations.

Is it possible to have 2 solar panels directly on the HOYMILES and connect the other 2 inputs to the 48v battery system?

No, combinations are not supported. For example, a 4 Input, two MPPT version like the HM-1500, the HOYMILES in this setup will only "coincidentally" cover your household consumption exactly when the solar panels can provide enough power.

At night however, this will not work because only about 50% of the power limit can be reached (two inputs out of four are used)

The set limit to the HOYMILES applies to the sum of all MPPTs (i.e. all inputs).

This means is, on a four input system with two MPPTs, any given limit will be split equally among two MPPTs.

e.g. a limit of 400W set, HOYMILES HM-1200/1500 will expect 200W from each of the two MPPTs.

Subsequently, at night when only one MPPT (two inputs) is connected to the battery, 400W/2=200W is delivered although the set limit is 400W.

The limit is then probably adjust itself and gradually/possibly(?) might still somehow get there, but honestly, we would strongly advise against it.

Keep in mind, above applies when you connect the two panels to one MPPT, and the battery to the other MPTT (HM-1500 has two MPTTs each handling two inputs).

Actually, OpenDTUonBattery is a bit more advanced:

It has an embeded algorithm trying to estimate the number of active inputs and "scale" the commands given to the inverter.

"Scaling" works only for inverters which have one MPTT pro Input (e.g. HM-800 and HMS-1600 models).

Inverters whose MPPTs control more than one Input (e.g. HM-1500 with two MPPTs for four Inputs) cannot be scaled for the time being.

  • Prerequisite #1: The total power of the inverter is higher than the number of Inputs times 10. e.g. HM-800 (two MPPTs/two Inputs) 2x10=20W, HMS-1600 (four MPPTs/four Inputs) 4x10=40W
  • Prerequisite #2: Only the Inputs that deliver more than 2W will be taken into account. Based on the above conditions, OpenDTUonBattery will scale the limit appropriately.

Dynamic Power Limiter Screenshot

OpenDTU-onBattery Dynamic Power Limiter DE - Bat- NewVersion

First, activate the Dynamic Power Limiter Als erstes, aktivieren Sie den Dynamic Power Limiter

Target Grid Consumption How many watts of electricity may be used from the grid? With minus 30W (-30W) here for example, your inverter will try to feed up to 30 Watt into the grid (the current legal limit is 600W today). Angestrebter Netzbezug: Wieviel Watt Strom darf vom Netz gebraucht werden? Mit minus 30W (-30W) wie hier zum Beispiel, wird Ihr Wechselrichter versuchen bis zu 30 Watt ins Stromnetz einzuspeisen (das z.Zeit gesetzlich erlaubte Limit ist 600W heute).

Hysteresis The OpenDTUonBattery regularly checks the power consumption data from the electricity meter and adjusts the power production if necessary. With this number (25W), the OpenDTUonBattery will tolerate changes of up to minus-25W to +25Watt from the "Target grid Consumption" (here minus-30W) before it starts to adjust the power of the inverter. So between -55W (-30-25) and -5W (-30+25) no adjustment of the inverter is made. Hysterese für den angestrebten Netzbezug: Die OpenDTUonBattery überprüft regelmäßig die Stromverbrauchsdaten vom Stromzähler und gegebenenfalls passt die Stromproduktion ein. Mit dieser Zahl (25W) wird die OpenDTUonBattery Änderungen von bis zu minus-25W bis +25Watt vom „Angestrebter Netzbezug“ (hier minus-30W) dulden, bevor sie anfängt die Leistung des Wechselrichters anzupassen. Also zwischen -55W (-30-25) und -5W (-30+25) wird keine Anpassung des Wechselrichters gemacht.

Target Inverter The inverter the Dynamic Power Limiter will control Zu regelnder Wechselrichter Der Wechselrichter an dem die Batterie hängt.

Inverter is powered by solar modules You have connected the inverter to a battery. This option must remain deactivated. Wechselrichter wird von Solarmodulen gespeist Sie haben den Wechselrichter an eine Batterie angeschlossen. Diese Option muss ausgeschaltet bleiben.

Input used for voltage measurements Depending on your inverter, you have one or up to six Inputs. Select here the Input the OpenDTUonBattery uses to take information from. Eingang für Spannungsmessungen Wählen Sie den Eingang, an dem die Batterie hängt und von der OpenDTUonBattery benutzt wird um Informationen zu sammeln.

Lower Power Limit Only if it has to produce at least this value (10W in this example) the inverter will be enabled. Otherwise, the inverter will remain disabled (yellow color ). A number between 30W and 50W is recommended. As a rule of thumb, calculate the number of MPPTs of your inverter times 10 (HM-1500 = 2 MPPT = 2x10 = 20W) Unteres Leistungslimit: Nur wenn er mindestens diesen Wert (in diesem Beispiel 10 W) erzeugen muss, wird der Wechselrichter aktiviert. Andernfalls bleibt der Wechselrichter deaktiviert (gelbe Farbe ) Eine Zahl zwischen 30W und 50W ist empfehlenswert. Als Faust-Regel, rechnen Sie als Zahl die Anzahl MPPTs Ihres Wechselrichters mal 10 (HM-1500 = 2 MPPT = 2x10 = 20W)

Upper power limit: This is the maximum limit of power generation that the inverter should produce. Today it is legally required in Germany not to exceed the limit of 600W. If the limit increases to 800W in the future, you should increase this figure to 800. Oberes Leistungslimit: Das ist da maximale Limit der Stromerzeugung, die der Wechselrichter produzieren sollte. Heute ist gesetzlich Vorgeschrieben das Limit von 600W nicht zu überschreiten. Wenn zukünftig das Limit sich auch 800W erhöhen wird, sollten Sie diese Zahl auf 800 erhöhen.

PowerMeter reading includes inverter output Enable this option if the power meter reading is reduced by the inverter output. This is typically true. Under normal circumstances, it means the electricity produced by your inverter is measured by the Powermeter. Leave it Active, unless you know what you are doing: _ A probably common use case to DEACTIVATE is, that you don’t have access to your grid provider energy meter and/or you can’t install a Shelly or whatsoever. Like many people who live in an apartment. The power meter is locked up somewhere and you have to ask someone (Hausmeister) to get your reading. Every Anker or Zendur system can handle this situation. You have like 2-3 smart plugs in your flat, and your PV system matches just these few devices. In my previous flat I had to DEACTIVATE: I had my HM-600 on the 18.floor, I did not have permanent access to my mains meter (this was somewhere in a locked area on the 18.floor) and I was not allowed to install a Shelly 3EM in my distribution box in my flat._ Stromzählermessung beinhaltet Wechselrichterleistung Aktivieren Sie diese Option, wenn der Messwert des Leistungsmessers durch die Wechselrichterleistung reduziert wird. Diese Option ist unter normalen Umständen aktiv, d.h. der von Ihrem Wechselrichter erzeugte Strom wird vom Powermeter gemessen (diese Option eröffnet viele interessante Möglichkeiten, die zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt näher erläutert werden).

Automatic Restart Time With a restart once a day, you can reset the "daily yield" values to zero. A restart is only necessary if a battery is connected (the inverter never switches off), without a battery the inverter switches off at night either way. Uhrzeit fuer geplanten Neustart Mit Neustart einmal täglich, können Sie die „Tagesertrag“ Werte wieder auf Null setzen. Ein Neustart braucht man nur bei einer angeschlossene Batterie (der Wechselrichter geht nie aus), ohne Batterie geht der Wechselrichter Nachts so oder so aus.


Ignore Battery SoC Enable this option if: you are not happy with the SOC% your BMS is reporting and you want to charge your battery based on the Voltage settings, you have no battery (of course) or, if your battery does not have a compatible interface (the Battery Settings Interface is deactivated). Batterie-SoC ignorieren Aktivieren Sie diese Option, wenn: Sie mit dem SOC%, den Ihr BMS meldet, nicht zufrieden sind und Sie Ihre Batterie auf der Grundlage der Spannungseinstellungen laden möchten, Sie keine Batterie haben (natürlich) oder wenn Ihre Batterie keine kompatible Schnittstelle hat (die Batterie Einstellungen Schnittstelle ist deaktiviert)

Start Threshold for Battery Discharging enter the charge level % of the battery that defines the start of the DISCHARGING cycle (the inverter uses the battery) Read also Batterienutzung Start-Schwellwert Geben Sie den Ladezustand der Batterie in % ein, der den Beginn des Entladezyklus definiert (der Wechselrichter nutzt die Batterie). Lesen Sie auch

Stop Threshold for Battery Discharging enter the charge level % of the battery that defines the stop of the DISCHARGING cycle and start of the CHARGE cycle. Batterienutzung Start-Schwellwert Geben Sie den Ladezustand in % der Batterie ein, der das Ende des Entladezyklus und den Beginn des Ladezyklus bestimmt.

Full Solar-Passthrough Start Threshold 90% or 95% is recommended, when the battery charge level reaches this value, the entire power of the VICTRON is fed into the mains. This prevents the battery from "overcharging". For a full explanation, as well as how to disable it, read Akku SOC - Start solar passthrough: 90% oder 95% ist empfehlenswert. Erreicht der Ladestand der Batterie diesen Wert, danach wird die gesamte Leistung des VICTRON ins Stromnetz eingespeist. Dadurch wird ein „Überladen“ der Batterie vermieden. Eine ausführliche Erklärung und wie man sie deaktiviert, finden Sie unter

The battery SoC (State of Charge) values are only used if the battery communication interface reported SoC updates in the last minute. Otherwise the Battery Voltage Thresholds will be used as fallback: Hinweis: Die Akku SoC (State of Charge) Werte werden nur benutzt, wenn die Batterie-Kommunikationsschnittstelle innerhalb der letzten Minute gültige Werte geschickt hat. Andernfalls werden als Fallback-Option die Batterie Spannungs-Schwellwerte verwendet:

You must read your battery manual to find the charge level of your battery based on the voltage so that you can enter the correct values below Sie müssen das Handbuch Ihrer Batterie lesen, um den Ladestand Ihrer Batterie auf Basis der Spannung zu finden, damit Sie die korrekte Werte unten eingeben können

Start/Stop Threshold for Battery Discharging: Enter the voltage which, according to the battery manual, means the same charge level of battery SOC - Start/Stop (in this example, for our battery, 51V is a charge level of 75%, and 46V is a charge level of 20%). Batterienutzung Start/Stop-Schwellwert: Geben Sie die Spannung ein, die laut Batterie Handbuch den gleichen Ladestand von Akku SOC – Start/Stop bedeutet (in diesem Beispiel, für unsere Batterie, 51V sind ein Ladestand von 75%, sowie 46V sind Ladestand von 20%).

Full Solar-Passthrough Start/Stop Threshold: Same as above, Start Solar-Passthrough (52V is 90%) and Stop 51,5V (enter a number that is slightly lower than the Start Solar-Passthrough). Full-Solar-Passthrough Start/Stop-Schwellwert: gleich wie oben, Start-Schwellwert (52V sind 90%) und Stop-Schwellwert 51,5V (geben Sie eine Zahl die leicht niedriger ist als der Start-Schwellwert.

Load correction factor 0,0013 is better. When the battery is discharged, its voltage drops. The voltage drop scales with the discharge current. In order to not stop the inverter too early (stop threshold), this load correction factor can be specified to calculate the battery voltage if it was idle. Corrected voltage = DC Voltage + (Current power * correction factor). Lastkorrekturfaktor: 0,0013 ist besser. Wenn Leistung von der Batterie abgegeben wird, bricht ihre Spannung etwas ein. Der Spannungseinbruch skaliert mit dem Entladestrom. Damit nicht vorzeitig der Wechselrichter ausgeschaltet wird sobald der Stop-Schwellenwert unterschritten wurde, wird der hier angegebene Korrekturfaktor mit einberechnet um die Spannung zu errechnen die der Akku in Ruhe hätte. Korrigierte Spannung = DC Spannung + (Aktuelle Leistung (W) * Korrekturfaktor).

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