diff --git a/concepts/0812-compression-dictionary/README.md b/concepts/0812-compression-dictionary/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2f776977 --- /dev/null +++ b/concepts/0812-compression-dictionary/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ +# 0812: Compressing DIDComm messages using dictionaries (Ex. 0000: RFC Topic) +- Authors: [Kim Ebert](kim@indicio.tech) +- Status: [PROPOSED](/README.md#proposed) +- Since: 2022- +- Status Note: Compression theory +- Supersedes: +- Start Date: 2022-03-10 +- Tags: [concept](/tags.md#concept) + +## Summary + +Using Dictionary Compression, higher compression rates can be achieved for small messages with known entries. + +## Motivation + +DIDComm messages contain well know values and are often short in size. Using dictionary based compression may reduce the overall size of messages that may be transmitted or stored. + +## Tutorial + +### Training + +The first step is to determine the type of data that needs to be provided for training, and generating a number of requests that meets that criteria. + +An example of creating such an invite using Aca-py and curl + +``` +curl -X POST "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"alias\": \"\", \"attachments\": [ ], \"handshake_protocols\": [ \"did:sov:BzCbsNYhMrjHiqZDTUASHg;spec/didexchange/1.0\" ], \"metadata\": {}, \"my_label\": \"\", \"use_public_did\": false}" +``` + +Result: + +``` +{"invitation_url": "https://localhost:443?oob=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", "invitation": {"@type": "did:sov:BzCbsNYhMrjHiqZDTUASHg;spec/out-of-band/1.0/invitation", "@id": "a60d8ea0-d85f-442d-9459-e965a2b87785", "services": [{"id": "#inline", "type": "did-communication", "recipientKeys": ["did:key:z6MkozHcc724j9F8RAGmxm1NcxiVXm8MtsCLCJZZKZqdpwFw"], "routingKeys": ["did:key:z6Mkq3rp85rmjN4pvsyYJVNVhUvA5BpMae6Gy2PTS5YhwUzR", "did:key:z6MknvpNa3AwV8yzHrZ3K7YuCuMZupbHKtd2pT3xSss84jzq"], "serviceEndpoint": "https://localhost:443"}], "handshake_protocols": ["did:sov:BzCbsNYhMrjHiqZDTUASHg;spec/didexchange/1.0"], "label": "Lab"}, "state": "initial", "trace": false, "invi_msg_id": "a60d8ea0-d85f-442d-9459-e965a2b87785"} +``` + +We then extract the data required for the invitation. + +``` +{"@type": "did:sov:BzCbsNYhMrjHiqZDTUASHg;spec/out-of-band/1.0/invitation", "@id": "2dbf6f36-8dc0-4b35-9558-dab26e3ae3c3", "services": [{"id": "#inline", "type": "did-communication", "recipientKeys": ["did:key:z6MkqfRyf4ycr6HFpo4XyhQp8gBwdBW51Z2yXnxg11AuFZT6"], "routingKeys": ["did:key:z6Mkq3rp85rmjN4pvsyYJVNVhUvA5BpMae6Gy2PTS5YhwUzR", "did:key:z6MknvpNa3AwV8yzHrZ3K7YuCuMZupbHKtd2pT3xSss84jzq"], "serviceEndpoint": "https://localhost:443"}], "handshake_protocols": ["did:sov:BzCbsNYhMrjHiqZDTUASHg;spec/didexchange/1.0"], "label": "Lab"} +``` + +Finally, we strip out the keys that are specific to the local agent, leaving content that can easily be compressed. + +``` +{"@type": "did:sov:BzCbsNYhMrjHiqZDTUASHg;spec/out-of-band/1.0/invitation", "@id:": "", "services": [{"id": "#inline", "type": "did-communication", "recipientKeys": ["did:key:"], "routingKeys": ["did:key:", "did:key:"], "serviceEndpoint": "https://:443"}], "handshake_protocols": ["did:sov:BzCbsNYhMrjHiqZDTUASHg;spec/didexchange/1.0"], "label": "Lab"} +``` + +We do this a hundred or so times, and include other configuration options of interest. ( Research into what should be included here could provide some value ) + +We then create the dictionary. + +``` +zstd --train ./data/* -o dict +``` + +This dictionary can now be used to compress the data before it is base64 encoded into the url. + +### The Compressed Out of Band Message + +Using a unique url parameter for compressed out of band messages, the client can determine the alternative behavior to follow. + +The coob message includes the following binary data. The first 4 bytes indicate the dictary to be used, perhaps as an unsiged long. Or alternatively we could use a d= parameter for the storage of the dictionary id. + +Dictionary IDs would be used to indicate which dictionary the client should use. Occassionally, ARIES may release a new dictionary. This new dictionary should not be used for limited time to allow all clients to get the latest dictionaries. These dictionaries could be auto-retrieved by the clients when connection to the internet is available. + +The rest of the coob data is the a compressed zstd binary output. After the binary data is combined together, the data is base64url encoded. + +``` +https://localhost:443?c=sztd&d=1&oob=KLUv_Wc3PnoBMAG1BgBijCwjEIfWAzs-1Bd8YPpweoDAqvElxVlFB2t_B0mLRHdVVVVVwQ1ZRjAL7yxb-TIysjm8Ed-yTeWLF1qo8MlxiEaMtHI3fSrdFbppodFuTwhO6WsiVbU3ECY-bHpEdFBAg8QUpAG-8RKYVKWACeQ87VWx2H7qLWqW-QNtLAt11M6HIEmkxwYucGqk1akI2O1ABcPSONJHGQaQDJnr8mtWyfL4Ho4t6nhZ-XGX-8dUCIn_JQ8CCgCVXyJ1RAnO_AEwww7QY1FQCCwIETfkSRDzzwJ-R-kV6uOdbQ== +``` + +The URL is reduced from 794 bytes to 370 bytes.(46.6 % of original size) There difference in the QR codes can be seen below. + +![](./b9y8VTC.png) +![](./YlU3M52.png) + +### Redirect on failure + +If the client cannot decode the coob message, or does not have the appropriate dictionary, the client can visit the url and will be redirected to the decompressed url. + +## Dictionary Storage + +Dictionaries could be stored along side the RFCs, or an alternative method for transfering dictionaries between clients could be derived. + +## Drawbacks + +Dictionaries may need to be regularly rebuilt to adjust to new protocols. Some dictionaries may not provide any compression benefits depending upon the message. + +## Rationale and alternatives + +### QR Code Quality + +By reducing the size of QR codes for offline or cases where URL redirects are not available, the QR code becomes more manageable. + +### Reducing need for redirect support + +URL Shorterning services may introduce privacy concerns + +### Binary based format + +Instead of using compression, a binary file format would reduce overall message size. + +### Standard Compression without dictionaries + +#### gzip + +Using + +``` +gzip -9 +``` + +We can reduce the size of the Out of Band invitation. + +``` +https://localhost:443?c=gzip&oob=H4sICODx-mUCA3RtcC50eHQAhZFdb5swFIbv9ysqdjtCykdC2E3TbC1qCpqaDy1M02Ts03CSYDvYkEDV_z6cTVsvJu3a5338nPO-WDe6lWBFVxZDFinRRLfdLFfppkiqXYzH7NNyNV3E249KAnVErW3xbOeEM-d6MHSQN6iJRsGtD1fWDTIDIqMhC4EMbRYGz7bvu8ye-MHEhskoIG4ejsdhYMYVVA1SUH3m24v1K_se-QE5mOc3XjYVZVlzpH--qoCiROB6Du0FcNHfQxt1o2QvupjSsevvJnfh0_S-PJfXKT3j-msZJlrNHmcPWTbPjkye7k7Wd4PrF0O-_Sfs6FUyDKpyl_qyUe3mYZ2ui1UzDW5lQmB037pflotgU5xW3ZNRe5vljUyJNz2tw7aLq8ybjzf1rE6yWubxXDNXLr3zQqnQ33XHi8jvm3zmTArk2uxfaC1V5DglMCRaVP5Ag9ID5AwpCg20GKCIfN-zXg2h6LtRBdnDD1kJLag4_F3pf_X2M3CmPWELpt6L0YHkcDAejyS3Xt_9BC2pH8MxAgAA +``` + +Using gzip, we can reduce the size of the Out of Band invitation from 775 bytes to 590 bytes. (76.13 % of original size) + +#### ZSTD without a dictionary + +Using + +``` +zstd -9 +``` + +We can reduce the size of the Out of Band invitation. + +``` +https://localhost:443?c=zstd&oob=KLUv_WQxAW0MAPbYVCjgzMwDaJPAFkV01uPxaHNM71pq1L8QfLwg044FcGs2cBMMwwwjDC8ESQBJAE4AEMhKUkIT1LRQg_q0DQe1XxAXAvHi33T_dz9qMAYie6kGTWBoeziqnjVBxqJELJWDrPOWprs2DKY1SWhQfVhX9m1cVNEzuAsiRQsSBone1-QeLv-p2AD34RQiDjMBopHSo1YrxJvLEVagb0Cf7Oufv3pX_3ochyvk9zn3AyIFxKKK2ut_nWtqPh5TkyjlgDgEoWSa8pkqWbJ7YmnZyy5P4mEekynrrBCcF09kolj-rkNo8WwYilJpkEAFh9MrG1CRz7JdsMsCBtRflpiG66iZu6mTub89HBE9CZ5sO9kkywIAFVGjDBzXKMczl2714_YtB1e8cZclfEM3bS_dKuIkZYWfsVXf-Ovb-4ytfTNkhzd961wUVTrvve37ONuLEBE7oUZOHRQgMMKgpQeLQytzAcvFxYE1CCvGeoAVfTFYf7zoaWmohyZtK6wtoqCuRTa3JQrbbxSl8RATCDPtnYPf +``` + +Using zstd without a dictionary, we can reduce the Out of Band invitation from 775 bytes to 582 bytes. (75.10 % of original size) + +### DIDComm Compression + +It would be possible to use compression in DIDComm communications. Each message would be compressed individually, as DIDComm doesn't guarentee the order of messages being delievered. + +Things to consider + +* Compress may not want to be used until Discover features is shared +* It may be possible to sharing custom dictionaries as a separate protocol + +### Process of creating new dictionaries + +To be defined + +### Distribution of dictionaries + +If dictionaries are used, they should be included in DIDComm libraries +The dictionaries may be a dependency of a DIDComm library + +## Prior art + +[zstd] (http://facebook.github.io/zstd/) +[zstd manual](https://github.com/facebook/zstd/blob/dev/programs/zstd.1.md) +[brotli](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7932) +[zlib](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zlib) +[DEFLATE](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1951) + +## Unresolved questions + +- Where are dictionaries stored +- How do we specify compression will be used for DIDComm messages +- What to do when a client doesn't support compression. + +## Implementations + +*Implementation Notes* [may need to include a link to test results](/README.md#accepted). + +Name / Link | Implementation Notes +--- | --- + | + diff --git a/concepts/0812-compression-dictionary/YlU3M52.png b/concepts/0812-compression-dictionary/YlU3M52.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9bbc91b0 Binary files /dev/null and b/concepts/0812-compression-dictionary/YlU3M52.png differ diff --git a/concepts/0812-compression-dictionary/b9y8VTC.png b/concepts/0812-compression-dictionary/b9y8VTC.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..db516c44 Binary files /dev/null and b/concepts/0812-compression-dictionary/b9y8VTC.png differ