PREV: Setup <==> NEXT: Deploy a Fabric Network
just check-setup
WINDOWS note, please create the multipass VM with the command below from an elevated command prompt. Then proceed from logged into this VM with the KIND instructions
multipass launch \
--name fabric-dev \
--disk 80G \
--cpus 8 \
--mem 8G \
--cloud-init infrastructure/multipass-cloud-config.yaml
# todo: scp not volume mounts
multipass mount $PWD fabric-dev:/home/ubuntu/full-stack-asset-transfer-guide
export WORKSHOP_IP=$(multipass info fabric-dev --format json | jq -r .info.\"fabric-dev\"."ipv4[0]")
export WORKSHOP_INGRESS_DOMAIN=$(echo $WORKSHOP_IP | tr -s '.' '-')
echo "Multipass VM created with IP: $WORKSHOP_IP"
- Open a shell on the virtual machine:
# todo ssh authorized_keys -> ubuntu@${WORKSHOP_IP} not multipass shell
multipass shell fabric-dev
cd ~/full-stack-asset-transfer-guide
# Bind a docker container registry to the VM's external IP
# Expose the Kube API controller on the VM's public interface
export KIND_API_SERVER_ADDRESS=$(hostname -I | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
# Create a Kubernetes cluster in Docker, configure an Nginx ingress, and docker container registry
just kind
# KIND will set the current kube client context in ~/.kube/config
kubectl cluster-info
# Copy the kube config to the host OS volume share:
# todo: scp not volume share
cp ~/.kube/config ~/full-stack-asset-transfer-guide/config/multipass-kube-config.yaml
Exit the multipass VM
From the host OS:
# Connect the local kube client to the k8s API server running on the VM:
cp config/multipass-kube-config.yaml ~/.kube/config
# Display kube client connection to k8s running on the VM:
kubectl cluster-info
# Observe the target Kubernetes workspace:
k9s -n test-network
- Run KIND on your local system
- Run KIND on an EC2 instance at AWS
- ssh to a workshop EC2 instance (see the login information on the back of your Conga Trading Card)
- Run k8s directly on your laptop with KIND (
) - Provision an EC2 instance on your AWS account with a #cloud-config
- Connect your kube client to a cloud k8s provider