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Variational Autoencoders Project

In this project we compare various Autoencoder architectures. We look at each model's reconstruction error with/without noisy test input. This error is measured by the test log-likelihood.

Furthermore, we look at the latent space representation of each model in the case of 2-dimensional encodings. This way we obtain a scatter plot of the latent representation. We also reconstruct the latent space using uniform samples, which helps us to spot encodings that the decoder struggles to decode.


All our experiments are run on the MNIST dataset of handwritten digits. We therefore encode 2 dimensional b/w images. For each image we have 28x28 real-valued inputs between 0 and 1. The dataset can directly be downloaded using the tensorflow python library.

Project Structure

  • DUMPS: Tensorflow dumps of trained models.
  • images:
    • Reconstructions from (noisy) test inputs
    • Latent space representations in and uniformly sampled reconstructions in case of 2-dimensional encodings
  • logs: TensorBoard logs for visual inspection
  • MNIST_data: MNIST dataset downloaded using TensorFlow
  • models: Python code for all the TensorFlow implementations (they all follow the same implementations design)
    • Vanilla Bayesian Neural Network Autoencoder
    • Bayesian Neural Network Autoencoder using Convolutions
    • Bayesian Neural Network Autoencoder with intermediate gaussian sampling to mimic VAE behaviour.
    • An attempt of implementing a variational autoencoder with bayesian weights
    • Adversarial Autoencoder
    • Variational Autoencoder (according to Kingma & Welling)
    • Variational Autoencoder using convolutions
  • Presentation: Contains the final presentation of the project
  • Root directory: Contains all the jupyter notebooks

Jupyter Notebooks

Each notebook contains runs for one specific model from the models folder. The runs have aligned architectures and plots of the latent space.

  • Bayesian Neural Network.ipynb: TensorFlow experiments with a generic bayesian neural network (no autoencoder)
  • Bayesian-VAE.ipynb: Notebook for
  • BNN-Autoencoder.ipynb: Notebook for
  • BNN-Autoencoder-Convolutions.ipynb: Notebook for
  • BNN-VAE-Artificial.ipynb: Notebook for
  • GAN.ipynb: Notebook for
  • PlainAE.ipynb: Vanilla Autoencoder (nothing bayesian)
  • PlainCAE.ipynb: Autoencoder with convolutions (non-bayesian)

Autoencoder Model Structure

  • _init_: Sets up the weights and the computational graph for the model
  • sample_from_W: Samples from the variational distribution over the weights
  • encode: The encoder function of the autoencoder
  • decode: The decoder function of the autoencoder
  • feedforward: Describes the full model architecture using encode and decode
  • get_ll: The log-likelihood per sample
  • get_ell: The expected log-likelihood approximated by monte carlo sampling
  • get_kl: The KL-divergence between the variational distribution and the prior
  • get_nelbo: Get the negative Eidence Lower Bound (ELBO) - the optimization objective
  • learn: The training procedure
  • benchmark: Compute validation/test error
  • serialize: Store the trained model on disk
  • restore: Restore a trained model from disk
  • get_weights: Return the models weights for inspection
  • plot_enc_dec: Plot inputs vs. their reconstructions
  • plot_noisy_recon: Plot inputs with added gaussian noise and their reconstructions
  • plot_latent_repr: Plot the encodings of the test data if 2-dimensional
  • plot_latent_recon: Plot a uniformly sampled reconstruction of the encodings of the test data