diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod index 0ff92a4022e..ca968cafd2f 100644 --- a/go.mod +++ b/go.mod @@ -63,16 +63,17 @@ require ( go.etcd.io/bbolt v1.3.6 go.uber.org/multierr v1.6.0 go.uber.org/zap v1.16.0 - golang.org/x/crypto v0.14.0 - golang.org/x/sync v0.4.0 - golang.org/x/sys v0.13.0 - golang.org/x/text v0.13.0 + golang.org/x/crypto v0.16.0 + golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20231214170342-aacd6d4b4611 + golang.org/x/sync v0.5.0 + golang.org/x/sys v0.15.0 + golang.org/x/text v0.14.0 golang.org/x/time v0.0.0-20220210224613-90d013bbcef8 - golang.org/x/tools v0.14.1-0.20231011210224-b9b97d982b0a + golang.org/x/tools v0.16.0 google.golang.org/protobuf v1.30.0 gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.4.0 gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.1 - honnef.co/go/tools v0.4.0 + honnef.co/go/tools v0.4.6 ) require ( @@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ require ( github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.5.4 // indirect github.com/gabriel-vasile/mimetype v1.4.0 // indirect github.com/glycerine/go-unsnap-stream v0.0.0-20181221182339-f9677308dec2 // indirect - 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github.com/mattn/go-ieproxy v0.0.1 // indirect github.com/mgutz/ansi v0.0.0-20170206155736-9520e82c474b // indirect + github.com/miekg/dns v1.1.29 // indirect github.com/minio/asm2plan9s v0.0.0-20200509001527-cdd76441f9d8 // indirect github.com/minio/c2goasm v0.0.0-20190812172519-36a3d3bbc4f3 // indirect github.com/mitchellh/go-homedir v1.1.0 // indirect - github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure v1.1.2 // indirect + github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure v1.2.2 // indirect github.com/moby/patternmatcher v0.5.0 // indirect github.com/moby/sys/sequential v0.5.0 // indirect github.com/moby/term v0.0.0-20221128092401-c43b287e0e0f // indirect @@ -217,12 +220,11 @@ require ( github.com/zeebo/xxh3 v1.0.2 // indirect go.opencensus.io v0.24.0 // indirect go.uber.org/atomic v1.7.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20220827204233-334a2380cb91 // indirect golang.org/x/exp/typeparams v0.0.0-20221208152030-732eee02a75a // indirect - golang.org/x/mod v0.13.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/net v0.17.0 // 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b/storage/engine.go @@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ type MetaClient interface { DropDatabase(name string) error CreateShardGroup(database, policy string, timestamp time.Time) (*meta.ShardGroupInfo, error) Database(name string) (di *meta.DatabaseInfo) + DropShard(id uint64) error Databases() []meta.DatabaseInfo DeleteShardGroup(database, policy string, id uint64) error PrecreateShardGroups(now, cutoff time.Time) error @@ -142,6 +143,7 @@ func NewEngine(path string, c Config, options ...Option) *Engine { e.retentionService = retention.NewService(c.RetentionService) e.retentionService.TSDBStore = e.tsdbStore e.retentionService.MetaClient = e.metaClient + e.retentionService.DropShardMetaRef = retention.OSSDropShardMetaRef(e.MetaClient()) e.precreatorService = precreator.NewService(c.PrecreatorConfig) e.precreatorService.MetaClient = e.metaClient diff --git a/v1/services/meta/client.go b/v1/services/meta/client.go index 8af05ae90df..e07f7af0d6f 100644 --- a/v1/services/meta/client.go +++ b/v1/services/meta/client.go @@ -668,24 +668,11 @@ func (c *Client) TruncateShardGroups(t time.Time) error { // PruneShardGroups remove deleted shard groups from the data store. func (c *Client) PruneShardGroups() error { - var changed bool expiration := time.Now().Add(ShardGroupDeletedExpiration) c.mu.Lock() defer c.mu.Unlock() data := c.cacheData.Clone() - for i, d := range data.Databases { - for j, rp := range d.RetentionPolicies { - var remainingShardGroups []ShardGroupInfo - for _, sgi := range rp.ShardGroups { - if sgi.DeletedAt.IsZero() || !expiration.After(sgi.DeletedAt) { - remainingShardGroups = append(remainingShardGroups, sgi) - continue - } - changed = true - } - data.Databases[i].RetentionPolicies[j].ShardGroups = remainingShardGroups - } - } + changed := data.PruneShardGroups(expiration) if changed { return c.commit(data) } diff --git a/v1/services/meta/client_test.go b/v1/services/meta/client_test.go index 0a949356c19..0c37dffcf4b 100644 --- a/v1/services/meta/client_test.go +++ b/v1/services/meta/client_test.go @@ -1074,7 +1074,9 @@ func TestMetaClient_PruneShardGroups(t *testing.T) { data := c.Data() data.Databases[1].RetentionPolicies[0].ShardGroups[0].DeletedAt = expiration + data.Databases[1].RetentionPolicies[0].ShardGroups[0].Shards = nil data.Databases[1].RetentionPolicies[0].ShardGroups[1].DeletedAt = expiration + data.Databases[1].RetentionPolicies[0].ShardGroups[1].Shards = nil if err := c.SetData(&data); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) diff --git a/v1/services/meta/data.go b/v1/services/meta/data.go index 17988a4430b..d6db221d2fe 100644 --- a/v1/services/meta/data.go +++ b/v1/services/meta/data.go @@ -292,8 +292,11 @@ func (data *Data) DropShard(id uint64) { data.Databases[dbidx].RetentionPolicies[rpidx].ShardGroups[sgidx].Shards = append(shards[:found], shards[found+1:]...) if len(shards) == 1 { - // We just deleted the last shard in the shard group. - data.Databases[dbidx].RetentionPolicies[rpidx].ShardGroups[sgidx].DeletedAt = time.Now() + // We just deleted the last shard in the shard group, but make sure we don't overwrite the timestamp if it + // was already deleted. + if !data.Databases[dbidx].RetentionPolicies[rpidx].ShardGroups[sgidx].Deleted() { + data.Databases[dbidx].RetentionPolicies[rpidx].ShardGroups[sgidx].DeletedAt = time.Now() + } } return } @@ -457,6 +460,26 @@ func (data *Data) DeleteShardGroup(database, policy string, id uint64) error { return ErrShardGroupNotFound } +// PruneShardGroups removes any shards deleted before expiration and that have no remaining owners. +// Returns true if data is modified. +func (data *Data) PruneShardGroups(expiration time.Time) bool { + var changed bool + for i, d := range data.Databases { + for j, rp := range d.RetentionPolicies { + var remainingShardGroups []ShardGroupInfo + for _, sgi := range rp.ShardGroups { + if sgi.DeletedAt.IsZero() || !expiration.After(sgi.DeletedAt) || len(sgi.Shards) > 0 { + remainingShardGroups = append(remainingShardGroups, sgi) + continue + } + changed = true + } + data.Databases[i].RetentionPolicies[j].ShardGroups = remainingShardGroups + } + } + return changed +} + // CreateContinuousQuery adds a named continuous query to a database. func (data *Data) CreateContinuousQuery(database, name, query string) error { di := data.Database(database) diff --git a/v1/services/retention/helpers/test_helpers.go b/v1/services/retention/helpers/test_helpers.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..3af81bdf8c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/v1/services/retention/helpers/test_helpers.go @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +package helpers + +import ( + "fmt" + "time" + + "golang.org/x/exp/slices" + + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/v2/v1/services/meta" +) + +// DataDeleteShardGroup deletes the shard group specified by database, policy, and id from targetData. +// It does this by setting the shard group's DeletedAt time to now. We have to reimplement DeleteShardGroup +// instead of using data's so that the DeletedAt time will be deterministic. We are also not testing +// the functionality of DeleteShardGroup. We are testing if DeleteShardGroup gets called correctly. +func DataDeleteShardGroup(targetData *meta.Data, now time.Time, database, policy string, id uint64) error { + rpi, err := targetData.RetentionPolicy(database, policy) + + if err != nil { + return err + } else if rpi == nil { + return meta.ErrRetentionPolicyNotFound + } + + // Find shard group by ID and set its deletion timestamp. + for i := range rpi.ShardGroups { + if rpi.ShardGroups[i].ID == id { + rpi.ShardGroups[i].DeletedAt = now + return nil + } + } + + return meta.ErrShardGroupNotFound +} + +// DataNukeShardGroup unconditionally removes the shard group identified by targetDB, targetRP, and targetID +// from targetData. There's no meta.Data method to directly remove a shard group, only to mark it deleted and +// then prune it. We can't use the functionality we're testing to generate the expected result. +func DataNukeShardGroup(targetData *meta.Data, targetDB, targetRP string, targetID uint64) error { + rpi, err := targetData.RetentionPolicy(targetDB, targetRP) + if err != nil { + return err + } else if rpi == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("no retention policy found for %q, %q, %d", targetDB, targetRP, targetID) + } + isTargetShardGroup := func(sgi meta.ShardGroupInfo) bool { + return sgi.ID == targetID + } + if !slices.ContainsFunc(rpi.ShardGroups, isTargetShardGroup) { + return fmt.Errorf("shard not found for %q, %q, %d", targetDB, targetRP, targetID) + } + rpi.ShardGroups = slices.DeleteFunc(rpi.ShardGroups, isTargetShardGroup) + return nil +} diff --git a/v1/services/retention/service.go b/v1/services/retention/service.go index b263e3b7a90..92232091d56 100644 --- a/v1/services/retention/service.go +++ b/v1/services/retention/service.go @@ -3,31 +3,46 @@ package retention // import "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/services/retention" import ( "context" + "errors" + "fmt" "sync" "time" "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/v2/logger" + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/v2/tsdb" "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/v2/v1/services/meta" "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus" "go.uber.org/zap" ) +type MetaClient interface { + Databases() []meta.DatabaseInfo + DeleteShardGroup(database, policy string, id uint64) error + DropShard(id uint64) error + PruneShardGroups() error +} + // Service represents the retention policy enforcement service. type Service struct { - MetaClient interface { - Databases() []meta.DatabaseInfo - DeleteShardGroup(database, policy string, id uint64) error - PruneShardGroups() error - } + MetaClient TSDBStore interface { ShardIDs() []uint64 DeleteShard(shardID uint64) error } + // DropShardRef is a function that takes a shard ID and removes the + // "reference" to it in the meta data. For OSS, this would be a DropShard + // operation. For Enterprise, this would be a RemoveShardOwner operation. + // Also provided is owners, the list of node IDs of the shard owners + // according to the meta store. For OSS, owners will always be empty. + // Enterprise can use owners to optimize out calls to RemoveShardOwner + // if the current node doesn't actually own the shardID. This prevents + // a lot of unnecessary RPC calls. + DropShardMetaRef func(shardID uint64, owners []uint64) error + config Config wg sync.WaitGroup cancel context.CancelFunc - logger *zap.Logger } @@ -39,12 +54,23 @@ func NewService(c Config) *Service { } } +// OSSDropShardMetaRef creates a closure appropriate for OSS to use as DropShardMetaRef. +func OSSDropShardMetaRef(mc MetaClient) func(uint64, []uint64) error { + return func(shardID uint64, owners []uint64) error { + return mc.DropShard(shardID) + } +} + // Open starts retention policy enforcement. func (s *Service) Open(ctx context.Context) error { if !s.config.Enabled || s.cancel != nil { return nil } + if s.DropShardMetaRef == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid nil for retention service DropShardMetaRef") + } + s.logger.Info("Starting retention policy enforcement service", logger.DurationLiteral("check_interval", time.Duration(s.config.CheckInterval))) @@ -114,86 +140,139 @@ func (s *Service) run(ctx context.Context) { return case <-ticker.C: - startTime := time.Now() - log, logEnd := logger.NewOperation(context.Background(), s.logger, "Retention policy deletion check", "retention_delete_check") + s.DeletionCheck() + } + } +} - type deletionInfo struct { - db string - rp string +func (s *Service) DeletionCheck() { + log, logEnd := logger.NewOperation(context.Background(), s.logger, "Retention policy deletion check", "retention_delete_check") + defer logEnd() + + type deletionInfo struct { + db string + rp string + owners []uint64 + } + newDeletionInfo := func(db, rp string, si meta.ShardInfo) deletionInfo { + owners := make([]uint64, len(si.Owners)) + for i, o := range si.Owners { + owners[i] = o.NodeID + } + return deletionInfo{db: db, rp: rp, owners: owners} + } + deletedShardIDs := make(map[uint64]deletionInfo) + + dropShardMetaRef := func(id uint64, info deletionInfo) error { + if err := s.DropShardMetaRef(id, info.owners); err != nil { + log.Error("Failed to drop shard meta reference", + logger.Database(info.db), + logger.Shard(id), + logger.RetentionPolicy(info.rp), + zap.Error(err)) + return err + } + return nil + } + + // Mark down if an error occurred during this function so we can inform the + // user that we will try again on the next interval. + // Without the message, they may see the error message and assume they + // have to do it manually. + var retryNeeded bool + dbs := s.MetaClient.Databases() + for _, d := range dbs { + for _, r := range d.RetentionPolicies { + // Build list of already deleted shards. + for _, g := range r.DeletedShardGroups() { + for _, sh := range g.Shards { + deletedShardIDs[sh.ID] = newDeletionInfo(d.Name, r.Name, sh) + } } - deletedShardIDs := make(map[uint64]deletionInfo) - - // Mark down if an error occurred during this function so we can inform the - // user that we will try again on the next interval. - // Without the message, they may see the error message and assume they - // have to do it manually. - var retryNeeded bool - dbs := s.MetaClient.Databases() - for _, d := range dbs { - for _, r := range d.RetentionPolicies { - // Build list of already deleted shards. - for _, g := range r.DeletedShardGroups() { - for _, sh := range g.Shards { - deletedShardIDs[sh.ID] = deletionInfo{db: d.Name, rp: r.Name} - } - } - - // Determine all shards that have expired and need to be deleted. - for _, g := range r.ExpiredShardGroups(time.Now().UTC()) { - if err := s.MetaClient.DeleteShardGroup(d.Name, r.Name, g.ID); err != nil { - log.Info("Failed to delete shard group", - logger.Database(d.Name), - logger.ShardGroup(g.ID), - logger.RetentionPolicy(r.Name), - zap.Error(err)) - retryNeeded = true - continue - } - - log.Info("Deleted shard group", - logger.Database(d.Name), - logger.ShardGroup(g.ID), - logger.RetentionPolicy(r.Name)) - - // Store all the shard IDs that may possibly need to be removed locally. - for _, sh := range g.Shards { - deletedShardIDs[sh.ID] = deletionInfo{db: d.Name, rp: r.Name} - } - } + + // Determine all shards that have expired and need to be deleted. + for _, g := range r.ExpiredShardGroups(time.Now().UTC()) { + if err := s.MetaClient.DeleteShardGroup(d.Name, r.Name, g.ID); err != nil { + log.Info("Failed to delete shard group", + logger.Database(d.Name), + logger.ShardGroup(g.ID), + logger.RetentionPolicy(r.Name), + zap.Error(err)) + retryNeeded = true + continue + } + + log.Info("Deleted shard group", + logger.Database(d.Name), + logger.ShardGroup(g.ID), + logger.RetentionPolicy(r.Name)) + + // Store all the shard IDs that may possibly need to be removed locally. + for _, sh := range g.Shards { + deletedShardIDs[sh.ID] = newDeletionInfo(d.Name, r.Name, sh) } } + } + } - // Remove shards if we store them locally - for _, id := range s.TSDBStore.ShardIDs() { - if info, ok := deletedShardIDs[id]; ok { - if err := s.TSDBStore.DeleteShard(id); err != nil { - log.Info("Failed to delete shard", - logger.Database(info.db), - logger.Shard(id), - logger.RetentionPolicy(info.rp), - zap.Error(err)) - retryNeeded = true - continue - } - log.Info("Deleted shard", + // Remove shards if we store them locally + for _, id := range s.TSDBStore.ShardIDs() { + if info, ok := deletedShardIDs[id]; ok { + delete(deletedShardIDs, id) + log.Info("Attempting deletion of shard from store", + logger.Database(info.db), + logger.Shard(id), + logger.RetentionPolicy(info.rp)) + if err := s.TSDBStore.DeleteShard(id); err != nil { + log.Error("Failed to delete shard", + logger.Database(info.db), + logger.Shard(id), + logger.RetentionPolicy(info.rp), + zap.Error(err)) + if errors.Is(err, tsdb.ErrShardNotFound) { + // At first you wouldn't think this could happen, we're iterating over shards + // in the store. However, if this has been a very long running operation the + // shard could have been dropped from the store while we were working on other shards. + log.Warn("Shard does not exist in store, continuing retention removal", logger.Database(info.db), logger.Shard(id), logger.RetentionPolicy(info.rp)) + } else { + retryNeeded = true + continue } } - - if err := s.MetaClient.PruneShardGroups(); err != nil { - log.Info("Problem pruning shard groups", zap.Error(err)) + log.Info("Deleted shard", + logger.Database(info.db), + logger.Shard(id), + logger.RetentionPolicy(info.rp)) + if err := dropShardMetaRef(id, info); err != nil { + // removeShardMetaReference already logged the error. retryNeeded = true + continue } + } + } - if retryNeeded { - log.Info("One or more errors occurred during shard deletion and will be retried on the next check", logger.DurationLiteral("check_interval", time.Duration(s.config.CheckInterval))) - } - - logEnd() - elapsed := time.Since(startTime) - globalRetentionMetrics.checkDuration.Observe(elapsed.Seconds()) + // Check for expired phantom shards that exist in the metadata but not in the store. + for id, info := range deletedShardIDs { + log.Error("Expired phantom shard detected during retention check, removing from metadata", + logger.Database(info.db), + logger.Shard(id), + logger.RetentionPolicy(info.rp)) + if err := dropShardMetaRef(id, info); err != nil { + // removeShardMetaReference already logged the error. + retryNeeded = true + continue } } + + if err := s.MetaClient.PruneShardGroups(); err != nil { + log.Info("Problem pruning shard groups", zap.Error(err)) + retryNeeded = true + } + + if retryNeeded { + log.Info("One or more errors occurred during shard deletion and will be retried on the next check", logger.DurationLiteral("check_interval", time.Duration(s.config.CheckInterval))) + } } diff --git a/v1/services/retention/service_test.go b/v1/services/retention/service_test.go index 3cbb7c6103e..8ae1816d669 100644 --- a/v1/services/retention/service_test.go +++ b/v1/services/retention/service_test.go @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package retention_test import ( "context" "fmt" + "math" "reflect" "sync" "testing" @@ -10,11 +11,15 @@ import ( "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/v2/internal" "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/v2/toml" + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/v2/tsdb" "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/v2/v1/services/meta" "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/v2/v1/services/retention" + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/v2/v1/services/retention/helpers" + "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" "go.uber.org/zap" "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore" "go.uber.org/zap/zaptest/observer" + "golang.org/x/exp/maps" ) func TestService_OpenDisabled(t *testing.T) { @@ -60,6 +65,201 @@ func TestService_OpenClose(t *testing.T) { } } +func TestRetention_DeletionCheck(t *testing.T) { + cfg := retention.Config{ + Enabled: true, + + // This test runs DeletionCheck manually for the test cases. It is about checking + // the results of DeletionCheck, not if it is run properly on the timer. + // Set a long check interval so the deletion check won't run on its own during the test. + CheckInterval: toml.Duration(time.Hour * 24), + } + + now := time.Now().UTC() + shardDuration := time.Hour * 24 * 14 + shardGroupDuration := time.Hour * 24 + foreverShard := uint64(1003) // a shard that can't be deleted + phantomShard := uint64(1006) + dataUT := &meta.Data{ + Users: []meta.UserInfo{}, + Databases: []meta.DatabaseInfo{ + { + Name: "servers", + DefaultRetentionPolicy: "autogen", + RetentionPolicies: []meta.RetentionPolicyInfo{ + { + Name: "autogen", + ReplicaN: 2, + Duration: shardDuration, + ShardGroupDuration: shardGroupDuration, + ShardGroups: []meta.ShardGroupInfo{ + // Shard group 1 is deleted and expired group with a single shard. + { + ID: 1, + StartTime: now.Truncate(time.Hour * 24).Add(-2*shardDuration + 0*shardGroupDuration).Add(meta.ShardGroupDeletedExpiration), + EndTime: now.Truncate(time.Hour * 24).Add(-2*shardDuration + 1*shardGroupDuration).Add(meta.ShardGroupDeletedExpiration), + DeletedAt: now.Truncate(time.Hour * 24).Add(-1 * shardDuration).Add(meta.ShardGroupDeletedExpiration), + Shards: []meta.ShardInfo{ + { + ID: 101, + }, + }, + }, + // Shard group 2 is deleted and expired with no shards. + // Note a shard group with no shards should not exist anyway. + { + ID: 2, + StartTime: now.Truncate(time.Hour * 24).Add(-2*shardDuration + 2*shardGroupDuration).Add(meta.ShardGroupDeletedExpiration), + EndTime: now.Truncate(time.Hour * 24).Add(-2*shardDuration + 1*shardGroupDuration).Add(meta.ShardGroupDeletedExpiration), + DeletedAt: now.Truncate(time.Hour * 24).Add(-1 * shardDuration).Add(meta.ShardGroupDeletedExpiration), + }, + // Shard group 3 is deleted and expired, but its shard can not be deleted. + { + ID: 3, + StartTime: now.Truncate(time.Hour * 24).Add(-2*shardDuration + 2*shardGroupDuration).Add(meta.ShardGroupDeletedExpiration), + EndTime: now.Truncate(time.Hour * 24).Add(-2*shardDuration + 1*shardGroupDuration).Add(meta.ShardGroupDeletedExpiration), + DeletedAt: now.Truncate(time.Hour * 24).Add(-1 * shardDuration).Add(meta.ShardGroupDeletedExpiration), + Shards: []meta.ShardInfo{ + { + ID: foreverShard, + }, + }, + }, + // Shard group 4 is deleted, but not expired with a single shard. + { + ID: 4, + StartTime: now.Truncate(time.Hour * 24).Add(-2*shardDuration + 0*shardGroupDuration), + EndTime: now.Truncate(time.Hour * 24).Add(-2*shardDuration + 1*shardGroupDuration), + DeletedAt: now.Truncate(time.Hour * 24), + Shards: []meta.ShardInfo{ + { + ID: 104, + }, + }, + }, + // Shard group 5 is active and should not be touched. + { + ID: 5, + StartTime: now.Truncate(time.Hour * 24).Add(0 * shardGroupDuration), + EndTime: now.Truncate(time.Hour * 24).Add(1 * shardGroupDuration), + Shards: []meta.ShardInfo{ + { + ID: 105, + }, + }, + }, + // Shard group 6 is a deleted and expired shard group with a phantom shard that doesn't exist in the store. + { + ID: 6, + StartTime: now.Truncate(time.Hour * 24).Add(-2*shardDuration + 0*shardGroupDuration).Add(meta.ShardGroupDeletedExpiration), + EndTime: now.Truncate(time.Hour * 24).Add(-2*shardDuration + 1*shardGroupDuration).Add(meta.ShardGroupDeletedExpiration), + DeletedAt: now.Truncate(time.Hour * 24).Add(-1 * shardDuration).Add(meta.ShardGroupDeletedExpiration), + Shards: []meta.ShardInfo{ + { + ID: phantomShard, + }, + }, + }, + }, + }, + }, + }, + }, + } + expData := dataUT.Clone() + + databasesFn := func() []meta.DatabaseInfo { + return dataUT.Databases + } + deleteShardGroupFn := func(database, policy string, id uint64) error { + return helpers.DataDeleteShardGroup(dataUT, now, database, policy, id) + } + dropShardFn := func(id uint64) error { + dataUT.DropShard(id) + return nil + } + pruneShardGroupsFn := func() error { + // PruneShardGroups is the core functionality we are testing. We must use meta.Data's version. + dataUT.PruneShardGroups(now.Add(meta.ShardGroupDeletedExpiration)) + return nil + } + mc := &internal.MetaClientMock{ + DatabasesFn: databasesFn, + DeleteShardGroupFn: deleteShardGroupFn, + DropShardFn: dropShardFn, + PruneShardGroupsFn: pruneShardGroupsFn, + } + + collectShards := func(d *meta.Data) map[uint64]struct{} { + s := map[uint64]struct{}{} + for _, db := range d.Databases { + for _, rp := range db.RetentionPolicies { + for _, sg := range rp.ShardGroups { + for _, sh := range sg.Shards { + s[sh.ID] = struct{}{} + } + } + } + } + return s + } + + // All these shards are yours except phantomShard. Attempt no deletion there. + shards := collectShards(dataUT) + delete(shards, phantomShard) + + shardIDs := func() []uint64 { + return maps.Keys(shards) + } + deleteShard := func(shardID uint64) error { + if _, ok := shards[shardID]; !ok { + return tsdb.ErrShardNotFound + } + if shardID == foreverShard { + return fmt.Errorf("unknown error deleting shard files for shard %d", shardID) + } + delete(shards, shardID) + return nil + } + store := &internal.TSDBStoreMock{ + DeleteShardFn: deleteShard, + ShardIDsFn: shardIDs, + } + + s := retention.NewService(cfg) + s.MetaClient = mc + s.TSDBStore = store + s.DropShardMetaRef = retention.OSSDropShardMetaRef(s.MetaClient) + require.NoError(t, s.Open(context.Background())) + s.DeletionCheck() + + // Adjust expData to make it look like we expect. + require.NoError(t, helpers.DataNukeShardGroup(expData, "servers", "autogen", 1)) + require.NoError(t, helpers.DataNukeShardGroup(expData, "servers", "autogen", 2)) + expData.DropShard(104) + require.NoError(t, helpers.DataNukeShardGroup(expData, "servers", "autogen", 6)) + + require.Equal(t, expData, dataUT) + require.Equal(t, collectShards(expData), shards) + + // Check that multiple duplicate calls to DeletionCheck don't make further changes. + // This is mostly for our friend foreverShard. + for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { + s.DeletionCheck() + require.Equal(t, expData, dataUT) + require.Equal(t, collectShards(expData), shards) + } + + // Our heroic support team hos fixed the issue with foreverShard. + foreverShard = math.MaxUint64 + s.DeletionCheck() + require.NoError(t, helpers.DataNukeShardGroup(expData, "servers", "autogen", 3)) + require.Equal(t, expData, dataUT) + require.Equal(t, collectShards(expData), shards) + + require.NoError(t, s.Close()) +} + func TestService_CheckShards(t *testing.T) { now := time.Now() // Account for any time difference that could cause some of the logic in @@ -71,43 +271,44 @@ func TestService_CheckShards(t *testing.T) { time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) } - data := []meta.DatabaseInfo{ - { - Name: "db0", - - DefaultRetentionPolicy: "rp0", - RetentionPolicies: []meta.RetentionPolicyInfo{ - { - Name: "rp0", - ReplicaN: 1, - Duration: time.Hour, - ShardGroupDuration: time.Hour, - ShardGroups: []meta.ShardGroupInfo{ - { - ID: 1, - StartTime: now.Truncate(time.Hour).Add(-2 * time.Hour), - EndTime: now.Truncate(time.Hour).Add(-1 * time.Hour), - Shards: []meta.ShardInfo{ - {ID: 2}, - {ID: 3}, + data := meta.Data{ + Databases: []meta.DatabaseInfo{ + { + Name: "db0", + DefaultRetentionPolicy: "rp0", + RetentionPolicies: []meta.RetentionPolicyInfo{ + { + Name: "rp0", + ReplicaN: 1, + Duration: time.Hour, + ShardGroupDuration: time.Hour, + ShardGroups: []meta.ShardGroupInfo{ + { + ID: 1, + StartTime: now.Truncate(time.Hour).Add(-2 * time.Hour), + EndTime: now.Truncate(time.Hour).Add(-1 * time.Hour), + Shards: []meta.ShardInfo{ + {ID: 2}, + {ID: 3}, + }, }, - }, - { - ID: 4, - StartTime: now.Truncate(time.Hour).Add(-1 * time.Hour), - EndTime: now.Truncate(time.Hour), - Shards: []meta.ShardInfo{ - {ID: 5}, - {ID: 6}, + { + ID: 4, + StartTime: now.Truncate(time.Hour).Add(-1 * time.Hour), + EndTime: now.Truncate(time.Hour), + Shards: []meta.ShardInfo{ + {ID: 5}, + {ID: 6}, + }, }, - }, - { - ID: 7, - StartTime: now.Truncate(time.Hour), - EndTime: now.Truncate(time.Hour).Add(time.Hour), - Shards: []meta.ShardInfo{ - {ID: 8}, - {ID: 9}, + { + ID: 7, + StartTime: now.Truncate(time.Hour), + EndTime: now.Truncate(time.Hour).Add(time.Hour), + Shards: []meta.ShardInfo{ + {ID: 8}, + {ID: 9}, + }, }, }, }, @@ -120,13 +321,13 @@ func TestService_CheckShards(t *testing.T) { config.CheckInterval = toml.Duration(10 * time.Millisecond) s := NewService(t, config) s.MetaClient.DatabasesFn = func() []meta.DatabaseInfo { - return data + return data.Databases } done := make(chan struct{}) deletedShardGroups := make(map[string]struct{}) s.MetaClient.DeleteShardGroupFn = func(database, policy string, id uint64) error { - for _, dbi := range data { + for _, dbi := range data.Databases { if dbi.Name == database { for _, rpi := range dbi.RetentionPolicies { if rpi.Name == policy { @@ -151,6 +352,25 @@ func TestService_CheckShards(t *testing.T) { return nil } + dropShardDone := make(chan struct{}) + droppedShards := make(map[uint64]struct{}) + s.MetaClient.DropShardFn = func(id uint64) error { + data.DropShard(id) + if _, ok := droppedShards[id]; ok { + t.Errorf("duplicate DropShard") + } + droppedShards[id] = struct{}{} + if got, want := droppedShards, map[uint64]struct{}{ + 2: struct{}{}, + 3: struct{}{}, + }; reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) { + close(dropShardDone) + } else if len(got) > len(want) { + t.Errorf("dropped too many shards") + } + return nil + } + pruned := false closing := make(chan struct{}) s.MetaClient.PruneShardGroupsFn = func() error { @@ -165,11 +385,21 @@ func TestService_CheckShards(t *testing.T) { return nil } + activeShards := map[uint64]struct{}{ + 2: struct{}{}, + 3: struct{}{}, + 5: struct{}{}, + 6: struct{}{}, + } deletedShards := make(map[uint64]struct{}) s.TSDBStore.ShardIDsFn = func() []uint64 { - return []uint64{2, 3, 5, 6} + return maps.Keys(activeShards) } s.TSDBStore.DeleteShardFn = func(shardID uint64) error { + if _, ok := activeShards[shardID]; !ok { + return tsdb.ErrShardNotFound + } + delete(activeShards, shardID) deletedShards[shardID] = struct{}{} return nil } @@ -185,6 +415,14 @@ func TestService_CheckShards(t *testing.T) { timer := time.NewTimer(100 * time.Millisecond) select { + case <-dropShardDone: + timer.Stop() + case <-timer.C: + t.Errorf("timeout waiting for shard to be dropped") + } + + timer = time.NewTimer(100 * time.Millisecond) + select { case <-done: timer.Stop() case <-timer.C: @@ -242,30 +480,32 @@ func testService_8819_repro(t *testing.T) (*Service, chan error, chan struct{}) var mu sync.Mutex shards := []uint64{3, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12} localShards := []uint64{3, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12} - databases := []meta.DatabaseInfo{ - { - Name: "db0", - RetentionPolicies: []meta.RetentionPolicyInfo{ - { - Name: "autogen", - Duration: 24 * time.Hour, - ShardGroupDuration: 24 * time.Hour, - ShardGroups: []meta.ShardGroupInfo{ - { - ID: 1, - StartTime: time.Date(1980, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC), - EndTime: time.Date(1981, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC), - Shards: []meta.ShardInfo{ - {ID: 3}, {ID: 9}, + data := meta.Data{ + Databases: []meta.DatabaseInfo{ + { + Name: "db0", + RetentionPolicies: []meta.RetentionPolicyInfo{ + { + Name: "autogen", + Duration: 24 * time.Hour, + ShardGroupDuration: 24 * time.Hour, + ShardGroups: []meta.ShardGroupInfo{ + { + ID: 1, + StartTime: time.Date(1980, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC), + EndTime: time.Date(1981, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC), + Shards: []meta.ShardInfo{ + {ID: 3}, {ID: 9}, + }, }, - }, - { - ID: 2, - StartTime: time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Hour), - EndTime: time.Now(), - DeletedAt: time.Now(), - Shards: []meta.ShardInfo{ - {ID: 11}, {ID: 12}, + { + ID: 2, + StartTime: time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Hour), + EndTime: time.Now(), + DeletedAt: time.Now(), + Shards: []meta.ShardInfo{ + {ID: 11}, {ID: 12}, + }, }, }, }, @@ -284,7 +524,7 @@ func testService_8819_repro(t *testing.T) (*Service, chan error, chan struct{}) s.MetaClient.DatabasesFn = func() []meta.DatabaseInfo { mu.Lock() defer mu.Unlock() - return databases + return data.Databases } s.MetaClient.DeleteShardGroupFn = func(database string, policy string, id uint64) error { @@ -308,11 +548,18 @@ func testService_8819_repro(t *testing.T) (*Service, chan error, chan struct{}) } } shards = newShards - databases[0].RetentionPolicies[0].ShardGroups[0].DeletedAt = time.Now().UTC() + data.Databases[0].RetentionPolicies[0].ShardGroups[0].DeletedAt = time.Now().UTC() mu.Unlock() return nil } + s.MetaClient.DropShardFn = func(shardID uint64) error { + mu.Lock() + defer mu.Unlock() + data.DropShard(shardID) + return nil + } + s.MetaClient.PruneShardGroupsFn = func() error { // When this is called all shards that have been deleted from the meta // store (expired) should also have been deleted from disk. @@ -401,5 +648,6 @@ func NewService(tb testing.TB, c retention.Config) *Service { s.Service.MetaClient = s.MetaClient s.Service.TSDBStore = s.TSDBStore + s.Service.DropShardMetaRef = retention.OSSDropShardMetaRef(s.Service.MetaClient) return s }