The Sidetree components can be build an operated as dockerized containers. To run a sidetree installation, you'll need the following images:
- sidetree-bitcore -- Bitcore Node with Sidetree Bitcore Extension
- sidetree-bitcoin -- Generic Blockchain Interface with Bitcoin Implementation
- sidetree-core -- Sidetree Core Interface
- mongo
- ipfs
You'll need to have Docker Environment setup. To interact with the docker-compose.yaml
you'll also need docker-compose
To build all containers locally run
docker-compose build
in the root directory of this repository.
docker-compose up {"service"}
Containers are (mostly) configured via environment variables. These are:
- BITCOIN_NETWORK: {testnet, livenet}
- BITCOIN_PRIVATE_KEY_WIF: "Private Key in XX Format"
- BITCOIN_FEE: "Tx Fee in Satoshi"