Commitizer automates generating commits and contributions table from TAST repository, with specified branch and other flags. See Command line options
Assuming you have go set up in your system, please proceed as follows:
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone
docker container run -d -p 9222:9222 zenika/alpine-chrome --no-sandbox --remote-debugging-address= --remote-debugging-port=9222
For headless chrome take a look here
To run the commitizer, either use already built executable commitizer
in root and call it with specified command line options if necessary.
For example, running
./commitizer -repoURL= -branchName=main -numCommits=5
will get the last 5 commits of the repo from the branch main
If you wish to generate your own commitizer executable with name exec-name
, run :
go build -o exec-name
The proceed with executable as outlined above.
For building commitizer with Headless chrome, run:
docker build -t commitizer .
docker run -it --rm --net host commitizer
Flag Name | Default value | Description |
-repoURL | | Repository URL to obtain the commits from |
-numCommits | 10 | Number of commits to be obtained |
-branchName | main | Name of the branch on the first page to start the commitizer process |
-timeout | 15 | Sets the context timeout value |
-pathCommits | sample/commits-data/ | Path to store the commit files |
-pathCSV | sample/commits-data/ | Path to store the CSV file |