The purpose of this project is to dynamically visualise all the three-phase symmetrical components. This includes the following definitions for symmetrical components:
- The orginal definition proposed by Fortescue, which is at its centenary this year (2018)
- Symmetrical components for the Clarke Transform (amplitude invariant), according to the DSOGI
- Symmetrical components for the Park Transform, calculated from the DSOGI Clarke Transform symmetrical components
This project would allow the user to define the three-phase inputs and the PLL angle to allow studies of different situations.
This project would provide the plots in both the time-domain and the polar-domain.
This project would allow the user to export the plots in various formats.
This project would allow the user to export the raw data in CSV.
This project would save user-defined inputs automatically in an INI file.
The GUI of this project is built with Qt designer.
GUI and Input fields:
Time-domain plots:
Polar-domain plots:
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :numbered: preface intro gsySymmMain gsyTransforms gsyPlt gsyIO gsyINI appendix bio