- base_image -> create debian7
- base_image -> create debian8
- base_image -> create centos6
- base_image -> create redhat6
- base_image -> create redhat7
- function -> Automated CIS benchmark.
- base_image -> put all base images on a repository or S3 bucket
- docs -> Create guidelines to create base images.
- @all -> Test remote execution and caching system.
- @all -> Create script to check syntax and lint of the module like pylint.
- @all -> Output for ansible
- @all -> Add common Lint and syntax check for BASH.
- present.sh -> Add DHCP option.
- present.sh -> Create configuration per distro.
- present.sh -> Custom DNS (optional).
- present.sh -> Image download and cache on the XEN system
- present.sh -> Handle multiple vif (hardware & OS configuration).
- absent.sh -> Add keep disks feature
- [WIP] reconfigure.sh -> Check hypervisor capacity before running the reconfiguration.
- configure_xen.sh -> install required pkgs, download images, create /mnt/easyxen/{log,images}, remove image if is older than x and has tag removable.)
- Makefile -> Syntax improvement and better setup.
- Rewrite in Python.